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My Almost Hawaiian Vacation

Today started as another ordinary Minnesota day.   We have been slowly warming up to springtime. Our Northland weather systems have a distinct reluctance to sacrifice the familiarity of snow and ice and refuse to transition into spring willingly. Two steps forward and three steps back, spring comes peeking around the corner eventually but winter usually has to be dragged kicking and screaming out the door first.   This day was one of the good ones. Temps were holding steady around 30 d



Lemon Poppyseed Bread Recipe for Westie

Here you are my dear lady! It is a cheater recipe with easy ingredients. Like most quick breads, it freezes really well too and has been a standby for my catering events for years.   Lemon Poppyseed Bread   1 lemon cake mix 1-3 oz. pkg. instant lemon pudding mix (NOT cook-n-serve) 4 eggs 1/2 cup oil 1 cup water 1-2 Tbsp poppyseeds   Mix. Bake @ 350 degrees for around 45 minutes or until done. (Grease and flour pans)



Heat Wave Part II

Oh wow, we had a beautiful day today. It got up to 39 DEGREES!!!!! Everyone was running around in t-shirts. It was as balmy as a tropical day in paradise. After the rough and tough winter we have been enduring, it is a gift. We haven't see these temps since early November (thank you, God).   Being so nice out, I was looking at the balcony we have outside that overlooks the lake. Drip, drip, drip. Hmm...this got me thinking.   We have been unable to access the balcony for a few months



Trying Again

Ok, so my computer ate yesterday's post. I am keeping this short and posting it fast just to be safe.   I did go pick up my order yesterday at Sam's Club and it was a walk in the park. I breezed in, paid, breezed out, and loaded my vehicle. I am so in love with this feature. Wow. It just saved me several hours of my life.   Watching the jobs reports come in this morning. Eek. Pretty scary. Seems like the acceleration is really picking up.   Today is a good day at Chickadee Lane



Heat Wave...

It ate my post. Grr....   Will try again but this time I am copying and pasting from my notepad, lol...



Wednesday Night

I am feeling a bit more comfortable with the new site. There is so much to see and explore that a girl could get lost in here and never come up for air! Unfortunately life does go on in the outside world as well, so I am going to have to find a happy balance.   I love the blog feature; I am so tickled to have a place where I can let it all just hang out. I love it that it is only viewable by the membership. This works for me! My Blogger blog is a lot more formal and a LOT of work, even




Ah, the first morning on the new site. I love it! There are so many buttons and features, it is just perfect. Thank you so much to Darlene and MountainMommy and everyone else who made it happen. It is awesome.   On tap here at Chickadee Lane Lodge today is some more canning of ground beef (I browned it yesterday and chilled it so I can remove the fat), and cleaning house since I didn't hardly get anything done yesterday what with wasting soo much time online, lol. And I was right about n



Our New Home

How wonderful is this! I just love the new home for Mrs S! I can't wait to explore all the ins and outs of our new site.   What a wonderful day this is!



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