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She's serious Nana.....they're HORRIBLE! I have never seen such a mess as these Asian Beetles are causing this year. I just tried counting the ones on the living room ceiling and I gave up at 50. They're even in bed with us! They're on every ceiling in the house and outside on the windows and side of the house like raindrops.


I tried to work outside a little bit this afternoon and even had one crawl down inside my bra and bite me on the, on the, well, you know where. Have you heard anything about when they think they might disappear???

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After leaving the farm in Wis last year, I am enjoying a respite from the pests. The last several years included a 2-3 week autumn battle for ownership of the house. It was a fairly new place so the cracks were extremely minimal. The beetles even came inside on the dog.

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Those beetles are quite the pests, aren't they!?? Today we sprayed the exterior of the house with BugBeGone, and there are literally thousands of dead beetles outside the house now. The spray is to last 4 weeks, but at this point, I'd be dancing in the yard if it would last 4 days!


Homesteader, you are so right about keeping the vacuum cleaner hose handy!


We've heard several different methods to keep them away from the house - supposedly, they don't like the taste/smell of orange extract, garlic, basil, or Dawn dish detergent....so if you can somehow dilute any of those and spray around your house, it's to help.

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I had to go and look this up on google; we don't get them here, thank goodness, they sound a real pain. Do they only come at this time of year, or are they there all the time? What do they eat - do they attack specific plants, or do they eat anything else?

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I forgot to say: that seems to be what happens quite often when foreign species are imported into other countries - Australia has rabbit and toad problems, our Western Isles has had problems with hedgehogs and thousands of them have had to be killed as they got overrun with them after they were imported over the water to eat slugs etc. Interfering with nature - seldom a good idea.

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I'm sorry, Dee! I knew she was serious...I was laughing at her saying that she felt better...

Thank goodness we don't get them here , I hate bugs. But then again, I have the eternal ant problem



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We haven't had a lot of them here so far, but one never knows when they will come. I have only seen a very few, this I am very thankful for.


Screaming always helps, Mary, doesn't it. I didn't know they would bite. I'll have to be careful if I see them getting close to me.





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Ants hate cucumbers, we lay cucumber pealings out in the areas we find ants. You have to change them every day but the ants don't come a visiting any more.


I think a person could figure out how to make a sort of cucumber tea and spray it around.



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I've finally come up with an effective plan for the ants; Bug-B-Gone in the yard, growing cucumbers, spraying the outside of the house, a powder or poison-free spray inside the house, and a cucumber cleaner called 'Method'. I also have those little electric plug thingies in every room in the house!



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For sure those things are a nightmare!! Get in the car, they're in there all over, ALL over the side of the house, in the house... OY!


Yesterday DH was out cutting firewood; he said they were biting him! I went out to help and found out - he's right!


You're right - do NOT mess with mother nature! Importing Asian ladybugs to help with the aphids or whatever it was, was a really stupid idea and I'd like to know WHO comes up with these ideas, and WHO okays them! DUHHH.


SIGH. Thanks for letting me get MY two cents in there too Mary, LOL.



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It took a beautiful Indian Summer day like yesterday to bring on the beetles. Now we are invaded. You can just see them swarming in the air, on the sides of the house, using every opportunity to get in the house! Uhhhhh! I have about 300 of the little beasts on my kitchen ceiling now preparing for a long winters nap. Today I plan to get my vacuum out with the long attachment and suck them up!! This may be a few day project by the size of the army outside my kitchen door but I plan to win!!


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Asian beetles....are those the ones that look like lady bugs? I took DD to a park on Monday and they were all over the place...they even landed on my face! I did think I had gotten bit a couple of times, but didn't think much of it, thinking that lady bugs don't bite.

I agree....don't mess with mother nature!

Ouch, Dee!

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For us it was an invasion of mice! I was working at the table one day several weeks ago, and a mouse crawled up the screen door. When I looked out on the deck, there was one there, and a third mouse was between the glass and screen door. That weekend, we caught 12 mice.........but no more since then, but the traps are still out. It's that time of year when they want to come. Thankfully, I haven't seen any sign of them in the house, just the deck and garage.

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Yep Aisian beetles look like ladybugs but their shells aren't as bright. We have the little pests and the mice who want to come in for the winter. And we live in the city. I can only imagine how bad it is in the country where they don't spray. (Although if I'm very blessed I'll be finding out for myself next year.)


I would also like to know what genius decided it would be a good idea to import them. Evidently the zebra mussel thing didn't make an impression. hno:

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I live In Michigan. SOme supergenius decided that it would be a good idea to transplant zebra mussels (kind of like a clam I think) into the Detroit River to clean up the pollution in the River. The problem was that they did it so well, and mulitplied, that the algae grew to epidemic proportions and now the sunlight isn't getting to the bottom and the fish are dying and other toxins are developing. It might be another body of water, but that is the basic story. Sorry. I didn't mean to sound mysterious.

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Yep and they love attaching themselves to a lot of boats and clogging up the intake pipes for sewage treatments as well......fool with mother nature and you'll pay BIG time.

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"They" (whoever that is) are pretty stupid aren't they?!? I certainly hope they're working on a way to get rid of the mussels then. Hoping they are doing the same about the ladybugs!



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