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You're Not A Kid Anymore!


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You're Not A Kid Anymore!


According to Jeff Foxworthy,

you're not a kid anymore WHEN...


You quit trying to hold in your stomach,

no matter who walks into the room.


You enjoy watching the News.


The phone rings and

you hope its not for you.


The only reason you're still awake at 4 AM

is indigestion.


People ask what color

your hair USED to be.


You're proud of your lawn mower.


Your best friend is dating someone

half their age AND isn't breaking any laws.


You start singing along with

the elevator music.


You really do want a new washing machine

for your birthday.


Your car has four doors.


You routinely check the oil in your car.


You've owned clothes so long

that they've come back into style



You no longer think of speed limits

as a challenge.


You consider coffee

one of the most important things in life.


8 AM is your idea of

"sleeping in".


You write Thank You notes

without being told.


Neighbors borrow your tools.


You answer a question with "

....Because I said so!"


Others ask for your recipes.


You start Christmas shopping in August.


You paint walls for a reason

other than getting your deposit back.


You don't like to drive after dark.


You say the words

"Turn that music down!"


You wear black socks with sandals.


You point out what buildings

used to be where.


You know all the warning signs

of a heart attack.


You rake the yard

without being told to.


You can't remember the last time

you laid on the floor to watch television.


The service station attendant

lets you pump your gas before paying.


You can live without sex,

but not without your glasses.


Now tell the truth -- are you OLD?

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