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Fantabulous Friday

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It started out with a light rain, but we are supposed to get some sun this afternoon. been working in the garden, replanted the parsnips and beets, too much rain and most didn't come up .

DH loves his new bar-b-que, his fathers day gift.

Thyra, how is DH?

Snowmom, hope you can get it all done........

Mommafitz, we have high humidity... just like a sauna.

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It's been really hot the last two days.Yesterday was over 90. We really feel the heat when it's over 70 in this area. Today should be better. I've been getting ready for company and still have to finish up. With all the gardening and stuff going on I saved the kitchen and bathroom floors for this morning and it's so muggy just watering the garden got me sweating. Mom, her sister and her granddaughter should be here this afternoon.

Yesterday when we came home from the grocery store one of our cats was all intent on something in the laundry room. We were sure it was the rat so DH set the trap in there last night and sure enough two small rats or mice gone forever. He is setting it again but these were smaller than the big rat we saw come from under the patio. DH set the trap under a wooden crate on the patio but then I saw a little squirrel on the suet and knew it could also get in there so I blocked the entry. I will be so glad when they are gone. Not a happy feeling thinking they are running around the house!

I've gotta dash and finish up.


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