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A New Week


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Good Morning Sunshines!


At 6:30 I noticed the temperature was 35. I will be so disgusted if my plants froze. For weeks I've covered them when necessary and I may have missed last night, 2 weeks from the time I SHOULD have put them out. Oh well, I knew better when I put them out sooooooo :whistling:


I've got the kitchen cleaned, 2nd load of laundry going and I'm ready for breakfast. We'll see what the rest of the day brings.


What are you up to? Let us know! No matter what you're doing make sure you have some laughter along the way!!!



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Had to put ALL the seedlings and plants from the Greenhouse into cellar (and a good thing we did) as no sun to warm up the greenhouse and low temps. at night.

Seeing we have snow on the ground (wet heavy snow about 1/2 now) we are stay home and I am making bread ( 4 loafs) instead of Tuesday. Areas around us without power but of cause we are fine which is OK but feel bad for ones without and no (electric) heat in this cold weather?

Luck for me I waited a few days before putting things in the ground in the vegetable Garden as we are in for a few days of this kind of cold wet weather.

Welcome to April in New York!


weather.com has calls this storm a "snowpril" <-- snow in April :sHa_sarcasticlol:


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Good afternoon~


AH~ I swore you were in PA. Glad you aren't getting hit with the big snow.


Kids had school this morning and we were up and out early this morning. Dropped DD off at my sister's and picked up niece. Dropped DS1 & DN off at school and ran to an old neighbor's house (not sure if I should say friend or not, I grew up with her kids but she is a friend). I showed her my instruction booklet for my knitting loom (circle) and let her hang onto it as hers didn't come with it. She told me the easy way to figure out how much of a certain fabric that I needed to make a summer/sun dress for DD.


DS2 and I picked up DD and my nephew (who was waiting for me to get him when I left for school, naked with his shoes on, he'll be 2 in August). Went to my parents house for the kids to play. My sister did the school switch, picked up DS1 and niece and dropped off DD. Boys and I went and picked up DD and made it home in some strong wind.


Working on my second load of laundry and a load of dishes. Bison burgers, sweet potato fries for dinner for myself, DH and DS2. DD and DS1 will have hot dogs and mac and cheese and carrots.


DD has taekwondo tomorrow and testing next Tuesday (working on her 2nd degree green in the junior level) and we need to buy a birthday present and some meat in the morning. I'm hoping to catch up on laundry tomorrow and some cleaning.


Have a great day!

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