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Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass


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Surgery is one way to get rid of unwanted pounds, but it is a hard way, I think.

Some people just can't lose weight any other way or have tried and then gain it all back.

Here is a url for some information on it.


My daughter had this surgery done in January this year and as of mid June had lost 70 pounds. She hasn't been able to weigh in at a meeting since. She has weighed on other scales, but wants to use the same ones each time she lets me know.

She was up here in June, and she looks so good. It was sometimes hard to know what to cook and or how to cook for her, but, she never went hungry. smile.gif She knew what she could and couldn't have and really stuck to it.

One thing about the surgery, if you over eat, it won't stay down. You can only eat small amounts and you eat several times a day.

Now, for the reason for our daughter having the surgery. She has lost weight in the past and regained what she lost plus more each time she went on a diet. Both DH and I have heart problems and diabetes along with a couple other medical problems. These things run in both sides of the families so she was concerned for her health.

Like I said, if you can diet and lose weight, I think that is the better way to go. But, if you can't do it that way, then, there is the surgery.

Some have little success with the surgery and others have great success with it. I guess what I am saying, is that each one has to do what they feel is the best for him/her, diet, or surgery.

Just thought I would let you all know about this. I know I did post it some time ago, but the post is now gone.



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  • 5 weeks later...

Darlene, you are so right about this being a personal decision. smile.gif

I had and still have questions about having this surgery done. But for her and others, this is the way for them to go. I know I could never have it done myself and I would not recommend it to anyone who can lose on a diet.

This was the only way my dd figured she would ever be able to loose.

Now since Jan. she has lost 98 pounds.

I am very proud of her. smile.gif She now eats more healty than she ever has in her life. She never cared for veggies or fruits and now is eating them. smile.gif

Again, I didn't put this post in to recommend it, just to show what can be done if need be. smile.gif




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