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Creative Camping



This weekend we set out on a new adventure, in our own backyard nevertheless! :)


A family with seven children and chickens and goats and dogs (plus a parrot) does not travel much, or at least ours doesn't. ;)


So, we decided to take advantage of a very low cost method of family vacationing and entertainment, camping. Under our particular circumstances we had to be a bit creative...therefore...CREATIVE CAMPING.


Upon considering the choice of location for this camp out, we decided there was nothing better than our own backyard. After all, there would be no noisy neighbors, we could still see about the goats and chickens and it was free (free is good). Besides, I realized, minimal packing would have to occur and this was a VERY good thing. This left more time for fun and took a load of stress off my shoulders.


The next step was the putting up of the tents. Our youngest four children had never slept in a tent before and were particularly excited.




In this picture you see the youngest five all snuggled up in their pajamas and holding bears...well except for Jeremiah who opted for the family parrot (Jonah) on his shoulder instead.


We were also celebrating Henry's (dh) birthday and he was glad for the opportunity to try his new Black Powder Gun (his birthday present). So target shooting was definitely on the agenda! Here you'll see the birthday boy and his seven kiddos, my oldest two preparing for their turn and me as well, trying out my new toy, a Mosin Nagant, made in 1939 (91/30).










Of course the guns were totally unnecessary as we had our valiant family guardian there to protect us from invaders...that's him, Aslan, passed out on the grass while the goats investigate the tents.




We also had a camp fire, which we sat around and sang Christmas Carols... :D ,hey, that's what they wanted to sing!


We made smores, chili, hotdogs, and a huge breakfast cooked over an open fire. :thumbs:


We played games around the picnic table using solar lanterns and today we're finishing up my attempting to make some moccasins (we bought a kit at Hobby Lobby. The rain has moved in and we took down the tents but continued the fun and activities inside. And that, is how you manage Creative Camping.


Recommended Comments

Brilliant, just brilliant! I remember doing similar things as a kid. We also did lots of living room camping when I was a kid - smores & dogs around the fire place, forts under the dining table. Wherever we were, the dog had to be, so we always had to make space for her. These memories are things the children will talk about for YEARS! :)

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I love it Stephanie! And what a grand family you have there! All your kids look HAPPY and LOVED! Backyard camping it wonderful, and we'd do it more, but for the everpresent fireants...



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Thanks everyone! :grouphug:


I absolutely love making memories with my children. And since, 4 of them came to me as older children, I feel we have a bit of catching up to do.

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