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Sadness and Loss



What do I do? What do I say? THAT phone call came this morning around 6:30am. My sis calling to tell me Dad died last night. If you saw my prayer requests you may remember he suffered severe dementia, and had just gone to a care facility Monday. I feel lost & conflicted--I miss him so much, though in truth I have been missing him for a couple years, as his decline got worse and worse. He used to have 'moments' on the phone where he was Dad again...and I hoped I could reach him so he knew I cared. In the end he knew no one--only pain and the relief morphine could give him.


I pray God will have mercy on his soul.


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He knows you cared. May your good memories comfort you and your family in the days ahead as you and your family deal with the grief. Dementia means you lose your loved one over and over and over. It's so very hard and my heart goes out to your family. Keeping you and them in our prayers. Remember, he's at peace and out of pain now. And he knows you love him. Love is as strong as death. He knows.

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(((Vic))) I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm sure that your father knew that you loved him. I'll be sending up prayers for the coming days.

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Vic, I am offering up prayers for the repose of your dear Dad's soul and for God's grace over you and your family during this difficult time.

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