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Posts posted by Twilight

  1. If you keep the thistles remember that they are a pest plant

    and do not let the blooms dry and fly away.

    Thistle is a very hot plant and works wonders in a compost pile.

    Just make sure is you totally cover the blooms in the compost

    as they will mature and go to fluff after you cut them .


    Mullien is an excellent remedy for upper respiratory problems.


    This is apparently common. I googled mold in washers.

    The main blame seems to be on fabric softner.


    But the rust does not sound right on your washer if it is

    only 3 years old. I have had 20 year old washers without

    them being rusty.


    I also have washed with only cold water for many years

    and rarely use fabric softner.

  3. Bright and sunny here also 50 this a.m.

    I got a load of towels washed and on the line before 8

    sterilized my jars and have beans in the canner.

    Mulberries and cherries waiting to do.


    Hanging out the towels I got swarmed by mosquitoes. Every slap was killing

    1-3. I hung those towels in record time and fled to the house.

    These creatures can populate in a thimble of water. Here they seem to be

    all near the woods. I have water out for the birds, cat and dog plus rain water.

    I keep a very close watch on the water and have never seen any sign of reproduction.

    But they sure are hatching in great numbers somewhere.


    I am allergic to Trumpet vine- got into it by mistake again grrr!!

    Why I get hives on the inside of my thighs I do not know. Even though

    I touched a plant with my hand the reaction there was slight as usual.

    But I also have hives on my face and lips, and eye lids. And when I have

    it on face I get a mild flu reaction.

    Does anyone have an organic non chemical solution for these hives?

    They will go away but will leave a dark purple stain that lasts for weeks

    before it fades.

  4. Such books are why I choose only authors that have deeply researched their material.


    The pioneers for the most part were not scatter brained, they still lived in the

    age of commonsense. Since they did not have bridges on every road- or even roads

    and had been brought up that way!! They knew something about fording and they

    often waited days for the water to recede/run down. Yes flash floods could raise the

    crossing rapidly. But that was the purpose of scouts to go ahead and search out the


    You have to remember even if the author doesn't that there were no utilities of any kind

    and these people had been cooking there meals more likely at the fireplace rather than a

    wood stove.So they were well versed in how long it took to cook a meal. They also usually

    carried coals with them so they would have a quick fire. They did not wash their clothes

    daily nor change daily. It is a dirty job riding/walking behind wagons, horses/oxen with

    all the dust generated.

    There were and always have been lazy folks that expected other people to take care of them.

    They would not take what they needed or do their share of the work.


    I have not red the book and do not knock what else is in it but methinks I will pass!!

  5. I do not think there is another single vegetable - if that is the correct term-

    that is so good for a person. I love that these wonderful bulbs are being

    remembered for the good things they did 100 years and more ago- medicine can not compete!

  6. [bottom Line Secrets]

    The Truth About Garlic



    Here are the claims that you can trust…


    Garlic is one of the most exhaustively researched herbs—the National Library of Medicine’s Web site lists more than 3,700 studies addressing garlic’s effect on everything from elevated cholesterol and various types of cancer to fungal infections.


    So why is there still so much confusion about the health benefits of garlic?


    Even though garlic has been used medicinally by some cultures for thousands of years, much of the contemporary research on garlic is mixed—some studies show that it has positive effects, while others indicate no significant benefits.


    Here’s what the research shows…



    Over the years, scientists have investigated garlic’s ability to reduce cholesterol levels and blood pressure and act as an anticlotting agent to prevent blood platelets from being too sticky—a main cause of heart attack.


    Key scientific finding: A recent meta-analysis in China looked at 26 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials—the “gold standard” in scientific research. In that meta-analysis, researchers concluded that garlic reduces total cholesterol by 5.4% and triglyceride levels by 6.5% compared with a placebo. Garlic powder and aged garlic extract were found to be the most effective at lowering total cholesterol, while garlic oil had a greater effect on lowering triglyceride levels.


    When it comes to high blood pressure, some credible research shows that garlic can help lower it.


    Important scientific findings: Two meta-analyses showed that garlic reduced systolic (top number) blood pressure by 8 mmHg to 16 mmHg and diastolic (bottom number) blood pressure by 7 mmHg to 9 mmHg in people with high blood pressure.


    As for garlic’s antiplatelet effect—that is, its ability to make blood less sticky and therefore less prone to clotting—a meta-analysis of 10 trials showed a modest, but significant, decrease in platelet clumping with garlic treatment when compared with placebos in most of the studies.


    Bottom line: Garlic does help reduce risk for cardiovascular disease, with positive effects on both total cholesterol and blood pressure. It also has enough of an effect on clotting that I recommend patients discontinue garlic supplements seven to 10 days before surgery because it may prolong bleeding.


    My advice: If you have a personal or family history of heart disease, ask your doctor about using garlic (in food or supplements) as part of a heart-healthy lifestyle. Be sure to consult your doctor first if you take a blood pressure or statin drug.



    Large population studies have shown that people who live in countries where a lot of garlic is eaten—as well as onions and chives—are at lower risk for certain cancers.


    Key scientific findings: In China, high intake of garlic and other alliums, including onions, was associated with a reduced risk for esophageal and stomach cancers. Specifically, the study found that people who ate alliums at least once a week had lower incidence of both forms of cancer than people who ate these foods less than once a month.


    Meanwhile, the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition, which involves 10 different countries, found that higher intakes of garlic and onions lowered the risk for intestinal cancer.


    My advice: If you are concerned about cancer—especially if you have a family history or other risk factors for stomach or esophageal cancer—include one to two cloves of garlic in your diet each day.



    Historically, garlic has received attention as a potent antibacterial agent. In 1858, Louis Pasteur touted garlic as an antibiotic. Garlic was later used in World War I and World War II as an antiseptic to prevent gangrene.


    Bottom line: There have been few contemporary studies looking at the use of garlic to treat infections. However, preliminary research suggests that it may reduce the frequency and duration of colds when taken for prevention and may speed the healing of a fungal infection or wart.


    My advice: For most people, garlic is worth trying as a preventive/treatment for these infections (see options described below).



    It’s wise to make garlic part of a healthful diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fiber.


    Caution: Consuming large quantities of garlic—either in the diet or as a supplement—may cause body odor and/or bad breath. Chewing a sprig of fresh green parsley, mint or cardamom can work as a breath freshener. Hot tea also can help by rinsing away garlic oil still in your mouth. Drinking a glass of milk—full-fat or fat-free—may be effective as well. Garlic, especially on an empty stomach, can cause gastrointestinal upset and flatulence.


    Because garlic may also interact with certain prescription drugs, such as warfarin (Coumadin), consult your doctor before significantly increasing your intake of the herb if you take any medication or have a chronic medical condition.


    Options to consider…


    Raw garlic. If you prefer raw garlic, try eating one or two cloves a day. You can chew and swallow it or use it in pesto, guacamole or a salad dressing. Cooked garlic is less powerful medicinally—heat inactivates the enzyme that breaks down alliin, the chemical precursor to allicin.


    Aged garlic extract (AGE). If you prefer liquid, AGE is available in this form, which is popular in Europe. Follow label instructions.


    Powdered garlic supplements. These are typically sold as capsules or tablets and standardized to contain 1.3% alliin. They usually contain 300 mg. Typical dose: Two or three capsules or tablets a day.



    Garlic has been used since ancient times as a medicinal remedy. It is a member of the allium family of plants, which also includes onions, chives and leeks. Garlic’s medicinal powers are attributed to its sulfur compounds, including a substance called allicin, which is formed when garlic is crushed or chopped. Besides fresh cloves, garlic is available in supplement form made from fresh, dried, or freeze-dried garlic, garlic oil and aged garlic extracts.


    Source: Ellen Tattelman, MD, director of the faculty development fellowship at the Residency Program in Social Medicine at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City. She is an assistant professor of family and social medicine at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, also in New York City, where she organizes the integrative medicine curriculum. Dr. Tattelman specializes in a variety of integrative modalities, including herbal therapy and nutrition.

  7. I prefer to make my cornbread on the stovetop.

    It can either be made in a skillet like regular cornbread or on the griddle

    like pancakes. With my wood heating stove I baked my biscuits on top, they

    do need to be turned, but basically anything you fix on a gas/electric stove

    top you can do on a wood stove- might take longer but it tastes better!For a

    quick meal I wrapped potatoes, fish, steaks, in several layers of foil and put

    them inside my wood stove on the coals-this is extremely quick cooking.

    I have also put a roast in my cast iron skillet-wrapped it in foil and done

    the same thing. In the foil packs it is best to add moisture such as an onion

    slice, or apple.

  8. My maternal great grandmother was a Souder come over from Germany ,could speak very little English but made sure all her children spoke it and no German. I think they settled in Ohio.






    Harriet Jordan was married to Walter Souder and they had at least one child, born: 21 Mar 1949. Since she is alive yet, or could be, I will not put her name in here. I will say she is connected to the "Bartlett's".




  9. Right, most commercial grains are modified. To make matters worse, rice has genes from human blood. this caused a great out cry and "they " said it was not in the US, however it is and has been found in some states in human food.

    Supposeably all the GMO grains were for animal use .....In this day and age, we have to "live by faith" otherwise we could eat nothing that we did not grow ourselves.


  10. If you are going to buy feild corn from the feed store, find out where it came from. If it was bought locally ask if it was open polinated. That would be alright to use. If you get commodity corn - came from commercial plots anywhere , it is probably/ most likely to be GMO . That means that the corn was genetically altered for Round-up = as "Roundup ready" corn. That is that the corn has round up in it. Round up is an herbicide. This means that if the corn feild is sprayed for weeds the corn will not be harmed sort of like a vacination for polio . Then there is Bt .Bt is a very good organic spray for the garden, it dissapatesin the air without harming you or the plants. However when it is genetically stored inthe corn it can not dissapate and can cause bad problems. For instance there are people wjo are using corn meall to kill ants. The only reason ants would die from cornmeal is because it has Bt in the corn. Most of the corn in production is GMO altered. Know what you are getting!!


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