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Need Help on a Homework Assignment!!!!


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"Does money motivate women differently than men?" I think so.


{Think about yourself and your job--would you prefer more money or more "benefits" (ie-flex time, etc)?


I would like better benefits, flex time, ability to work from home, ability to take the day off without pay if necessary.


Would you be more likely to leave one job for another because it paid more.


Hard question. It would depend on the location of the new job and just how much money.


Would a raise motivate you to work harder/longer/better(quality)?


Money is a great motivator, so yes I think it would help in the short term.


Is money a long term or a short term motivator?}


Short term.


I would appreciate any help you can give me. Men answer for their gender and vice-versa. (Please indicate your gender somewhere in your post--sometimes it's hard to guess from the screen names.)


Spider is female.







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Hi Midnightmom, nice to see you!


I've never been one to need anything fancy or much extra so if I've got enough to make ends meet, I'd rather have benefits, flex time, a nice environment with good people working around me.


I wouldn't leave a job I liked just because of more money. Money is nice, don't get me wrong, BUT if I have to spend hours a day somewhere I'd rather be content with the people and surroundings where I am than take a higher paying job with too much stress and people I don't like.


If I like my job I work hard so a raise, again, would be nice but if I'm giving it my all to begin with a raise won't make a whole lot of difference. If I'm not happy in my job a raise might make me work harder for a few days but in time I'd slack off since money isn't my motivator.


At 57 years old, children raised, DH retired and not needing money like we used to, it might make me feel differently than those with many years of working ahead of them.


Don't be gone so long next time Midnightmom!!!


Oh yeah, I'm female.





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"Does money motivate women differently than men?"

Work envirionment is important to me, pay according to honest work evaluation is important, also benefits that include ability to have a day off even without pay for important family functions.


Would you be more likely to leave one job for another because it paid more.

Only if it were closer and the other criteria were met.


Would a raise motivate you to work harder/longer/better(quality)?

I have always believed that when you accept a job you have agreed to do your best. If you later feel that the pay does not match you output you take it to your boss if agreement cannot be met, find another job.


Is money a long term or a short term motivator?

When I worked outside my home, it was because We needed the money, so the money is the main motivater followed by satisfaction in a job well done..

gender- female



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I prefer money to benefits such as flex-time, though my current job gives me good medical benefits and decent pay. The job is stressful and filled with small town politics, and I have to work 12 hour midnight shifts so I consider leaving quite often, but because of the size of my checks compared to my last few jobs, I stay and just silently pray for another to come along with equal financial offerings. I wouldn't say money is *the* motivator for me, but it makes the rest of my life easier and allows me to play. I feel like I deserve more money for working harder, so I guess a raise would keep me content and working, making me feel appreciated. (Empty praise doesn't do it for me.) My long term goals include financial stability, so I guess money is a long-term motivator for me.

I'm female. thanks

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Awww, Midnight, I'm sorry. I was so swamped this weekend with family stuff that I didn't get to reply. Not that mine would've helped much...


I'd love to hear more about your classes, and what you're doing in them. My DH has returned to school, too.



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