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Chili Cook Off ?



:oWhat have I gotten myself into? My boys talked me into entering a Chili Cook Off at our Church.


<_< I've never been in any kind of cooking contest, I'm just a momma cooking for a bunch of kiddos. Anyway, the same man has won for the four years that they've done this. This is our first year at the church so we're newcomers.


:rolleyes: I guess I must be more competitive than I realized because I kept thinking about what I could do to 'stand out'.


B) And then I came up with a really cool idea! I'm going to make my White Chili!! I may not win, but it will be noticed.


;) So Saturday I'll be stewing chicken breasts and cooking up some Navy beans, gathering the green chiles and sourcream.


:D I'll be sure to let y'all know how it goes, but I'm still wondering what I got myself into!


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Oh wow...sounds like fun! I remember when my dad did something similar with a congregation we were at when I was a kid. I forget how it ended, but the 'loser' had to wear my mom's apron that said, "I'd rather be selling AVON" :24:


Do post the recipe for white chili!



Wow, good luck! Post the recipes for us to make and taste!

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