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Posts posted by Mt_Rider

  1. Peak Illumination, Astronomy, and Moon Illusion
    The best time for viewing this year’s Hunter's Moon will be during peak illumination on Saturday, Oct. 28. Yet the nights on either side—on Oct. 27 and 29—will look pretty good, too, as the moon won't have moved much. The full moon reaches its zenith at 4:24 p.m. EDT when it will be below the horizon viewed from North America. So you’ll have to wait until sunset for it to rise. Full moons only occur when the sun and moon are directly on opposite sides of the Earth, which is why when one rises the other is always setting.

    Notably, this year's Hunter's Moon will have a planetary companion. Our solar system’s largest planet, Jupiter, will appear shining brightly right under it. Their apparent proximity is a mere illusion, however; Jupiter is actually 1500 times farther away than our moon.





    Should be a great illuminating effect if your areas have clear skies.


    MtRider  :pc_coffee:

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  2. Wow, Kappy!  How is your back and other health concerns doing?  C. Mary and her hens.  :lol:   I agree about the egg storage.  We've used waterglass for years in our cool basement with good results.  We did try store-bought cuz.....C0vid and just then we were between flocks.  We use a lot too.  


    Well, waterglass worked for a month with the store bought....maybe.  Not going to work for us.  So DH ordered some baby birds again.  Couple years ago.  We have 4 ducks and :(  1 goose.  I hope it's the female.  Never did figure out between those two.  But something nailed the other goose recently.  :darthduck:


    Had a long, fun day Friday and rode Sat. but :0327:   today.  Fall Fatigue is stealing the energy advantage that the new med has given me.  Just handwashing a few small items of clothing had my hands shaking so bad I could barely get the fork in my mouth.  { grumble...wear goggles before I put my eye out!}  :tapfoot:  It's SO hard to get anything done in the fall due to that.  And so much to get ready for our winters!!!  :runcirclsmiley2:   Well, DH was finally able to get straw bales for the duckhouse.  I had started to cut some of the very tall (we had rain and no horses ) grass in the pasture for them.  A/C unit is out of the window and back in the box in basement.  I washed up a bunch of eggs for us to use from the fridge upstairs.  Like Kappy said: only put unwashed 'clean' FRESH ones in the waterglass and we've got 2 buckets full already.  Meanwhile DH was trying to find things in the Chaos Cammo.  


    Distressed over the M.E. situation......  :yar:   A lot is not being told, of course.  And now our Prez is there.....we don't need something to happen to him there .....whether we vote for him or not.  That would be catastrophic!   :behindsofa:    Such sorrow over there for all human beings.  {to clarify, I believe some are no longer fully human .....in personally doing what was done to babies, etc.} 


    MtRider   :pray:  

    • Sad 3
  3. Jeepers....I'm siding with Mother and Becca Anne.  My ears are sensitive and I'd have thrown that device across the room!  DH has the metal cup and syringe thing.  Warm water!  But I don't usually have much build up.  I still cringe when he does it.  Don't like things in my ears and now I have hearing aids in both.  :rolleyes:   Took one out today cuz it felt a bit sore by afternoon.


    But that much pain...something is not right.  So sorry you went thru that.  Once you get to Indy, you've gotta find some GOOD medical people!  Kind and friendly AND COMPETENT.  They are a gold mine if you can keep them. 


    Have a safe trip and we'll see ya later.


    Annarchy...oye!  The whole house both days?  :0327:     Better give yourself a break now.....before you're so tired you break something.  :bev:   Nice that it's done tho, huh?


    LittleSister...enjoy that baby!!!  :wub: 


    Euphrasyne...I'm imagining a cute teeny-tiny ghost!  :lol: 


    Miki....good thing there are folks like you that do grab that after-party trash before it blows all over everywhere.  :thumbs: 


    I got to go out to have lunch with a friend yesterday.  A long [beautiful warm sunny ] day cuz I rode into town early with DH who meets his client at Sr. Bingo.  He helps her with her cards.  Belatedly realized that DH and I definitely qualify for SENIOR Bingo....so I played ONE card.  Less stress!!    :o 


    Then DH dropped me at our meeting-friend location and he went off to client's house.  Client gets a Sr ride to Bingo and back.  My friend lives quite far from here but we got to know each other before we moved here.  We had a great girl talk day.  Then she dropped me off where the seniors get rides and she went one way home and I went the other.  Glad for those senior rides....not just for medical appt tho that is priority. 


    Then I was on the horse today.  20*  this morning at my house.  By our 11am ride, it was warmed up a bit but my toes froze in the boots.  Was pretty chilled when I got back in car to go home.  Wrapped my toes in my down vest.  But we'll have nicer days before the snow gets deep.  


    MtRider   :pc_coffee:    ...hot cocoa! 

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  4. On 10/10/2023 at 1:47 PM, snapshotmiki said:

    Went to bank and paid off house. Yay!

    Wow....I missed that too.  That's HUGE!  :amen:    A most EXCELLENT prep!!!  :hapydancsmil:


    I can relate to the sleep thing, Little Sister.  Here I am at 1:30am....still catching up with MrsS.  I didn't realize I'm behind again.  Where are the days going?


    So I'm saying a quick :hi:   and :offtobed:   ....almost.  Still have to catch up with Ambergris in Ecuador...


    MtRider   ...soon tho     :busted:  

    • Like 2
  5. Hi everyone.  Good to hear you're all feeling better Becca Anne.  Everyone else is status quo. 


    I had a lovely ride on Sat.  Sky was our special Colorado BLUE with no clouds.  Warm.  And the aspens are golden right now.  No rain to beat them down and turn black too fast.  :hapydancsmil:    Course.....leaf season means more traffic, esp weekends.  :shrug:  


    I'm having a rough time with fatigue.....but in my life, there is this thing we call Fall Fatigue Thing.  I think I'm in it.  The activities I'm doing now were not wearing me out as they have been the last couple of weeks.  :scratchhead:   And this is certainly the season when I get that so maybe I'll ask the neurologist.  It didn't help that I woke with a slight headache and it got worse.  A lot worse.  DH adjusted me .....still was bad so after a few hours, he did a specific click on one neck vertebrae.   Then a while later it finally cleared the headache.  From 7am to 5pm.  Hmmph.  Wasted day and it wore me out. 


    But  :)  I did get to finish Book 3 or 4  Bobby Akart's series on life after a Solar Flare knocks out everything in NY and the region.  Got the whole set of 4 for one or two dollars each.  I like his books .....he does tons of research and puts in all kinds of details.....but they're short for their usual price.  I get them when he has a deal.  


    I'm running into bedtime as usual but I need to get sleep.  With the headache, I need to wash and deal with my hair in the morning....before the neurologist appt in later afternoon. 


    MtRider  :offtobed: 

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  6. The music idea is grand.....if it works.  They can block the sound but that means anything you or others say would be blocked too.  Someone really good with such things could probably be able to block music but not voices???? 


    Beyond my pay grade.  But such an affront should never happen again!  He could have been someone SO much worse... 


    MtRider   :hug3:    I hope you can love your new job and the people you work with...having been there "in the trenches" THAT day!  

    • Like 3
  7. :pray: for Oreo, MrMiki and Miki..... :(   OW!


    Hold your stance, Little Sister.  It's working better than before!  :pray:   for GS to come in to his late maturity! 


    I'm TIRED!  Got to sleep but kept waking up and up and up.  Can't really tell how much sleep I got.  That's an unusual problem for me.  But when the alarm went off at 7am, I ignored it.  Woke at quarter to 8 and then decided I'd go to Women's Bible Study.  Got into my clothes, gulped down cereal and ABOUT FROZE in the car.  We'd been below 30* last nite/morning.  Had to drive car with DH's gloves on.  :frozen:  


    Bible study was nice.....time to chat with people I've know a long time.....and half that I'm just getting to know.  I'm not able to handle crowds so this is about my limit.  So all the newer [like that last 15 yrs] members haven't met me until I started going to the Bible Studies again.  Still trying to remember names.   AND I forgot to put in my hearing aids.  They really make a difference! 


    Came home very tired and didn't even stop to pick more mullein.  :grinning-smiley-044:  Just get home and eat something more.  Didn't do much else except crawled out to walk dog on road this evening.  She was zipping thru all the dead whatever that's grown in the ditch.  All gone to fluff and seed.  She was covered and I wiped her down before letting her into the car.  DH drove down and he takes care of birds for the night while we walk.  My gait never did straighten out....R leg barely going forward.  Not a lot of good walking like that but the dog enjoyed it.  DH cooked tonite.  :cook: 


    MtRider  :offtobed: 

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  8. This is shocking ...and super-worse X10 because it's happening personally to someone I know and care about.  I don't even have TV so everything I get is from Internet.  Saves me from looking at film clips unless I want to.  So yeah, I'm insulated from much of what's happening.  I do watch the news stories but .... 


    My question is:  WHO THE HELLO LET HIM INTO a secured location with sensitive data and CHILDREN who's IDs are ALWAYS protected.  Heck, you employees should MUST have protection.  Have we all gone INSANE?   His tail should have been flapping in the breeze on the curb.  IMMEDIATELY!  :mad:   Anyone on Facebook can claim reporter's privileges?   Hmmph!  I'm never on there except to see DD2's new pics of family.  I'm not on anything but here. 


    Too bad you're so new to the job!  You'd have known more of what could/should have been allowed. 


    I'd like to claim I'm speechless with horror......but I keep talking.     :gaah:    I seem to be using this little yellow guy to speak what words cannot.  :gaah:  


    As everyone has said, please be very careful.  Know where back doors/side doors/all exits are.  Know where you can have cover and if not that, at least decent concealment.  I can't believed I just typed that advice to someone working in an office of the city govt.  :gaah:         


    Has no one said....oops, that shouldn't have happened?    :misc-smiley-231:    Unbelievable!  He's like a cat playing with his prey.....and thinking he's breaking a big "story"  about what?  Lax working environment?  You have chairs at your desks to sit in?   .................


    :busted:    I'm ranting again.  I seem to be doing that a lot lately.  I'm consumed with the evil that I think happened in my 'hometown' ...... so I'm not dealing with unfair, illogical, dirty, rotten, mean stuff well.  You and your coworkers should not have to put up with ANY of that harassment.  Backed up with those 'above' you! 


    Anyway, :hug3:  for you and the rest who've been victims of a crime that probably isn't on the books.  But crime it is - false accusation and invasion!  Threats! 


    MtRider  ..... Evil Lurks.  Be ever so careful and  :pray:   :pray:   :pray:  to the One who also abhors evil for protection. 

    • Like 2
  9. I would have studied to be a librarian but ..........the distance traveled from the Colonial Days   :reading:  ....or from Vulcan homeworld   :pc_coffee:   ......back to the help desk on Planet Earth in 2023..........:wacko:  ....would just be tooooo much!  I'd get fired on the second day...... IF they could get my attention.    :reading:         :whistling:  


    MtRider  :coffeescreen:

    • Haha 4
  10. Y'all are so busy!  Just stay safe.  Tomorrow is the big 'whatever' when the govt tries out it's new?? emergency broadcast system.  :scratchhead:  Never really got a straight story on that. 


    DH and I managed to get the A/C unit out of the window today.  It was blowing cold air down the back of my neck from my chair.  I got it all prepped to move while he was at the library.  Then we also got some other things like big dogfood bags arranged - first in/first out.  Couple of those are seriously HEAVY for either of us.  I do use the luggage sized 2-wheel dolly...even on the stairs.  That's how the A/C unit goes up and down in Spring and Fall......{with NO falling!!!} 


    Seems like we just got that thing in and now we're cold.  :frozen:   Was in low 30*s this morning.  Several nites have frosted. 


    Ladies' Bible study tomorrow.  Ride on Saturday.  That's gonna be a normal week...unlike last week.  :0327:


    Sorry to hear about your back, Kappy.  It was doing so well until.....things started breaking!  And your hand too!   :(   :pray:  


    It's hard to imagine what your house looked like when you went back to Ohio after Christmas, Jeepers.  What a horror ...and you so sick already!  :pray:  that nothing like that ever happens to Jeepers again!  :pray:   Once is more than enough!


    MtRider   ....need to walk my mile...  :pc_coffee:

    • Like 3
  11. I   AM   SOOOO  TIRED!   Too many things in one week.  And have one more tomorrow....AFTERNOON RIDE  1f40e.png    Whoooeee...  I got something more than a dead horse icon.  So after the ride....I'm going to try to slow down all these medical appts.  Except the neurologist the next week. 


    I made sweet sour pork in the InstantPot tonite.  I'm looking up the recipes on the Internet - just for the InstantPot.  Got a bit frazzled when it was getting late and birds were still out...dog and me not walked...  :sSig_help2:  DH came home and got birds closed in and eating.  Then he took the dog down for a solo run-around and put birds into the duckhouse for the night while I'm finishing off supper.  This time of year makes supper and bird/dog/walking come at the same time.  In a few more weeks, the outside stuff will come first - cuz it's getting dark earlier and earlier. 


    We've had a giant Full Harvest moon .....and there was an eclipse too but it would have arrived around 4am.  I chose not to 'attend'.  :mornincoffee:


    Glad you've got your 'digs' for another month, Jeepers.  You've been thru the wringer this year and all those in charge of getting things done ...have been Less Than Helpful! 


    MtRider  ....  :offtobed:  

    • Like 2
  12. 10 hours ago, Littlesister said:

    It's not a narcotic that I am aware of, and it was on shelf with the other cough syrups. I can't find anything in the ingredients that would cause me to have to show ID.


    After DH and I had our round of COUGHING Cold recently, I asked my primary doc WHY they'd taken the "good stuff" out of the Nyquil products.    ...as in "Nyquil used to work waaay better but I did research and found they'd taken out "________"  ingredient.  (don't remember the name, of course)  She said:  People were probably using it to cook meth."   :blink:  My mouth dropped open.  You're kidding!  I'm so far out of that world....it wouldn't have occurred to me. 

    On the other hand.....IS that the reason?  Or do they want the OTC formulas to be quite a bit less effective ......  ?   :behindsofa:    We're already dependent enough!



    So anyway, I've always had an interest in herbal, go pick-your-own type approach to food and health issues.  I've looked into both at various times in my life.  Taking kids out and showing them edible and NOT EDIBLE or TOUCHABLE plants when I worked at camps.  But lately, I've caught the 'bug' again from my MO friend.  She's an RN and really diving into foraging for medicinals.   Making tinctures.   DH knows the herbs and nutritional supplements but wouldn't recognize any in their living form.  He gets them in bottles...pills, capsules, teas. 


    So I've harvested a lot of yarrow cuz MO friend can't find any.  Almost ready to ship dry leaves and blossom ends.  We're pretty remote so not near highway contamination.  I've always known mullein is good for respiratory. (...bronchial  :hi:  ) And I recently located a whole bunch of it.  So I stopped yesterday....it's in a ditch so fair game.   Chopped off about 8 -9 stalks.  Left them to dry on our porch.  Snapped the blossom stick off the main stalk.   .....and forgot to bring all that inside last nite.  :gaah:   They were stolen!  :motz_6:


    All the snapped off blossom sticks were GONE!  The leaves of the main plant were chewed off!  :groooansmileyf:   :tapfoot:    I've got an warrant out for a couple of Stellar Jays  {CO version of blue jays} that were hanging around suspiciously yesterday.  But with the blossom sticks completely gone, :darthduck:  .... I think they had accomplices!  :pout:  


    Glad there's plenty more just down the road!  Hmph!  :buttercup: 


    Can't believe your mailbox is such a target, Miki!  Who gets their jollies with that?  It would be so much fun to have something that spews out red paint when it's whacked!  :whistling:   They need some comeuppance! 


    So sorry about your whole family sick AND no success protecting your chickens, Becca Anne.  :(   Raccoons are just one of the horrible potential critters if they get started.  So it probably is a good idea to set that project aside while you have to handle other things.  Start again in the spring.  You know you'll want them again.  A neat little capsule of protein delivered daily is greatly valued if you can keep the birds safe. 


    You go! Little Sister.  Yeah, you're tackling all this stuff.  And your own health.  Glad you changed docs and offices.  You've got the experience to know what SHOULD go on in those offices!  And....good that you're keeping your foot on GS's backside when he wears out his welcome.  Military might just make an adult outta him.  He does seem to be ....better.  And he does try to work.  Some don't even try.  Keep on him and get some use outta his strong young body for chores! 


    OK..gotta go to bed.  I've had events on Mon....Wed....tomorrow....and a RIDE on Saturday (thankfully afternoon this time).  :0327:    


    MtRider  :offtobed:  

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  13. Well, as my last appt to Cognitive Therapy.... I did fine on my final test.  Not hard but I didn't score near as well when I first came in last spring.  We'll take a break and see if I need/want to come back again in a few months.  It's been very helpful to get my focus back.  Still forget things left and right but...I'm a lot more functional again.  Making supper at least and faster pick up mentally.  But L says remember: use it or lose it.


    We've had FROST the past two nights.  No garden so no running around with blankets and plastic sheets.  Everything is dying and going to seed.  Ah-choo!  Yeah, that too.  Deer are everywhere.  Hope the little fawns we've had here are growing fast.  LOTS of growth this summer to to frequent rain/showers.  The high peaks of CO have already had significant snow.  Enough to see from distances. 


    MtRider  .....winter cometh but I'm enjoying FALL weather right now! 

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  14. MtRider comes dashing in with just a few spare minutes.....   :huh:  Who am I kidding.  It's just turned midnight and I TRY....REALLY TRY to be in bed by 11:30pm.  :sigh:   It hasn't been working....then it does ...then doesn't. 


    Soooooooo  :busted:   I said I can't go any longer without checking in with the gals at MrsS.  I back read most of these posts.  Same issues conquered and more comin' at ya!  Well, same here.  DH pulled his back again....fault of a new client so he dropped that one.  Works only 2 eight hour days with the easiest client.  LOL  Sometimes she doesn't know who he is...or that her sister just called her an hour ago.  Not sure she's with-it enough to even be overnight alone????  But it's easy on him. 


    I continue to have Cognitive Therapy but ride the senior bus.  So DH doesn't have to drive me.  When did I check in last?  Both got a cold that turned into a nasty cough.  I got meds from ER on Labor day.  Saw my doc for follow up last week and she's got me on that FOUL TASTING steriod again.  Think I have systemic inflammation tho.  MS or whatever.  You just can't get those pills down...even back middle of tongue without the yuk taste.  Chewing mint gum now to get rid of it.  4 more days on it but less pills each day. 


    Saturday I got to ride....first time in 5 wks.  All sorts of barriers ...DH's schedule for one.  Yeah, felt good but wore me out.  I'm cooking supper most nights.  And real stuff - often in the InstantPot.  Finally learning to use it and it's great to save time.  Actually cooked real steak tonite.  Watched on 'Net and have several ways.  Got a bit nervous tonite trying one way but it turned out reallllly good.  Hate to waste steak.  DH needs a good meal to heal up again.  :feedme:   Steak is a favorite....behind DESSERT! 


    AAACK.....THANK YOU, ANNARCHY!  For teaching me "CTRL Z" !!!!!!  I typed all this and somehow dragged my fingers and BLIP!  All gone.  :happy0203:  But I got it baaaack!  :hug3: 


    MtRider  ...gotta go to bed.  Cognitive appt. tomorrow and I'm behind in "homework".  I'll try to stay more in touch.....


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  15. :lol:   Jeepers, he'd probably show you his permanently bent fingers and get in line for adjustment for his back (2 anterior crushed vertebrae) too.  Yes, is it overworking on summer gardens/canning?  Y'all seem to be aching.  :pray:    'Course some of us are kinda full time with it.  But it gets worse and better.  Yʻall sound like WORSE is right now. :(  


    GS back on your couch, LilSister.  I hope he doesnʻt spread mono to you!  Make sure youʻre eating right and take whatever precautions you do to stay healthy!  :pray:  That unhealthy one is a walking petri dish!


    Glad your improvements on the chicken shed/etc seems to be working now, Becca Anne.  Itʻs so disheartening when you buy, raise, and finally get them laying and something has them for supper.  :motz_6:   Weʻre down to 4 ducks and one goose.  S/he looks so odd with all the ducks.  Like the ugly duckling.  But s/he (weʻll find out in the spring if we get eggs or not if itʻs M/F)  is more alert than the ducks...usually.  Donʻt know what got the other goose.  But they free-range in the day and have a huge pond for safety....if theyʻre bright enough to stay near it!  With wildlife, birds can be quite an investment and loss.  :( 


    Annarchy, good that you know some techniques.  We all need to be less dependent on professionals unless itʻs necessary.  Good docs are hard to find...and keep....and get an appt. quickly.... {which is why I went to the ER for meds QUICK! to prevent it going into bronchitis} .... and expensive even with "insurance".  :buttercup:    And Troy Built is a steal!!!  :woohoo:  


    I have no idea when I was on MrsS last but ....I'm barely coughing now.  The Z pack did the trick........and thank you ladies for reminding me right here to eat some yogurt and (even spell check can't spell 'fermented cabbage' = sourkr??) and pickles and whatever to replace what the antibiotics wiped out.  Just ate the last yogurt in the fridge right now. 


    Bloomin' Olive Bread.....what is that, Miki?  Sounds good. 


    DH has scrambled his schedule again.  Now heʻs working full time with 2 clients and has weekends off.  So I can mebbe catch a RIDE on Saturdays again in the ranchʻs off-season.  :sigh:   I hope heʻs not doing too much.  But for almost all my rehab and other appts, Iʻll have to get the senior rides into town.  Took their van today and it was raining hard.  2-3" of rain on the paved roads.  But thereʻs a portico (?) in front of the medical bldg. 


    MtRider   :offtobed: 






    • Like 5
  16. On 9/12/2023 at 7:58 PM, Jeepers said:

    My brain will not do numbers. But it never has.


    Right there with ya!  Discalculia.  That's what it's called.  I make sure the docs/etc know that it's MY NORMAL to mess up numbers and I'm not interested in working on that, thank you very much.  Waste of time.  I have my ways to work around it.  My cognitive rehab guy now has me to the "backwards by 7's from 100" with paper and pencil.  He's adaptable. 


    Shoot...it's 11pm already.  I have to hurry cuz I'm reallly TRYING to get in bed by 11:30pm.  Seems like I go to sleep fairly well at that hour.  But not I'm I'm racing to the finish line.


    I'm nearly completely over the 'cold...heading toward bronchitis'.  GLAD I went to get the meds at the ER.  My follow up with doc is...next week.  :lol:  


    We've been rainy.  No chance of wildfire.  :cheer: 


    MtRider  :offtobed:  ...oh, I posted this before I read this page....  :rolleyes:   

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