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This morning I was doing some personal Bible Study and read the following scripture...   Mat 13:57 And they were offended in him. But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country, and in his own house.   This made me think about being offended and what it means, how it develops and why it happens. Unless you are the Saint I Ain't, you, like me have found yourself offended at times. As a matter of fact, I'm struggling with an offense right now. Someon



Homestead Blessings - The West Ladies

One of my favorite Christmas Presents this year was bought with my Christmas money from my Grandmother and Mother. A series of videos from Franklin Springs.   Franklin Springs   I have enjoyed these videos so much that I wanted to share them with my friends and give them my recommendation. They deal with candle making, soap making, canning, gardening, cooking, herbs, etc...   I also have enjoyed visiting their web page as well. They really are a delightful family, a Mom and her thre



Funnel Vision

Nope, that's not typo, I meant what I said.... FUNNEL VISION .   I woke up this morning a little weary, feeling like I'd never get everything done that I needed to get done. Ya' know?   Nothing was terribly wrong, I just felt like I had about 5,000 too many things to do and felt convinced that no matter how hard I tried, it just wouldn't be enough. My head was hurting, the children were wanting breakfast, my brain was frozen or muddled or overheated or something...and I just couldn'



Mom! Look What We Found!

You hear that an awful lot when you live out in the country with a pond and creek and a few acres!   Like today, my middle son brought me the cutest little turtle. Yesterday my oldest son brought me a humongous wood beetle. There have been collections of army ants, crickets, grasshoppers and frogs (even tadpoles). But Monday they really lucked up and found ....         Well, we don't have a cat or a kitten and they just thought this was a DANDY addition to the menagerie. This



Creative Camping

This weekend we set out on a new adventure, in our own backyard nevertheless!   A family with seven children and chickens and goats and dogs (plus a parrot) does not travel much, or at least ours doesn't.   So, we decided to take advantage of a very low cost method of family vacationing and entertainment, camping. Under our particular circumstances we had to be a bit creative...therefore...CREATIVE CAMPING.   Upon considering the choice of location for this camp out, we decided the



The Lesson of the Nine Bean Soup

This morning, as I was taking an inventory of my dried beans I decided to make a Mix. We love the mixed bean soups and those bags of beans are much more expensive than individual bags. So, we looked at our assortment of beans, we had nine. I commented that this was one variety of beans per person in our family. I used one of the storage containers on wheels that I have mentioned before and we began to pour in the beans (4lbs of each variety).   Black-eyed Peas Navy Lentils Green Baby



Significant September

For months, literally, I have been wondering what September would bring. Why September?   Well, it started about seven months ago when I was on the treadmill and reading my Bible passage for the day. I was reading about Joseph when he interpreted Pharaoh's dreams.When Josephs explained to Pharaoh that this was a time of 'plenty and prosperity' and that during those 7 years that should prepare for the 7 years to come, I just knew that I was to do the same. Not necessarily for the seven yea



The Worth of a Week

One week ago today my mom and step-dad arrived and now they have gone. It was a lovely visit and so very productive in every way!   My step-dad brought all of his handy man tools and my dh took the whole week off to tackle numerous building, maintenance, repair projects in our home and on our little homestead. My two oldest ds's worked right along side them assisting and learning so much. A new kitchen counter top, a new bantam coop, new nesting boxes in the big coop, an addition to the goa



How is Everyone??

I noticed that our blogging efforts have really slowed down. Y'all must be as busy as I am. So much going on.   Mom and Pop will be here next Friday so we are working like Trojans getting ready for their visit, it's been a great motivator!   Dh and the boys are out in the garage cleaning and loading a trailer to go to the Thrift Store for donation. This is a very good thing!!   Not only are they coming and I'm dusting things that haven't been dusted in far too long, I'm trying t



SEW Excited!

Y'all, I am SEW excited!   Last summer we changed churches and started attending a local fellowship. It was a good decision and has made it much easier for the kids to be involved with activities and etc... My dh is very involved with the boys groups, the FCF (Fronteirsmen Camping Fellowship) as well. But me, well, I don't know, since we moved here over three years ago, I've been a bit of a hermitress.   Well, this latest story that I've been writing in Fireside has made me do some so



The Weight is OVER!

I did it!! I spent the money and made the commitment and signed up to Weight Watchers On Line! I've been trying to get ROUND TUIT for over a year. Kept looking for that perfect moment to get started. This morning wasn't perfect at all, but I did it anyway.   So, I entered in all my info and got my "point* allowance for the day and realized I had already spent about half of that daily amount with the big breakfast we had eaten of sausages, eggs and grits   But, I don't care, well I do



On the Mend

At one point this past weekend I just felt so tired and wanted to sit down, but, couldn't justify it with so much needing to be done. About that time, my second son who is 13 brought his blanket that had some tears in it and asked me if I could mend it.   Well, I'm not much of a seamstress and I can't remember the last time that I sat down and mended anything, but I decided to try. This would give me a good excuse to sit in the recliner with my feet up and my hands busy.   This blanket



So, do Wether's make good milk goats?

I almost giggled out loud, assuming the man was making a funny. But, then I caught the sincere look on his face and caught myself. We were at Aslan's Puppy Training and he was a visitor from another class.   The trainer asked how Aslan was doing with the goats and the man said, "Oh, we really want some goats. What kind do you have?"   Eager to help I said, "Oh we are just getting started, we have two Nubians and two Wethers."   That's when he asked, "So, do Wethers make good milk g



Blogs/Web Pages/ Sites I have Found

I'm constantly finding these good things and then losing them...so decided to list them here, y'all might find them interesting and maybe I'll do better at keeping up with them. I'll add more as I find them.   http://survivallady.com/   http://thesurvivalistblog.blogspot.com/   http://allaboutfoodstorage.com/   http://www.shelfreliance.com/   http://lds.about.com/library/bl/faq/blcalculator.htm   Visit My Website   Four thieves   Positively Prepared



Accessible Storage - My Solution

One of the things that I've struggled with as I've tried to buy bulk foods like grain, dried beans, rice, etc... was that once it was packed away in the opaque white buckets, I couldn't easily 'see' it nor access it.   When I bought the grains for grinding, I ordered the Gamma Lids. These are going to work well.   However, all of these white buckets filled with assorted stuff would kind of run together. Even with my best efforts to keep the Steel Cut Oatmeal separate from the pinto beans



Tuesday Tidbits

Today is Tuesday. Since Henry went to a four day work week several months ago, Tuesday is the beginning of our week days. Since Monday's are now a part of our three day weekends, I never dread Monday's like I use to.   I find that I'm enjoying Tuesday's as well. I try to never schedule anything on Tuesday and just stay home and do what needs to be done after three days of projects, chores, errands, shopping,etc... It's revolutionized our life style and I am so thankful that Henry's comp



Growing Grins!

Next month will be two years since our family grew from four children to seven. It was quite the adjustment, let me tell you. Not only did have MORE children but now we had two girls, talk about a change in family dynamics! Oh my!   Here they were , these three little children who had been in an environment that would make you and I shudder. They had a different set of values, morals, priorities, opinions, outlooks, lifestyle...I could go on but I think you've got the picture.   It h



Sam's 'Click and Pull'

I just tried the Sam's 'Click and Pull' for the first time. So, hopefully after PT tomorrow I can go and pick it up without having to 'shop'. Here's what I got...   Item Description Item # Quantity Unit Price Subtotal FULLY COOKED BACON 72 COUNT 272086 1 $8.52 $8.52 I try to keep a pkg of this on hand, very handy and shelf stable   DQ PK SALMON 4-14.75 4-14.75 OZ 822899 1 $7.67 $7.67 noticed I needed mored salmon the other day when counting   CHOCOLATE PUDDING 112 OZ. 4



Prepping vs. Collecting

I struggle with this... Collecting my Preps and not wanting to use them.   Whenever I'm canning something I am almost hoping one jar won't seal so that I can taste what I've done. I'm a bit better than I was, been working on it. I rememberJudy saying in a post, that we were 't creating a Food Museum with our canned goods (a while back). That really got my attention!   Months and months ago I bought a Berkey, went through heck and high water to get it. I was so proud when it ca



Get it together!!

I had a dream...and I don't dream much lately. It was so vivid that I can't stop thinking about it. When I woke up from it (or in the midst of it) I was distressed, trying to catch my breath and had to go and wash my face with some cold water before I could think clearly.   Before I tell you about this oddity, I want to give a disclaimer - I am in no way trying to say this is a prophetic dream, a hidden message or anything to but me and me alone. But, it sure got my attention and I thought




Hi everyone. I've kind of dropped the 'blog ball' here lately. Actually, haven't been posting much even on the board. I feel a bit disconnected.   I think this started with my 9 day trip to Arkansas. I was there with only one of my children and he is 13, so able to take care of himself for the most part. I ran the roads with my mom and sister, shopping, taking mom to therapy, visiting my grandmother. I was a free spirit. I had no time constraints to speak of, no one pulling on my skirt



La Petite Poule Rouge (The Little Red Hen)

In Junior High School I was in a play that my French Class did for the younger grades.   I was - La Petite Poule Rouge (The Little Red Hen)   I had to go to all the other characters and ask for help only to hear them say over and over Pas Moi! Not Me!   Now, here I sit, three decades later wondering if I've become a real life La Petite Poule Rouge.   I'm answering myself with those same two little words - Pas Moi!! Surely not!   And yet, I find in my possession a newly ac



Peanut Butter Powder

This week the kids and I did an experiment with Peanut Butter Powder. Some months ago, I had purchased this...   http://beprepared.com/product.asp_Q_pn_E_FS D140_A_name_E_Peanut+Butter+Powder   I decided it was time to open it and see how we liked, what it tasted like, what in the world you did with it!   The instructions on the #10 can say: Mix 1 TBSP of Powder with 1 Tsp of water. Add a small amount of sugar for flavor. Add a drop of oil for creaminess.   First, we all tasted



Aslan Has Arrived!

Aslan has arrived! After what seemed like an eternity of waiting, Aslan has been safely delivered to our family!   It was love at first sight of course, but the last couple of days have been filled with wonderful puppy love!   He is a puppy with purpose! Yesterday we signed him up for the Puppy Training Classes at the pet store. They start the week that he turns 10 weeks. So, we've got about 3 more weeks to do the best we can with his very determined little self.   His markings a




Everywhere I look blooms are bursting forth! Our gorgeous ornamental Pear Trees are solid white with tiny beautiful flowers. The peach trees are covered in delicate pink adornments. The plum trees are starting to display a little color as well.   Seasons are a lovely gift that the Lord has bestowed upon us. Each has it's on purpose and is necessary.   The important thing to remember about seasons is that they change. It's not going to stay as rainy or cold or hot or dry or humid as



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