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I guess I keep hoping that life will settle down some, but it seems there's always something more.


God is gracious... He sprinkles the fun stuff around so that there are giggles with the tears.


Last Sunday our church did an early recognition for our graduates, of which one is my oldest. One of the Moms asked for baby & growing-up pictures and made a video of each of the graduates' pictures as a sweet peek at their lives up till now.


These church friends of my son's have been with him and together from Kindergarten, and wonderful support for each other. Some are even going on to the same college.


How touching it was to see the tape! I dare not watch my copy just yet... Might as well combine the postage!!


Coming here has been a blessing, to just kick back & read & enjoy your posts. It gives me something else to think about, which I sorely need right now.


I hope each of you truly know how important you are to me...




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Cat, I'm praying for your brothers. I'm so sorry to hear about their illnesses. I'm with you on the chickenpox, many of the immunizations that children recieve are necessary, but I allowed all of my children to get chicken pox to build up a natural immunity. So many many years ago my children all had their MMR's and ya know what? When I enrolled them in kindergarten they had to have them again because the country decided their first ones were given too soon. Now I have children that are allergic to tetnis shots and one that was allergic to the pertussis immunization... it's scarey just how many children die each year or are brain damaged or crippled from these shots. I am a nurse and I realize they are necessary, but at the same time I am reluctant to immunize against chicken pox. that is just my opinion.... T.

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Hi Kitty,

You sure have a lot on your mind.

First......CONGRATULATIONS on your Sons almost graduation.


Bummer about your daughters exposure.Are you seein spots yet?


I'm thinkin....your brothers sound an awful lot like my brother.....alot of worry and praying.

Your not alone. I'll be praying for them all.

Keep lookin up!



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I will say a prayer for your brothers and hope they are fine. I am also dependent on friends on this forum.

It is such a comfort to come here and find that you are not alone in your worries and joys. It is a treat to share them with friends.

Love ya....Cat. Take care


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Thanks, happygirl! I kinda like her, too! LOL


We *think* she has the first "pox" on her cheek tonight.


I have been almost afraid I'd kept her out of school for nothing.


I rented a bunch of cheap videotapes today to cover the weekend for her. $1.99 for 5 days isn't bad.


Younger brother has to wait until an inflammation in his esophagus has cleared up (with medication), and then they'll take another biopsy. The first one wasn't clear enough to tell what's happening in there.



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