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Wow Snowmom, you're warmer than we are. It's 41 as I write. It'll be a cool walk this morning but with no wind it won't be too bad. Get my book on tape going and I'll get that walk done before you know it.....yeah right!

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A rainy morning this morning. The forecast says that we have a cold front moving in on Thursday that could bring in some severe storms, hope not. We are getting our first shot of cold this week, the lows are supposed to be in the 30*s, up in the higher elevations, could possible have mixed winter precip.


Things did go better yesterday. Called Auntie, she has calmed down,so that is good. I am upset about my dear friend passing, but it is not a total shock, he has had heart problems for several years.But he was still a very sweet precious man.


Well I have a load of

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it is so beautiful out this morning, the sun is shinning on the leaves and they are so brillant. this morning befor the sun came out i had the dogs out and it was foggy as the sun rose and burn off the fog i watched the colors it was just so so beautiful. and the air smells so so fresh.


we are in the 50's right now.

we have no special plans for today just getting the never ending house work done. and working on the christmas oranments. maybe go out and walk around in the leaves just to hear them. can you tell i like fall.

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We are having beautiful weather this week. Last night we watched a sunset and could find "faces" in the pink clouds. This morning I stepped out on the patio to see if the cat wanted in yet and the star was bright with stars. Our low was 47 and high today will be 72. I put the flannel sheets on the bed last weekend.

Yesterday DS#1 and I walked for several hours at two local parks. We found an amazing mushroom called a violet cort (sp?). It looked like purple velvet. We saw many coral mushrooms as well as others.

Today I saw my doctor for the first time since January. I am scheduled for a mammogram on Friday (oh, joy) and had labs done for thyroid, a1c, cholesterol.

Laundry is in process, bathtub is clean and floors are swept. Need to mop and then vacuum. How many times in a lifetime do you think we do these things? Wouldn't it be nice if you did something and it was really done My cat is a good hunter but she gave this rat some space. She had a scratch or bite on her face last week and I'm wondering if it was the rat.

With the flu shot shortage my doctor told me the only place you can get a shot is at the hospital on Thursay between 12 and 4 and this is for everyone in the community who qualifies. I am supposed to have one because of the diabetes but I'm not looking forward to waiting for hours with scads of other people.




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