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EDC First Aid Kit

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Concerns over sanitation and the return of cholera.

I must apologize for my absence in this month of May, in all truth it has been just a combination of school-finals and work related projects hitting all in this month.   I'm writing this article as to, hopefully, create some insight in the importance of field sanitation in populated areas. Anyone who knows me personally knows I hold a strange fascination for epidemiology, particularly bacterial epidemics. Recent events in India, Eastern Europe, and Vietnam have bothered me a bit, and the f



Emergency Treatment - Fractures

Greetings everyone and welcome to the first installment of my Emergency Treatment blog, this installment will cover bone fractures with primary emphasis on the extremities.   First things first, what is a fracture? What is the difference between a fractured bone and a broken bone? A bone is considered 'fractured' when the structural integrity of the bone has been comprimised in any way. A break and a fracture are actually the exact same thing, a broken bone medically is referred to as a com



ABC's of Emergency Aid

I had actually started this series of Emergency Aid posts with an article on fractures (broken bones), but I realized I was going about this in the wrong order...   First things first, the ABC's of First-Aid/Emergency-Aid.   Whenever an incident occurs where you will personally be the first person on the scene, the VERY FIRST thing you should do is secure the area. No treatment you could ever possibly render would make the situation any more tragic than if the 'rescuer-needs-rescue'. The



B.O.A.T (Bug out Altoids Tin)

Here we go with my BOAT.   Closed.   Open and packed.   Contents exploded.   My bit of creativity...   Here's how it fits together.     Ok, contents:   (6) Hoop Fishing Weights (6) Bait Fish Hooks (taped to the lid) (5) Matchsticks (3) Water Purification tablets (inside the bag with the matchsticks) Utilities from a broken Leatherman I had laying around. (Serrated Knife, Mini-saw, Can-Opener, Probe, Puncture tool, and Flat-head) (1) cut down No.2 Pencil (1) Mini-



EDC + Personal First Aid Kit

Continuation of my survival preparations in the Urban/Rural mixed environment I am currently in. The everyday bag has gone under serveral variations based on who you ask. The EDC (Every Day Carry), the GHB (Get Home Bag), Bauer Bag (Taken from the TV Show 24, the man purse Jack Bauer carries), the Day Bag/Murse (Man-Purse).   Personally, it is the EDC for me...it contains everything I use in my personal life and professional life throughout the day. It also contains everything I would nee



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