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The UnDiet Exercise Tips


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The UnDiet Exercise Tips

Okay! This website is not supposed to be about exercise, but let's face it - you gotta do it! For your health, for your weight, to guard against aging, there's no getting around it. So this page is for all those of us who don't like exercise, find it boring, can't fit it into our schedules, whatever your excuse, hopefully you'll find a suggestion here that will help you overcome the hurdle(s).


Keep in mind that unless you're working for at least twenty minutes with no breaks at what Bob Greene (Oprah Winfrey's trainer) calls Level 6 you won't be burning fat or raising your metabolism, you'll simply be burning calories. Now burning calories is nice, but working out at Level 6 for twenty minutes a day is like tapping into a magic formula! When you raise your metabolism on a daily basis you'll be burning calories all day long, as well as using your fat as fuel during your workout.


You can tell that you're working out at Level 6 if you're breathing heavy but still able to carry on a conversation, although you'd prefer not to. After 10-12 minutes of working out you'll be sweating and continuing to sweat through the rest of your workout. You won't be working out so hard that you won't be able to maintain your level of intensity through the entire workout, although you could up your workout intensity for a minute or two then drop back down to Level 6.


Now I don't want you to get discouraged. When you're first stepping into the UnDiet, depending on your former lifestyle and eating habits you might be overwhelmed with the process of giving up favorite foods, experimenting with substitutes that will give you the same pleasure, and generally feeling deprived. Adding a Level 6 workout to this may be too much. If that's the case focus on mini-workouts until you're ready to handle adding a new element to your life. Don't wait too long though. Try adding a Level 6 workout once a week for a month, then twice a week for a month, three times a week, etc. until you're working out at Level 6 every day. Yes, every day! Occasionally you'll need to miss a day, but don't let it happen too often or you'll start letting excuses, circumstances and how you feel when you wake up in the morning determine whether or not you'll workout that day. Don't give yourself permission to decide whether or not you'll workout, just do it - every day.


A word of warning. Alcohol will definitely affect your Level 6 workouts. For most of you even drinking one beer or one glass of wine the night before will make your legs feel like lead the next day during your workout. You'll struggle just to make it through to twenty minutes. Is it worth it? You can determine that.


If you're not doing a Level 6 workout, try to incorporate at least three (and preferably four) mini-workouts into your day. Even if you're doing your Level 6 workout mini-workouts are great habits to get into. They burn calories, they get you into a position where you can't eat, they enrich your life by getting you out and about with friends and family.


Mini-workouts are anything that gets you moving for a few minutes or longer. Try walking your kids to school and then power walking home, running up your stairs instead of walking, doing errands with a back pack or stroller instead of taking the car ...


Allright. That outa' get you started!



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Now this is something I can try. I very much dislike excercising. I'd much rather curl up with a book or pretty much do anything that doesn't involve exerting myself. I like to go for walks but often my schedule does not allow for that leisure time to do so. Even when I walk, I prefer to do so at a fast rate but not too much that I sweat....well, tonight I went for a 20 minute powerwalk as suggested in the above article and Whoa!!!...am I ever sweaty and whatta workout. It was dark so I felt free to swing my arms with no one watching. I feel like I've walked 5 miles! I believe there is something to this and plan to continue daily. I cannot squeeze an extra hour into my schedule each day for excercise but I can easily find 20 minutes. Recently, a friend of mine lost 20 some pounds in 5 weeks doing this plan, without changing her diet. She is my inspiration!

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Ginger, thanks for posting that site. There's lots of good information there. I was especially interested in the Forbidden Foods and Produce Power areas. It'll make good reading and hopefully lead to better eating!


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Hey Ginger there's a lot of good information there. One thing that I know would help me is if I could afford a cook like Oprah can. If someone would just clean all those vegetables etc. and cook them for me I think I could eat perfectly most of the time BUT doing it myself it's so much easier to grab something already prepared!


I'm going to try this though and see how I do!

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