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Everything posted by Mt_Rider

  1. Now that bit of lore rings a bell for sure, Mother. But can you explain it further? I forget the what and why of it. Yeah, we sloshed laundry today too. Wow, look at all the eggs that this rancher has contributed to the Easter celebration. Did you hear that the wife has Nigerian goats and would like the services of one of Mother's bucks. Spread the genes around cuz this tiny breed is not so well known yet. Too bad my "girls" aren't in right now. I'd try to get them bred by her buck. They wouldn't be too heavy yet by the time we arrive. August birthing like my last time. Mebbe I'll bring them round and see if they are "get ready". OK, I've got a jar of pickled beet juice [beets are gone] for this egg dyeing. Wow, what a glorious mess the kids are making. Oooo, that's a nice one! Yes, and yours is very colorful...which dye did you use? Does anyone want to mark with a white crayon before you dye it? The crayon area will stay white then. Or just use plain wax. Mr.MtR is making cinnamon rolls and we just [iRL] spread the middle with cinnamon, sugar, chopped walnuts, raisins. Mmmmm. He's our real baker. I do things like make yogurt. We'll be making lots so we can have them for mebbe a sunrise breakfast/service. [LOL...IRL I just told DH he's making rolls for everyone and he said he's glad it's a virtual world! He'd be up half the nite. ] Is anyone's baking ovens or dutch ovens free right now for the rolls? We will have a feast tomorrow. We have one pie maker, a campfire popcorn popper, and one of those wire enclosures for burgers or whatever that Mother talked about. All garage sale finds and they are so handy and can be used for lots of things. Just takes creativity. And hunger! I've got beans soaking too. I mixed the colorful Anazazi with the plainer pintos but they turn out fairly similar. I have lots more pinto but I like the Anazazi better. And just *thinking* of starting some seeds gets my hands itching to begin!!!! The Big Valley is a Hardiness Zone 5. There are supposed to be some hot springs and if you plant near them, it will increase that. So we're good on frost for quite some time. Of course I'm coming from a location that has frost-free dates from June 15th to Aug 15th. THIS will be abundance for me. yeah...I can grow peppers and popcorn and melons and .... DO you KNOW how many NEW seeds I had to buy when I found out we had a decent growing season? Practically bought Gurney's inventory. And I've already got tons of seeds for cold-season things. Wheeeeeeee....gardening. But don't forget we'll need to plant fields of grains too. And legumes. For us and for livestock. Wheat, buckwheat [high in Vit. C], hulless oats, regular oats [livestock], corn, cowpeas, sugar beet, mangels, ......whheeeeeeeee.....are we gonna be BUSY! But that's for later. Tomorrow is EASTER! Glorious rising of our Savior. MtRider [going back to sprinkling cinnamon and walnuts... ]
  2. LOL Leah....It was a surprise for us too. Forgot to anticipate that. The Wagon Train was set for departure in EARLY springtime [as was normal] to arrive in time for first VITAL planting of crops. There actually was two departure dates set within the posts.....both by me. Oops. One of our bloopers [now edited]. I said initially that we'd depart March 1st and then later I was saying "last week of March". Mother and I have been trying to get the time line straightened out and hopefully we won't have anymore timeline bloopers. LOL MtRider ...living in two seasons....
  3. ....wellllll, I've been thinking about your chickens, MT3B. And figure it's only natural that they are used to a Road Trip. Thelma & Louise? LOL Hey, I think the Journal idea is great, Q. Lots of us have read those early American journals to learn bits of what we know. And classes....esp for the Lead group. Thinking on that one...definitely yes....but the logistics. On the same vein, would you ladies [& cooking gents] want to compile a Wagons HO cookbook? That way we can all share recipes with each other. I've been drooling over some of the smells coming from other campfires....and MrMtR has too! ................. [and....if you like...IRL we could post CAMPFIRE/PIONEER only [not competing with the Kitchen Forum] recipes and Mother....Oh, Mother...are you tired of my ideas yet? Mother can we have another thread for the recipes and full instructions on how we are making food in our primitive conditions? Or is there already a dedicated pioneer cooking thread going in Pioneer Living Forum? OR....do you just want to post recipes in the W*HO comments thread? Like Mt3B did with her biscuits - yum!] Back in the Wagon Train....... .......Is it truly EASTER this week then? WHERE is the time going? Mother, where did we get to on the calendar? Whooooo boy. Got to boil up some of those eggs that every rancher host has had so many to share. Who knows how to dye with natural stuff? I have some homecanned pickled beets for reddish purple. Also for pickled eggs! Mmmm! [iRL!!!] The kiddos have to have their egg coloring if we can manage it. MtRider [.....on the trail and making more work for Mother... heehee]
  4. I'm sorry, y'all , that we didn't think to do this Comments thread earlier. We knew a lot of folks were reading our adventures. If you've been down in Fireside forum, you know we do this down there. This will be like getting MAIL on our long, sometimes lonely trip to the wilderness. Thanks for you encouragement. It's turned into a bigger "thing" than we'd initially thot and we are having a great time with it. Honestly, the beauty of UNreality scenarios is that we can always fudge it a bit. Sooo, if anyone still would like to pull up a wagon....we are always in your neighborhood. {or stick your wagon in a freight truck and catch up to us!} Questions from AMarthaBH : 1) TEOTWAWKI = The End Of The World As We Know It.......also known as: But the TEOTWAWKI is a really-big-long-term change. Not just a regional or temporary crisis like Katrina. 2) One way to hide the smoke from your fire in case you don't want to be discovered. I'll let Mother [think I remember she has a pic?] or someone describe cuz I'm not so sure...think its partly underground. {seeee, we all learn and review! ] Another campfire term is: keyhole fire. Large campfire in the big section but you rake red-hot coals to the small section for controlled cooking. And not so likely to burn your face and fingers as you stir the pot! 3) Beans while wagon-training? I'll save that for our bean experts ...I'm still experimenting too. Got some soaking today. 4) someone else? 5) same as in your kitchen but you have to watch closer that the water keeps boiling...any other difference someone knows of? 6) Yum, I want to know specifically about these too. 7) Fireless cooker/hay box cooker/etc. This is any form in which you initially heat the food for a time and then place it into an insulated container bubbling hot; seal up the container to keep it hot and cooking; and presto....hours later you have a meal. One of the simplest examples is bringing water and whole wheat grains [called wheat berries] to a boil. Then quickly transfer to an ordinary thermos jug [wide mouth is easier but not necessary] and let it cook/soak overnite. In the morning, you can drain and eat with milk & brown sugar like oatmeal. Kind of a snapp/pop texture. One of the more complex forms of Fireless cooking is the Hawaiian Imu. Dig large hole in ground. Line with fire-safe [not full of air pockets that might shatter...solid-grain] rocks. Put in logs and have a blazing campfire for a while to heat the rocks [we're talkin' soccer ball sized rocks]. Let it burn down and remove most of the unburned wood. Place stalks from the banana 'tree' on the bottom directly on the hot rocks. [careful, its VERY hot!] Wrap food in banana leaf [traditional] or aluminum foil [modern] and place on the banana stalks. You can also use metal roasters. Food might be fish, pork, beef, [Thanksgiving turkeys for a fund raiser ] , and all sorts of vegetables like taro, sweet potato, ulu [breadfruit], carrots, etc Make sure to have some ti leaf [spinach-like plant] inside with the meat packages for moisture and taste. Cover with burlap and then with dirt to completely seal the steam/heat within. Watch for steam escape and seal with more dirt. .....go off and have fun. Return hours later to carefully remove dirt; peel back burlap; and retrieve yummy food. The middle ground is what the W*HO ladies have been describing with stews, hot dishes, or meat dishes which they begin to cook and place in their Fireless cooker [perhaps a thick insulated cooler? ] in the wagon and have a meal when we all stop for the night tired and famished. Old versions were made of wooden boxes with hay for insulation between the larger and smaller box. The better insulated, the better the results. Whoooops, the wagons are nearly ready to leave and I still have to run milk my goat.... MtRider
  5. I believe every nite for about a week we will be staying in a rancher's pasture. It's the best thing available since there aren't many parks along this route. It also ensures that we can keep that cistern on the Water Wagon filled up every night. Pretty land but.... kinda does get boring, doesn't it..... The Fork in the Road is going to be right up there with The Afghan Episode. I keep chuckling whenever I hang laundry now heehee. {....IRL too!} I thot I'd die laughing at the look on your Grson's face when not everyone agreed to the merits of his new game. Mo3B, the season is pretty extended in the Big Valley. If we can keep on schedule, we'll be there around the first of May. Before anything else, we'll be putting in gardens and fields. Cabins can come much later when that initial planting is done. As to setting some seeds to begin now.... Mother & I have been calculating just today. If we left March 1st, ....just what the heck day IS it today? Other than a friday....which Friday? [Love the dear diary approach, btw!!!!! ] So sorry you've had this migraine. Hope you'll feel much better by tomorrow! Yum, I hope these ranchers have excess eggs in this spring season. The omlets were good last nite and we ate the leftover's cold for lunch. Didya all see my morning with the Equines? Sheesh. I turn my back to put a halter on Ms.MM -Donkey and Roan dumps over everyone's feed bucket. Aaaugh. The wind was getting to me and [having neglected to tie my hair back] I was eating my long hair every few moments. Ms.MM did NOT want to be hitched up this morning. Roan had a couple of fits and I decided I didn't want to risk a ride ...so I did some wagon driving & MrMtR rode her. She settled down fine but I got to stay out of the wind, somewhat. Driving the wagons was pretty easy on this straightaway road. I even negotiated that corner....a bit wide but Ms. MM followed right behind us with the poultry cart. At lunch I discovered a dumped-over mess in the cooler...and had stuff strewn all over while trying to clean up the sticky mess. Must have been that BBQ sauce we used a couple nites ago. Lid wasn't on right. My clothesline inside the wagon broke [i put on too many wet towels] and those things have to be washed again. The stoooopid dog wouldn't shut up all day.....OH, you noticed. One of her "off" days. {sigh} Mooooother? Do you have any s'mores at your wagon tonite? I've had a hard day! MtRider [...had versions of all that happen IRL today....aaugh, just one of those days and the danged Netzero will NOT keep me hooked up to the Net... Grrrr! ]
  6. ***find us previously at: http://mrssurvival.com/forums/index.php?ac...=76&t=37456 HOWDY PARDNERS! We're so excited to be turning a page on our itinerary and see the progress we've made. This will be more of the same but also a bit different. Different challenges from when we were uncomfortably close to civilization. Here....we are looking out across miles of cattle pasture grass, some ravines, some wooded areas....and ranches/farms/SMALL towns and what are called "whistle-stops". [as in, the old train days...not much more than a tiny shelter of a train station. In this day they'll likely have a P.O. and a local pub and a church with a handful of houses but everyone from nearby ranches comes in for those three services.] Most of the time, we'll just be on these seemingly endless gravel roads. We have a variety of places to stay for the night. Tonite is another rented rancher's pasture with well water to fill our cistern in the water wagon. Maybe we can buy some eggs from them since most poultry [that isn't bouncing in a covered wagon...lol ] are laying in full-steam by this season. Everyone out here has at least chickens. Let's make some omlets for tonite's supper. We can also celebrate that the "ill camp" has been disbanded. A few sniffles left but no fevers for a couple days now so our medical folks have declared our train "clean" again. We're not really separated into Benefactors and us on the road anymore either. Everyone staying close cuz [as the cougar incident tells us] we are entering a land of less people and more wildlife. ....now the dust has been getting pretty bad especially for the last wagons. But....the wind coming up strong and the dropping barometer tells us that rain is a'comin'. So lets pick up the pace on this mostly flat, barren stretch today and get settled in for the night before the rain hits. MtRider [reaching for a jacket cuz it's dropping temperature too.... ]
  7. MtRider does a double-take of Micheal. Hey! You OK? You're not getting sick are you? Cuz you don't have that Well, yeah, the heavier manual labor of this wagon trail life is starting to grind us all down. We're getting stronger but..whew! I hope everyone is getting all the nutrients they need. Not just the calories to replace those spent. But the nutrient variety. As for the same ole/same ole.....we are about to enter that even more strongly. That last campsite at the park was Good Bye to any civilization bigger than very small towns which we'll mostly be avoiding. It's Ranch Lands segment of our journey from here on out................ BUT....that means we've accomplished Wagons Ho - The Packing Wagons Ho Journey - Towns/Backroads And now we begin.... Wagons Ho Journey - The Ranch Lands http://mrssurvival.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=37730 Join us there for day to day tedium and......exciting adventures [of course] MtRider [ Hey......my barometer is calling for rain sooooooon awwwww! ]
  8. Wait a minute......... .......snake? Yeah I know about snakeskin boots [the best use of *that* critters skin that I know of....better than the mean ole things wearing their own....yyyyyick! Don't like snakes!] But I've heard the old saying: God gave every critter just enough brains to preserve it's hide. I'm jest doubting the sufficient quantity of brains in a snake! Annarchy, I was glad to watch part of the process. Wow, that seems a lot less complicated than I had imagined. [MtRider taking notes!] A bit physical tho. Whew! I am glad you salvaged from the cougar. Not sorry it died, seeing how it wanted to eat Mother [well, likely it wanted to eat Mother's little goat...] but if it died, at least we can make good use of it. Thanks for thinking quickly. I will be your apprentice next time! Absolutely right, Mo3b. We certainly WILL have to keep an eye out for gone-feral animals. We'll be entering the less populated area of ranch lands soon. But that's sometimes where folks decide to dump them off. [think somehow they have a better chance...hmph!] My childhood experiences leave me of the same mind. But not our dear Sasha Bertie. When I was young our Saint was named "Bert"...but he was male. [iRL] She's our hero now! MtRider [...puppies...oye, the lure of great-big-galooof-dog-puppies! ]
  9. "WHAT? SHE DID WHAT AND .......MOTHER! " MtRider stomps off to the 'ill camp' mumbling about "WHY didn't anyone wake me" and "HOW did I sleep thru THAT?" Ducks between two wagons and ignores the looks from everyone staring at the sight of a non-ill person [without mask] in their camp. Marches straight up to Mother and ..... After a long moment....."WHAT IN THE WORLD WERE YOU DOING OUT THERE BY YOURSELF -- AFTER DARK, EVEN. ARE YOU CRAZY? WE KNEW WE HAD SOMETHING OUT THERE! A GOAT? YOU RISKED YOUR LIFE FOR A...A... GOAT? At this point MtRider could not even continue. The terror of hearing how near she'd come to losing this dear friend overwhelmed her. You know....all that women-stuff commenced. Only after it was all over did they both look down at the new canine addition to the wagon train. Canine-hero was standing up and leaning hard against both Mother and MtRider....and whining softly. "Well, hello." MtRider crouched down to dog level....which wasn't very far with this beast. "You, dear doggie, have my immense gratitude!" OH....she's pregnant! Poor baby! You're skin and bones too. Trying to feed your growing ones to the expense of your own body. Can we get her fattened up? Do you think the babies are all right? ...What? What are you laughing at? OH...I guess I broke quarantine, didn't I? {snort} Well just how many WERE in this camp last nite? I CAN'T believe I slept thru it all...and gunshots? Sheeeeesh, I must have been out cold! {groan} So what do we do now? Am I quarantined? Are you still contagious, Mother? You're sure you weren't hurt last nite? Did you fall? Do you need DH to adjust you? ......I think I'm blathering but....this is a horrible way to wake up! Nice dog tho. And if she's a protector-type, she's invaluable if we can get her healthy again. Um,.....Saints have quite large litters, don't they? A big second to M23B....let's not get careless about our surroundings. Now that we've been out here a while, it all starts to be kind and safe, doesn't it? Keep a double watch on the smaller children!!! I'm heading off to talk to Annarchy...mebbe she can give classes on tanning hides. A skill we need to recapture! Nice warm kitty fur. [take *that* for attacking my friend, you beast!] Oh Annarchy.. ..just how DO you do that??? I didn't get to see you skin it out either. Next time call me, K? {might offer our "classes" to the Benefactor's group too} MtRider [...did I say only 95% dull? .....change that.... ]
  10. Yeah, c'mon MacK!!! Sounds like you'll be right up to speed. Join us at any point...this is UNreality, y'know! Mommadogs? Thot you were coming toooooooo???? And Arby???? You don't have to post every day. Just pop in and write a note as you can. It's been fun and enlightening....surprisingly so, for UNreality! MtRider
  11. OOOOoooooops! Sorry Lori! Shoulda known would be up before anyone. [mumbles: SHOOT!, thot I had him! ] Tonite's destination is 14.5 miles from where we camped last night. We've built up to traveling better but...today is a an odd day with all the switching of drivers for going into town. But the sun is shining, the road [gravel] is flat and dry [a couple puddles]. So we *should* make good time. We really have good motivation for pushing on....those hot showers. This is the LAST time we get an electrified camp with indoor plumbing. It will be those black shower bags from now on. Or a cold dip in a stream..... Brrrrr! The days are getting warm but, that water is COLD! Due to really wanting to arrive, there is a slight chance that we will have to travel a bit past dusk. Arrival looks to be right about sunset. Not how we'd like to set up a normal camp but...hey! This one has a few yard lights. We'll be fine and it will be worth it. Because of camping in public anyway, I doubt it makes any difference if the taxi driver sees our location. He's being paid quite well for this day. If we were back in the woods, it would definitely be a consideration. And everyone got the word, didn't they? We're having PIZZA tonite. YUM! Benefactor's treat. Kinda one last bash. We'll pass a couple more towns in the next 3 days but this is the last one of any size. We're definitely passing into rural country now. ....Soooooo? Anyone have any regrets about leaving it all behind? Other than obviously those we love who aren't with us? How are the rest of y'all doing today? Is everyone in town??? SHHHHHHHEEEESH! What WAS that????? OK Mother. I DID just see something over parallel to us in the woods off the road. Yeah, some others saw it too. But it's quick and...kinda big. Roan didn't react tho. I can't even guess what it is. "OK>>>LISTEN UP" yells MtRider as she rides back and forth between the back group and middle group. "GET ALERT! SOMETHING IS PARALLELING OUR COURSE IN THOSE WOODS! DON'T KNOW WHAT....DANGEROUS OR NOT. LET'S GET THAT LIVESTOCK HERD BETTER PROTECTION. SMALL CHILDREN GET INTO WAGONS. NOW! [thinking a cougar or bear? Didn't get a good look. ] GET YOUR FIREARMS TO HAND....BUT KEEP THEM COVERED. WE ARE STILL ON A PUBLIC ROAD. MAKE SURE YOU SEEEEE WHAT IT IS BEFORE FIRING A SHOT! Do NOT shoot at a bear if you are not skilled and loaded to bring it down. I'M TAKING A ROLL CALL TO MAKE SURE EVERYONE IS HERE OR ACCOUNTED FOR IN TOWN." MtRider rides up to the lead group to give the word...and tell of the feeling we've had of being watched; the animals calm reaction. More of the security folks begin to line along that side of the ditch, placing themselves between the woods and the wagons. And then we waited.....and traveled on.....towards hot showers......and PIZZA...and then the unknown! MtRider [...discovering that wagon travel is 95% rather dull but the other 5% surely does make up for it. Stay safe, everyone. ]
  12. WAKE UP MICHEAL......sorry Lori. A group gathered around the Amishway Homesteaders wagon scatters with grins and laughter. First time on the trail that Micheal didn't have some sort of wake-up call for the rest of us. {I hope he's not sick this morning.... } Well we'll continue down the trail today but small groups will take the hired taxi to town. Sign up for a time slot, as the taxi is hired to shuttle us back and forth every hour until dark. EVERYone home by dark, please. The wagons and the herds of livestock must continue down the trail so make sure someone is driving every wagon. Check in and out with MrHughes in town so we make sure we're all safe. Just a precaution, mind you..... It's recommended that we stay together in groups of about four. AND.....you DO have to account for how much STUFF the taxi will hold. [MtRider's note-to-self: Talk to Mr.J&S about the taxi making extra runs tonite just to haul STUFF ] I woke *finally* feeling "normal"....my MS normal, mind you. Just comes and goes like that. Will have to limit activities or I can knock it back down again quickly tho. {hmph!} (IRL too!) Best get packing up; milking goat; MrMtR is harnessing the oxen and has my Roan ready too. .....hmmm, did I eat this morning? MtRider heads for the [people] feed sack....
  13. ...MtRider stumbles out of the wagon using two canes rather than her usual one. {sigh} Where did we put the privies this time? Oh, got it....heads out that way. I've been feeling the MS fatigue/brain*fog all day and actually since late yesterday. {also IRL } So I've been resting. Heard a rumor that Mother was doing the same. Figures. She and I both have health/stamina issues. Quilty, how are you holding up? Annarchy? Your MIL is coming???? That's great. Tho I hope the trail will be ok for her and they arrive without too many adventures. [Adventures make for great times of storytelling around the fire but they are NOT really all that fun to live thru them. I can't figure out this donkey. She's never been actually braying this much before. I wonder what has her riled? Roan doesn't seem to be affected but it's getting on the goats' nerves. I thot my milker was giving up but I got more milk yesterday and this morning. ...Maybe just the rest days. Ducks/geese were certainly glad to stretch their legs for that time. Big dog is oddly calm. I thot she would drive us all crazy but, mebbe she likes the trauma/drama of a full campsite like this? Never can figure out the dog either. I'm not sure I'm up to sitting up around the fire tonite. Just going to eat and lay back down. I hope we can make up the miles and hit the next prepared campsite tomorrow nite. Um...I *think* it's a park one with showers again but.... .....muddled brain can't remember the sequence without my notebook. Glad to hear those in the 'ill camp' are recovering. I hope we don't have many Second Round folks. Here is a distance hug for (((((Mother)))) Get well, dear one. No problem Momma23B. While your Dil2b's misstep injury had my DH get out the adjusting table one more time, *I* got in line too. Seems I missed the first opportunity. ...muttering something about "the cobblers kids go barefoot" I felt a lot better after getting "lined up." Hope Dil2b is feeling better. She really mashed her shoulder. Ow! Nothing reacted as broken when Mr.MtR touched the bone with his tuning fork. Huh? What's that do? Oh.....welllll, if you suspect even a minor hairline fracture, it's a way to tell without XRay. See he gets the heavy fork vibrating real strong by rapping it on a surface, then touches the end to where the suspected bone is. It's REALLY easy to tell a break. If the injured person shrieks and calls DH a lot of names....meaning "It REALLY hurts when you do that, Doc! "........then it's a break. Cuz if you can imagine the vibration along fractured bone.....OW! Doesn't further displace the bones tho. AND it doesn't hurt at all if its just a muscle/ligament/soft tissue type of injury. Low tech way to find fractures. He's found them with the tuning fork and sent one person BACK to the Xray folks for a second look and...they found it that time. [iRL] Oh yeah. The Benefactors are planning to get some of us into town soon for supplies...and a look at civilization again. But they are cautioning that it might get canceled if MrHuges and his team do not think "civilization" is safe enough. IF that would be the case, we'd still be able to send a limited number of shoppers to fill "wish lists"....to some extent, anyway. No guarantees of what will be available. But the town we are bypassing with the wagons is a good-sized one. NOT taking our wagons/critters thru that one, for sure! So begin to check your inventories. If you forgot to pack something; didn't know you needed it. If you'd like to share your lists so we can all compare and not forget something ourselves....? -I want IceCream! -More T.P. ...the longer I DON'T have to deal with the ...um, reusable kind, the better I'll like it. -More pipe tobacco for Mr. MtR.....don't want him to run out... -never did find him a decent rain coat....and if I can't find one here, I'll have to place an order to ship to The Last Post Office Box [last town we pass with postal service...some weeks away]. -oh! M&M's! I want plain! hmm, have to think...what have I reallllly wished I'd brought? MtRider [....did I mention I want ICE CREAM? ........ ]
  14. MtRider crawls out of her tent [we put up the big canvas one for this layover] and rolls her eyes at Micheal. "I'll have you know Mr.MtR is in the tent laughing his head off. Why you might ask? Your SONG!!!!! That's what HE sings to me when he wants to be irritating in the morning." MtRider heads off the the clearly labeled latrines with flapping sheet walls. Hey, all the comforts of home! ======== Much later, I'm having a quiet chat with MaggieMay [donkey] when all of the sudden we're hip-deep in doggies. Miz.M decided it was a party and fortunately used the mouth end instead of the kicking end. HeeeeeeeeHawHeeHawHeeHaw ...with very nasal tones, of course. She's, blessedly, a quiet donkey so no one had heard her yet this trip. It brought everyone running. That and the howls of laughter from the afghan chase and....er, Steph's unmentionables....which we won't mention, of course.... nope, *that* part won't be mentioned... Not that it needs to be mentioned cuz durn near EVERYone was already gathered and saw..... (((Steph's memorable laundry day))) MtRider makes note to self about washing unmentionables in private.... {giggle} Huh? ORANGES? Micheal, that's just the VitC shot we all need. So strange that they can taste like CANDY after only a week on the trail. Wonderful. Mr.MtR has his adjusting table dragged out of the Medical Wagon and is set up under the tarp yonder. If anyone feels the need for um, realignment after a week of jostling on the trail. He's going to don mask/gown and visit the 'ill camp' too. Make sure the lymphatic system is working on any folks with bad congestion. He says the poultices y'all applied this morning were just the thing to get the stuff loose. Now he can trigger the body to pump the gunk thru. Sorry to hear so many in the other camp are feeling so ill. Meanwhile, I am sorting thru our tornado-strewn wagon. Does anyone else have the mess like mine? Somehow the hurry to leave in the morning and hurry to get some sleep has left my wonderful organization in a terrific mess. I'll be a lot calmer if I can find things again. I assume you all have heard my hollering to the air by now...when I can't find something? It's one of those things that irritates the heck outta me. Gotta be able to find what I KNOW I put down right here!!! LOL That idea of starting a bucket of laundry each day to slosh in the wagon as we go down the road is great. But there are some things that don't fit in one bucket. With all the rain/mud, there is plenty to wash and dry today! woooooeeeee.....just lookie all the clothes lines with laundry. Good thing we parked in some trees to tie them up in. Then I'm gonna take a nap....or go on the nature herb walk with Mother.... MtRider [ ...smell the Springtime in the air! ] Oh...hey lookie everyone! Momma23B is heeeeere! MtRider runs [sort of] to greet the incoming wagons. [oops....we've got sick here so watch the spacing, folks] I'm so glad you made it. Did you happen to see Mommadogs? I'm getting worried about them!! Whoa, you have brought some great, strong young men with you. Young muscle and energy is definitely needed. Nice to meet you all. And GF too. Pull up your wagons. Not too close to the quarantine camp. You can see the "facilities". they made it they made it
  15. ....so Micheal keeps insisting.... Benefactors are talking about staying here until Monday morning. We'd be taking a break Sunday anyway. There is some flexibility in our schedule. With some folks being sick, the hard week we've had, and ....well despite no modern bathrooms, this is a nice place. The stream over there likely has fish, btw. And the water for laundry [biodegradable soap, please] ...and not dumped back into the stream either. So....someone from their camp should be over with the announcement later. Hope y'all sick ones feel better!! I think I'm going to bed.....verrrry tired....MS not liking this. Adrenalin running out... ARE WE HOME YET? MtRider [staggers back to her tent to spend time with lonely cat....who wants to play "string"... Nite]
  16. I am sooooo glad it finally stopped raining. That's a clear sunset tonite. Pretty too. The next stop is in about 10 minutes. Now this is an awkward entrance. We need to go off road a bit -- including going down into a ditch and up the other side. Don't panic...it's a very wide ditch so our wagons are not going to be standing on their nose as we go down it. But, we should stop here and secure anything that is loose. Including children. Might want to walk them thru this. Then it's on thru a lightly wooded area and finally near those rock cliffs over there...well, you can't quite see them yet....but that's where we'll stop for the nite. Sorry...no facilities here. Latrines will be dug. If the cloudy weather didn't allow your shower bags to heat up, fill them from the kettles over the fire. ...uh, make sure they are not too hot when you pour! Q? Anyone else come down ill today? MrMtR has dug out some VitC that we stocked. Also some lozenges. We're ok so far. Keep the fires contained cuz we are in the trees. Nothing too ...extravagant. Watch for overhead branches. MtRider [...I *think* I am stuck in this saddle today.... ow! ...um, serious....I need help moving these frozen legs offa here....iiiieeeeee! ]
  17. MtRider comes up as Quilty is making the announcement. Smiles a little to notice how folks around the breakfast fire unconsciously move apart just a little as she spoke. I agree. In fact the Benefactors have the beginning of sick folks too. Just a couple. They have an RN and a couple EMT folks but I don't believe they have any who are herbal-knowledgeable like so many we have here. Quilty, go ahead and organize partial quarantine measures with the rest of the illness-medical folks. I'm certain the lead group will send back the wagon containing the ill family to join our "ill wagons" too. A security team will bring up the rear, a ways back from the ill wagons. Keep your spacing further between all wagons. Keep your spacing between folks as we gather....like right now. Let's cut down on real hugs. [there are some real huggy folks ..LOL ] Send me a list of who is back there cuz I need to know where we have holes...like in livestock herding, etc. It's raining again this morning but might clear up later...according to the direction my barometer is heading. That will help. Everyone try to stay dry and warm. Feels chilly today...or is that me coming down with something? As far as meds, it's early spring but Mother and anyone who recognizes new shoots of something usesful, be sure to teach the rest of us how to see it and harvest it. Keep our "pharmacy" supplied. We all need to know this basic stuff. But while you're learning, don't concoct anything on your own without checking with one of our experts. Mr.MtR knows herbs...but his come in bottles/bags...not still with the roots on them. LOL But he can help diagnose and his techniques include bringing down severe fever without the cold water baths. [let the mild ones run their therapeutic course] Also can help the lymphatic system of the body keep pumping and draining the excess. Important for early recovery. Also knows manual techniques to free up breathing, including asthma. But if he goes on calls, I might need a sub driver for our wagon. He has some lab equipment with him but can't really set it up on the trail. It might be necessary to send folks to the nearest town for testing/whatever if it gets beyond what pallative care will cure. Let's try not to mingle with the townsfolks but... Micheal....would you be willing to have the things you are hauling in your buggy shifted to elsewhere [we'd find room], and use the buggy to transport anyone getting severely ill to town? It's a contamination risk if you're driving. And we can just send a whole wagon if you're uncomfortable with that. We would be sending security with the buggy if someone had to go. Parents of children...if you have one or two sick and others healthy, how do you want to handle that? If worst comes to worst, we will have to stop and just treat the sick for a few days. After a certain percentage of us are down, we just can't risk any more. So it is excellent to think of quarantine early. Thanks Quilty! MtRider [rushing off cuz still have to milk a goat...]
  18. Micheal---> :frying pan: Sheeeesh! Don't startle me like that. [MtR walks off a ways grumbling .... ] but HEY, aren't you just all prepared to lend a hand to whatever situation comes up? Good for you to be right where you are needed....on our wagon train AND IRL! MOTHER! You are no help! CGA is also an RN.......I knew that! MtRider shuffles thru the paperwork for the wagon train...yep! RN! Well good cuz we know that we are going into a rough, primitive lifestyle and there's a bounty of things that can cause an owie. Yeah, glad you and others are keeping an eye on our poor PCS [and I wish IRL she'd get a working computer! ]. Now, I'm REALLY getting concerned about this wet, chilly day. I heard that sneezing Anarchy & Mother's GrS2. Mother, how are the TWO Grsons now? Gonna keep you busy but please take care of yourself too. All you caretakers....let us know if you begin to feel the effects of caring for the sick/whatever. We'll get volunteers to give you some break time. That means you too, Quilty! Sheeesh, we don't need our own personal epidemic. Then the towns would really shun us. I was so moved by the Happy Birthday celebration. It's been a miserable day.... with the kids having to be in the wagons most of the time. I'm so glad you thot of such a neat candle ceremony. Y'know, we are going to have to think up new traditions and ceremonies for the important events of our lives. They are the things that distinguish our families/communities from all the rest. It's part of our identity and ....well, we left some of that behind us. {pssst...Steph/MrS....is your son old enough for a small pocket knife? I've got a stash of some assorted ones. } Such a neat family you have. I'm glad you're with us. We'll take roll call in the morning to see if anyone is feeling poorly. But we'll need to make only 8 miles tomorrow. Due to the alternate routes. The day after that will be 12 miles again. ....Please don't get sick for that day.... My barometer is not real clear on tomorrows forecast either. Could go either way. Let's hope for sun cuz the tents are going to be wet in the morning for packing...yuk! Hey, CeeGee clan....you folks doing OK? And where is mommadogs? She was joining up with us late...I hope she can find us after we've been taking a detour these couple days. Yoohoo...mommadogs... And whoever put together that big pot of chilli and cornbread for passing around tonite...whoohooo! That was wonderful to warm us up. Thank you! MtRider [wondering how Micheal is going to wake everyone tomorrow.... ]
  19. Blood thudding in my veins hard enough to give a headache. Loud in my ears. Praying everyone will be safe on this dangerous morning. Why-o-why do people need to add violence into their already-challenged lives? ...into OUR already-challenged lives. Throwing things into the back of the wagon. Will try for order later. Check for all defensive equipment. Tent is down and stuffed in. Bedding quickly follows. Protein bars/water bottles stuffed into pockets. ...rain gear today. Dh and I discuss a possible change, with him on the horse patrol today...but I honestly do not have the physical strength for the wagon team, if anything should cause them to bolt. He's gotten quite good at maneuvers with the oxen so we will keep things as is. At least the cat is getting used to her comfy cubbyhole [cage] in the wagon. Don't need her yowling. Pick out the donkey's hooves quickly. They're clean. Same with horse....Roan, wake up and lift your foot, you oaf! I don't have time for this! [MtR getting very tense easily this morning...... ...really hate being scared! ] [some time later down the road......] Whew....glad of the early warning. Like Mother, I will be so glad to *just* be dealing with the four-legged versions of predator. Even tho a whole wagon train like this can't be stealth-silent, we did pretty good this morning. We may have to think about wrapping some of the jingling things on our wagon and on our harness. LOL....but I don't suppose we can wrap shut the goose honking mechanisms. Or my dumb donkey. Fortunately, she doesn't let out her loud bray very often. But she certainly didn't like being hurried this morning. Things should be done in the proper order...according to her. But "equine cookies" are a wonderous bribe. Good thots, Stephanie. I'd imagine that is going to be an increasingly obvious issue. My dh is a private person and needs long hours of quiet pondering to keep his 'balance'. At least driving our wagon affords some of that for him. Sort of. ....heehee, so if you wave and he doesn't "see" you, now you know why. He's off "visiting other planets of the universe". lol Now for the good news and bad news: Its beginning to rain and looks to be a fairly nasty day. The good news is that trouble-makers rarely like to bother much in their activities. Unless it's a trained/disciplined group, they'll probably all just go home and not try any pursuit of us. Especially if we are not trying to enter their town. Of course we're still watching our backside. MrHughes's security and some of ours like Mr.Fire are taking turns some distance back.....keeping an eye. Last report was that all is still clear. No towns are on the route today. We altered enough to avoid them. But instead of 9 miles to the park for tonite's stay, it will be 12 miles. In the rain.....nearly all of it on gravel roads.... Likely we will be arriving quite late. Sorry to push so hard this early in our shakedown. But.. OK, stay alert folks. There will be low visibility in dreary weather. Coordinate with our partner group....cuz we're kind of melting into one group now. Get to KNOW what their men and women look like. We're realizing that was another mistake. If we're coordinating security, we all have to recognize the others on our team. Live and learn. Live and Learn. But be extra careful that none of the children [or livestock] wanders around today cuz it's getting foggy too. We are on public roads...tho low population ones with these park lands on our right-hand side. Last wagon has to have the red flashing strobe light....don't want a car rear-ending us! All medical folks [Mother, Quilty, MrMtR, Firegirl, ...who else? ] - get together and coordinate your team too. On this day, make sure to encourage folks to take the time to get dry and warm from time to time. Whatever else you think will stave off the ill effects of chill. Use some of the air-activated chemical warming pads that we brought along. {Don't tell the guys that some of them were designed for ...ladies time. lol } ...and we DO have hot showers in real bathrooms tonite at the park....if we can reach the park. MtRider - It's going to be a looooong, wet day.
  20. Firegirl...In Real Life.....this is an UNreality Scenario. I set up a scene of total CHAOS. I set up a goat being grabbed by a normal dog. If you'd like to write in a different dog along some safe perimeter of the wagon train that day...that's totally fine. We are all writing this story. The scene I tried to write did not include any way to shoot a dog that was in the middle of getting attacked and driven out by probably FOUR of our huge, wonderful livestock dogs...PLUS crowds of children and their parents pouring out to see our odd caravan. AND the other large animals going nuts due to the dog fight and spinning and causing their handlers no end of trouble. Cows, horses. I tried to paint a picture of absolute bedlam. Either I didn't convey that to you or...................If your DH is a veteran officer, I'm sure he found your rabid dog was a separate incident outside of the goat-attack bedlam. OK? This is FICTION! We are trying to learn things. One thing we learned is that the climate of crowds can change rapidly. That our herds and our people were not as prepared as we could have been. FICTION. We have many authors in this story line and sometimes it will not quite match up. Doesn't matter. We are to learn things. Maybe things that WILL actually matter some day. Mr.Hughs is insisting all CONCEALED CARRY folks keep firearms concealed. Because society has not yet disintegrated into lawlessness yet. That is a reminder that tho we are sort of doing a WildWild West-type thing, we STILL must be abiding by the law in the lands that we pass thru. If your dh [in the story or IRL] is legal to carry open with badge....then that decree does not apply to him....right? BTW, a side note, I have endured the 28 rabies shots [ required at that time ] In Real Life. It would be very good if a rabid dog was dead. Now can we please move on and learn some serious things AND have some fun? MtRider [.....MS flare and fatigued and late calling my mother.... IN REAL LIFE! ]
  21. Hi CGA.....pancakes at midnight? Mmmm, they smell good. Yeah, I'll have one for a midnight snack. I am SO tired but can't quite settle down yet. I've been in meetings with the Benefactors [Mr.Smith & Mr. Jones] and their man Mr.Hughs. Mr.H is really in the Trail Boss position for our whole train. In charge of getting us to the destination. He's a rancher type but also has done lots of security type work. Although we got thru yesterday without Tooooo much lasting effects, [and by the way, I heard your goat was going to be ok? Thank goodness for the LGD's! Good dogs!] And Mother's adult GS1 is back in camp. GLAD it wasn't any worse. MrMtR says the bruising is going to be rather spectacular. Ow! Anyway, no one is happy about how that trip thru that town went. Big towns require a different strategy. As tensions are likely to heat up more and more, we need to do better. Pretty obvious it's an area that we didn't put enough preparation into. Thus, the planning meetings ALLLLLL day for me. .... but hey! I ate REAL well today. those folks got some goodies with them and a chef. We do too but poor PCS hasn't been able to show her stuff much due to that danged snake-bit leg. She's just barely managing her wagon some days. (((PCS)))) Sorry, I keep getting off subject. Anyway, as liason for our group, I've got a set of plans I'm to share with everyone back here. We looked at the routes AGAIN and might have found a way around a couple of the larger towns....at the expense of more miles traveled. But herding animals makes this a lot harder than just getting oxen teams thru with the wagons. Our herds are vulnerable. And the curious children of the towns are vulnerable too. Thank goodness none of them was hurt when the livestock was spooked. I saw at least two of our men and one teen grab a local child and hand them quickly to a frantic mom on the sidewalk. THAT was some quick thinking! For the towns we will pass thru, more effort will be made to announce our passage. The local police/sheriff will instruct folks along the route to contain their dogs and children. We will have a cart and manure-cleaning team at the very end. And ALL guns will be secured until we reach the open road outside the town. Now, the exception to that last decree will be the folks who are legal to carry concealed in this state. [You should already know if you are legal in this state because we went over it at the last meeting before we left. ] Those that are carrying legal....concealed means CONCEALED! Unless a PERSON [not an animal] is threatened, Mr. Hughes does not want to see anything showing. The town's folks are nervous enough about large groups of [admittedly] STRANGE strangers. Sorry folks, we just can't afford to get one or more of us getting caught up in a legal issue along the way. Few more weeks and we'll be out in the boonies enough to relax ...on *that* at least. They were impressed overall at how our group was able to squelch down the chaos once it started. Injured were tended. Panic in the crowd was calmed...enough. Livestock gathered and ready to move on again. No wagon collisions... So it was mostly things that just hadn't been planned for adequately. Frankly, [no, not the ferret... ] I don't think anyone expected the tension that is out here. But we can sure learn from this and improve. One thing I suggested was to BE a parade. EVeryone loves a parade. Free entertainment. Who plays music...cowboy songs? Hand out a piece of candy/balloons to the kiddies who are behaving. [ Mr.S&Mr.J will take care of that purchase before we get to the next town.] Also, plan to have someone walk one of the calm [without horns, please!] goats along each side of the sidewalks to greet the kids. [so kids don't have to come up for a closer look] If any of us have 'period costumes' we can dress up. And mebbe Micheal can put his magic act to good use. AND we will clump our two groups together from now on...so that we have more people tending to each side of the livestock. Even the Benefactor folks will be on duty for the IN TOWN traveling. That will free up anyone called out to Play Parade & Magic Show. .....if looking like a PERFORMANCE will help our PR, then it's worth a try. Tomorrow calls for off and on rain. We might have some trouble with the goats...those that don't like getting wet. Mine aren't so fond of being wet but they tolerate it. LOL 'Spose we could carry an umbrella over their dainty little heads. Tomorrow nite, after about 10 miles of travel, we're in a National Park. A group camping area with electric outlet posts {a few} and real bathrooms again. The park service agreed to turn on the power for us [normally not open for camping in March] ...in exchange for a donation from the Benefactors. Y'know, I'm impressed with how much 'homework' Mr.S&Mr.J had to do before we started on the trail. It will be nice to have some luxuries if the weather will be nasty. Hey, did I hear that Stephanie & clan finally caught up to us? I was getting worried. Well, thanks for the snack, CGA. Oh guard duty. {sigh} Yeah, it's pretty much doubled permanently. Some folks are going to have to catch some sleep in the wagons during the day. Except traveling thru towns, of course. Then EVERYone is on duty. Mr.Hughs is coordinating with our guards too. You notice their wagon circle is right next to ours. LOL.....now we look like a Figure 8. MtRider crawls into the tent to sleep at last...........MOVE OVER, you stupid dog! That's MY sleeping bag!
  22. MtRider is not seen on Roan this morning....has anyone seen her? Roan is tied to the back of their wagon with the donkey. ....Yes, she was at the women's bathroom briefly this morning..... MtRider sticks her head out of their wagon and lurches with no grace to sit beside Mr.MtR .....displacing BigDog in the process. Dog is willing to retreat to the bed made of deep foam pads just behind the wagon seat. "Ugh!" is her only comment. Mr.MtR doesn't even try to hide a grin. She whaps him on the shoulder and digs into a bag for an energy bar and a water bottle. .....this day does not bode well. And where ARE we? A bit more awake and functional after protein, I am trying to figure out if I can ride up to have a talk with MrSmith&MrJones. Yeah, in a minute. This had not been a good morning. Not surprising results of nearly 2 full nights of not sleeping....and running my head off for a week to get things done before leaving ....AND the first full day on the trail AND a lovely discussion around the fire last nite.... So the MS said ENOUGH! I simply could not function this morning. So I staggered out the the tent and to the restrooms...and then crawled into the wagon bedding nest to sleep again. Oh sheeesh, it's been 3 hours since that ...um, "rooster" crowed. Leave it to Micheal to bring along a fake rooster. [mumbled something about giving him his triangle back.... ] Good thing DH does know how to milk my goat...tho neither he nor she are too pleased about it. She's nearly going dry anyway and will need to be freshened at the end of the trail. I don't want her too full with pregnancy when we reach the final climb over the mountain pass tho. ..dang! I need a potty break...of course. Involves crawling OVER Bigdog [and she feels that she's SO comfortable that she doesn't want to move over ] and into the center of the wagon where the potty chair is situated. Better than finding a wide tree... After putting myself a bit more together, I am finally able to hop off the wagon and unhook Roan from the wagon. DH already saddled her but I pull her out of the way of the slowly rolling wagons to put the bridle on and clamor aboard. [still exibiting lack of grace here ] Meander slowly up towards the head of the first group. After some discussion with the Benefactors, I turn back to spread the word. There is a large town coming up and the city police will have to escort us. There seems to be no route except on the residential streets on the outer rim of the town. The police chief was agreeable enough but the officer assigned has been showing attitude. He's not happy about the extra bother and seems to think our animals will be unmanageable. .....UM..... He may be right. Lets call a halt here and try to secure any animal that can be. Lets get EVERYone out and walking that is able so that the livestock herds have as much supervision/protection as possible. Ah, Mother'sMother is going to drive their oxen with Mr.Mother close at their heads. That's the idea. Steph's clan and CeeGee's is spreading out to help. I'm very worried about neighborhood dogs coming out to "have fun" or fight with our herd dogs. Secure any problem dog [like mine] inside your wagons! Also small children. I'm leashing my 4 dwarf goats and need someone to walk them so they don't spook and bolt. Oh Thank you! I've got be on Roan cuz she may bolt....stupid horse doesn't like strange dogs. And I've no idea how donkey-dear will react. Let's make a corridor with the animals/wagons between the lines of folks walking on either side of the street. At least they blocked the traffic till we go thru. They used to drive cattle thru the streets....a VERY long time ago. Folks are not used to such a thing now. What else can we do? Anyone? I think we'd be safer going thu Main street. Do TRY not to run over any children who are too curious! Sheeeeeesh! Everyone ready? ...OK lets move thru slowly. The first block was uneventful...and then word spread that there was a parade or something to watch. People poured out into the sidewalks and streets. The children were not all supervised...tho we heard a couple screeches for children to return to the yard. One large woman thundered out, "William James Micheal Hancock, get back in this yard immediately! A boy of about 10 ran to answer that summons without delay. Well the street got narrow due to the onlookers. A dog ran out barking but was retrieved quickly. The sheep strayed into a flower bed...and also were retrieved quickly but not before setting off a loud protest by the flower's owner. I'm next to a wagon. Annarchy! Do you have a jar of homemade jam or something quick that I can ride back and hand that lady in compensation? Whew, thanks! She was well, ....astonished when I thrust the jar into her hands from up upon Roan. Just as I was wheeling back to monitor this right side of the street, a large dog ran out into the goat herd and CHAOS ensued. The Pyrs and Anatolians surrounded the strange dog who had indeed grabbed an unfortunate doe. At that point all hellatious hooey broke loose. Someone fired a shot ...in the ground, as it turned out. No one ever found out if it came from our train or an escorting officer or an onlooker. But the screaming mothers ran for their children and sirens began and .... Our animal herders were quite remarkable. The wagons came to a stop while many rushed to untangle the herds and dogs. The strange dog had high-tailed outta there and the 2 LGD's that had pursued a ways, had all returned to guard stance. It was quite remarkable to see how the animals crowded around those dogs, knowing where their safety would lie. A cow kicked someone...who is that? Looks like a leg injury. DH and Quilty are heading for the person on the ground. Some idiot in the crowd is shouting that the person was shot. I holler back that the COW KICKED HIM AND WILL YOU PLEASE KEEP THE DOGS AND CHILDREN BACK OFF THE STREET? I did see that one happen. OW! A man I recognize [Mr.Hughs, head of 'security' for the Benefactors group] is riding back to our group. His message is to wait right here until their group passes through. Then they will send folks back to help safely herd our group thru. This is the first real interaction between these two groups. I know that MrS & MrJ hired many folks to assist with herding their livestock and for security purposes. Now they are sharing that to get us out of this mess. We've got many blocks to go. With the calming of the animals, most of the crowd has quieted. But it's plain that we are troublemakers and aren't their lives hard enough these days without having this riffraff wild and loose in their neighborhood? And WHO is going to clean up all this animal poo. [not exactly the words used, mind you.... ] OK, on the manure issue they have a point. Mr. Hughs and I discuss sending a team with shovels and cart to clean up....and we begin to spread that word thru the crowd. It's not helping the temper much. And then one man, bless him, hauls out a large wheelbarrow and rakes and shovels. His two sons and one teen daughter are with him. "Never mind that," he says. "If you're going to feed a family from a garden these days, you need fertilizer. I never had it delivered to my door before. C'mon kids. Lets collect this black gold." Maybe we should ask that family to join us! ....and we still have 7 miles to go? Camp tonite is scheduled to be in a farmer's pasture...rented for the night by the benefactors. We're allowed to fill up the water wagon with the hose at his well. The little green porta-pottys are also rented. No hot/cold running water tonite. But most of us have the black bags with shower hose. We'll get a few of them up and ready for showers anyway. We'll need it. At least we'll be a looong way from this town. So where were YOU when the CHAOS hit today? I know there were many acts of heroism & quick thinking. And who got kicked and how is s/he? And how is the goat...tho I saw her up and running after the dog let go of her. Any other casualties? MtRider [i'm going to sleep for two days after this... ]
  23. just finished with my goats...I'm on my way..... MtRider. [....an' wishing right now I wasn't ridin' quite so much..ow! ]
  24. Mommadogs...Of COURSE you can still join us. In *this* UNreality, we can always swing to pick up another member! Can you get your wagon packed in a few days? Some of us had to kinda throw things in anyway...and after all my careful planning initially... MtRider [....I'm *always* bringing CGA with me on primitive excursions, LOL ]
  25. The very thing, CGA!!! -------------------- So OK, the Benefactors got all the permits, etc for our expedition by saying we are a re-enactment group. They actually are filming this magnificent event. That's how we're allowed on the roads in such a large group. But along with the wood-colored paint on the wagons, y'all will notice that the Gore Tex wagon covers are a dull grey/brown/tinge of green color. Once we're out of the spotlight, so to speak, we're going to try to STAY out of the spotlight. For obvious reasons of discretion. But the last of our journey will be miles and miles of lightly forested wilderness land. It's just getting thru these initial couple weeks. We are winding thru the least traveled roads tho. {siren sounds from behind our wagon train as we're shuffling along the blacktop road} Who's our rear wagon right now? Can you just tell the sheriff's deputy that our permits are in order and Mr.Smith and Mr.Jones way up leading the Benefactor's wagons have them? Yes, please. Shutting OFF the siren will be MOST helpful with our animals. Thank you! and wipe sweat off the brow. So we're to be escorted around the town and on down to the turn onto the gravel road. Well, that might be a good thing. MtRider [ soooo glad that Roan did NOT kick that deputy's blaring squad car.... ..think I"m gonna ride in the wagon a while and take a nap! YAWN! ]
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