Chili Cook Off ?
What have I gotten myself into? My boys talked me into entering a Chili Cook Off at our Church.
I've never been in any kind of cooking contest, I'm just a momma cooking for a bunch of kiddos. Anyway, the same man has won for the four years that they've done this. This is our first year at the church so we're newcomers.
I guess I must be more competitive than I realized because I kept thinking about what I could do to 'stand out'.
And then I came up with a really cool idea! I'm going to make my White Chili!! I may not win, but it will be noticed.
So Saturday I'll be stewing chicken breasts and cooking up some Navy beans, gathering the green chiles and sourcream.
I'll be sure to let y'all know how it goes, but I'm still wondering what I got myself into!
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