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Posts posted by Andrea

  1. Makes you want to produce all of your own food, doesn't it?

    Although in all fairness, some of the recalls were from mislabeling problems. I had actually bought an item on the list but when I found out it was because it contained an ingredient that wasn't listed, I kept it since no one here has an allergy to soy. But for those who do have an allergy, I understand the need for a recall.


    Thanks for all of your hard work Wormie! (((HUGS)))

  2. No, it happens to me when DH has tossed our cookies. When I do a google search, the first choice leads me to a naked "mrs. Survival" :rolleyes: It's been happening for at least a year.

  3. Since going mostly vegetarian, our grocery spending has gone down dramatically. I still pick up mark-down meat deals when I find them but even dh doesn't mind so much anymore, although he complains if we go too many days in a row without a bit of meat. I actually feel better when I don't eat meat.

  4. Jeepers, I like Trader Joe's organic Apple Cider Vinegar. Unlike Heinz, this has the mother in it. I don't take it straight, ever. I splash it on my daily salad along with garlic powder and tumeric powder.

    If you have a problem with hot foods, then I would be extremely careful about taking cayenne in a capsule form. I know I've tried to take tumeric in a capsule form and it makes normal hot flashes seem like a cold shower.


    Check out Joel Fuhrman's book Super Immunity he talks about how eating proper foods can cure most chronic health conditions. I enjoy a lot of his recipes and when I strictly follow his diet, I feel so much better.

  5. Oh man, I can't believe the Gathering has already come and gone. I was SURE it was later in the month . . . Sigh . . .

    I have one more week of stress (work) left and then things will lighten up. Darlene, I guess you'll get the box of treats from California all to yourself and those ADORABLE puppies! I'll send them out in a week or two when things lighten up. Glad you were all able to get together. Thank you so much for sharing your adventures!

  6. (((Annarchy))) You've most likely developed a sensitivity to one of the "new and improved" preservatives currently in use. Unfortunately, no true allergy tests exist for these ingredients. Believe me, I've researched it and undergone numerous allergy tests. For example, I thought I was allergic to shrimp, to the point of carrying around an epipen. Guess what, even though my throat swells up so that I can't breathe, I'm not allergic to shrimp, according to the tests. What I am deathly sensitive to are the preservatives used on shrimp. Which makes sense. I grew up on the coast catching, cleaning, and eating seafood for the first half of my life. Then, suddenly, I am deathly allergic to commercial seafood (the stuff you buy in a store). It's not the seafood, it's the crap used to preserve the seafood.


    We went out to dinner late Sunday night for the first time in months. It was to a restaurant not on my "safe" list but dh had a gift card and insisted. Even though I ordered what I thought were safe foods and ate very little (about 15% of my order when I realized that my safe choices were not so safe and popped several rapid dissolve benadryl), I stayed home sick on Monday. My husband sometimes gets frustrated with me. Luckily, he likes my cooking and he likes the money we save by eating at home even more.


    There are healthy choices out there. They may cost a bit more but they are so worth the price!

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