In like an icebox, out like an oven?
Gosh, after last week's 80deg temps, the last couple of days have been downright frigid! Sub-freezing temps, mucho wind, and the sunshine just didn't help warm stuff up enough. So why am I feeling grouchy? I'm on the downhill side of the monthly thing, so that's not it. DH has been in a good mood, so that's not it. Stress? Yeah, I suppose so, and some odd dreams, but......maybe I'm suddenly feeling old. I think that's a big part of it.
So much to do and so little time to do it. Preps are mostly ok, though the diet might get a bit boring. We would survive. Storm season is coming, literally, not just figuratively, and I need to get the shelter re-worked. After the canned goods explosion, I need to restock some stuff & reorganize down there a bit. I just don't seem to have the enthusiasm needed to actually get it done.
I guess this post is a bit pointless, and uninteresting, but I will go ahead and post it. Hope everyone's week is better than last week.
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