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Back-to-work Monday


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Hey Ya'll! :wave: Good early morning!


It's back to work. Having the past 2 days off was great. It seems that my weekends keep getting shorter. I think I keep trying to squish more into each one! :grinning-smiley-044:


Today is predicted to be 60 degrees with sunshine! :woohoo: This weather sure helps put everyone in a good mood. When working in customer service like I do, a chick learns to appreciate

any help the Lord can give! :whistling:


At this poiint, we won't be planting a garden this year in anticipation of a move. Bummer. I'm gonna do some research about container gardening. I found a book at a thrift shop a long time ago but now I don't know

where that book may be found.....hmmmmm......scavenger hunt is in my future! :wink (2):


Also thinking about Easter.....anyone have any special plans yet?


Have a fantabulous day, Everyone!!!!!






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Good morning,


I was loading up the kids to go to preschool and received the call that school was canceled (we follow the school corp. & they canceled) because of dense fog (40 miles south). So, I think we'll go to the library for a little while and make cookies instead maybe I'll dig out the flashcards or something so she can do some school work. I grew up in that school system and I can't remember ever canceling for fog, delays, yes never a cancellation.


Made it to church yesterday so the first battle was won. DD freaked out in the classroom, lots of kids and new situation, we should have known better. DS had a great time, especially when all of the other kids went to have snack and he had the toys to himself :rolleyes: .


Maple syrup making went well until they realized the rain was coming in and there wasn't a shelter built. So DH, BIL and FIL were constructing a makeshift shelter with plywood boards. DS ended up with his first splinter while running around and was more upset that he had to come in to have it cleaned and removed than the actually splinter.


Have a great day. :bighug2:

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