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The first Tuesday of 2005...................


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**Cat helps herself to a muffin and grabs one more cup of coffee before heading out...**


Thanks for the quick breakfast, mommafitz!


I can't stay & chat... I have the 2 girls back in school, DH back to work, and now I'm getting DS back to school before the snow or ice storm hits tonight.


The girls went back yesterday, but DH was off work, so nothing is "normal" yet.


DS really doesn't have to go back until Wed. night, but he wants to go back, and I'm *ready*, too.

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Morning, all, Now Mommafitz, you do know that we are gonna have to pay dearly for all this nice weather we are having, don't ya!!! pretty soon our nice spring like days are gonna be cold and snowy..


I have been really upset and worried and stressed the past few days over the fact that dh has to go back to court over the child support issue... I have calmed some. The main worry was the financial aspect of this. Here I am, haven't worked in 10 years, and then suddenly left with no income and 3 children to support, what was I to do... well the last time they arrested him, for this,they gave him an application and told him to apply for the work release program. I researched this over the net this morning, if you are not familiar, with this program, they allow them to go to work, under very strict supervision, and then they report back straight after work is finished. Then the courts set up a trust for the inmates pay check, They divide it up , at least 2 hours of the pay goes for work release fees, then so much for travel expenses to and from work, personal maintenance and grooming expenses for work.

Then so much for support of dependants, then an amount to be paid toward fines and court costs....then an amount to be held on account for refund upon release...


So If he gets on the work release program, and I can get at least $200 a week, we will be alright, my main concern is the child care issue. The two older boys are at school all day, but then there is the 4 year old..I have trying to figure out what to do with him for me to work...


I have figured some of it out, and now that I know that I would get a small trust check out of this,It has eased my mind considerably...The worry about paying the rent and the utilities and child care are my main concerns, until I can get employment... I know the landlord would help me out on the rent part, until I could get some income coming in, but I hate the thought of getting behind and having to catch up.. I don't like playing that game..

But hopefully I have done all this stressing and worrying over nothing. I do know and have made very clear to everyone, that after this is all done with, and if they don't arrest him. I will be going back to work. so they might as well prepare themselves......


Ok, people, I have been a downer long enough on this issue, I 'm tired of it,,,,so will not say anymore until After thursday, when we know something.

Am doing the ever dreadful laundry and straightening up the house some..Hoping to remember that I have to go get the kids from school today

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