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Posts posted by mommato3boys

  1. Because of our financial situtation it is almost impossible for me to follow all of these wonderful prepping list. So I have come up with my own plan.




    That is correct I am planning three meals a day for thirty days and each time I shop I am buying stuff for at least one meal. It is the only way I can restock my pantry without going into panic mode and going into debt. So I am on the hunt for plan jane no frills meals. Truth be told I am already in panic mode. Because of 2020 I am so far behind it is not funny and now prices are increasing faster than my bank account can handle so I had to come up with a plan that I could focus on. I am starting an emergency meal binder that has meals plans, ingredients and recipes. In this binder I will also have my "emergency" stock list so I can keep up what I have. As I buy the ingredients I will add the recipe to the binder and updated my stock list. I will then add it to the meal plan. I am hoping to add at least 3 days worth or meals every two weeks. I just have to find a way to store cornmeal. It is had to find corn around here that I would use for human consumption. A pound of dry beans will easily give us two to three meals so I am already on my way. I just bought like 5 pounds of different kinds of dry beans. I must stock lots of black beans and pinto beans. Those can be used for so many things like buritos and tostadas. We use black beans for our molletes. 


    As I find canning supplies I will cook some stuff like cowboy beans, spaghetti sauce, soups, and just plain dry beans so all we have to do is open a jar and heat and eat. If we are without power we can just open a jar and eat it. I will be canning in pints since is just the two of us. If we have the kids here I can always open more jars.


    This is just a few of the meals...




    cream of wheat



    breakfast hotpockets

    fruit pies (aka homemade poptarts)

    French toast





    tuna melts

    pasta salad

    bean burritos

    cheese quesdillas

    mac & cheese



    cowboy beans

    chicken & dumplings

    chicken & rice with broccoli

    red beans and rice


    dry beans and cornbread


    shepherd pie


    A lot of these meals and be mixed up like the mac&cheese, I can always add a can of tuna and peas to it instead of serving just plain mac and cheese. Or stir in a can of chili for chili mac. Like I said I am looking for basic meals that are versatile. The goal is to get a stocked pantry and then eat these meals and just rotate stock. Nothing fancy here. 



    I will also stock things like jello, instant pudding and other things to make quick snack foods like cookies or pies. Have to keeps hubs happy you know.


    I may not get a year of food stocked anytime soon. But I will have stuff to make basic meals instead of 50 cans of veggies and 100 boxes of pasta. 


    If you have a could plain jane meal please share the recipe!






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  2. Have any of you cooked brown rice then dehydrated it? Will it last longer that way? Do to health reasons white rice is banned in my house. We don't eat rice that often so I was wondering if dehydrated brown rice would last long than uncooked brown rice.


    Any thoughts?

  3. I think after been on lock down for a year, people have been stuck in their tiny homes and realized they couldn't turn around without running into someone or something. Tiny homes are nice when all you do is sleep, shower and maybe eat there but when you have to live and work form there well that is a whole different ball game. Don't get me wrong we are in about 1000 sq feet apartment but I can still rearrange the furniture and have a fresh look. In 600 sq feet everything has a place and there is no rearranging. I don't want a Macmansion but I would like something around 1500 sq feet. I want a pantry!

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  4. We store a various kinds of salt. I like the Himalayan pink on watermelon. So we have pink salt, canning salt, rock salt and regular table salt. I do buy the salt crystals to put in our grinder. When I cook I don't salt anything. I too have high blood pressure and thyroid issues so I don't use salt that much well except on watermelon :yum3: (no mustard here :yuk:). We add salt at the table that way each can add as much salt as they want. 

    • Like 2
  5. 12 minutes ago, The WE2's said:

    Tough day for our family today.  My sister's oldest son was killed in a car accident last night.  He was 54...and so young.  We just hung out at home and I stayed in touch with family.  

    I am sorry for you loss. You and your family are in our prayers.

  6. Hugs my friend. We are going through the same thing except it is our son that wants to be our daughter. Audrey told us Friday evening when she looks in the mirror she finally seeing herself. She is happy and seems to be thriving. She is now on hormones and seems to be adapting well. She can finally live as a female without the pressure of the wife. They finally split and soon to be ex has moved to Houston. I still struggle saying her/she instead of him/he and it upsets Audrey. We had a big blow up Friday. I told her to give me a break. I that she had been a him for 37 years and I am not around her everyday so I still struggle to say she. We are have an uneasy truce right now. You are in my prayers.

    • Sad 7
  7. We have always put ice in are outside dogs water. Like Out_of_the_ordinary I would freeze water in a bowl and around 1ish I would put in their bowl. We have every kind of dog from a Heniz57 to registered poodles and never had an issue. 

    • Like 1
  8. I ran across this article today and thought I would share it... the title is "More than 100 employees sue Houston hospital over vaccine mandate"




    Hubs sent me this article today also.... I hope I have immunity for a life time as bad as I had it.



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  9. That is what I call a chicken mote. I think it is a great idea to have around the garden. That way the chickens can eat the bugs before they get to the garden 😊

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  10. I don't know if you have seen the articles of the "powers that be" trying to debunk videos of people showing their injections sites are magnetized. You folks know I work in a hospital and I ignore all of the hype either pro or con when it comes to this vaccine. My primary care agrees with me on a lot of issues when it comes to the vaccine.


    This is one of those that I have ignored until it happen to a couple of coworkers. I would not have believed it had I not seen it with my own two eyes and personally stuck a magnetic to her arm. She got the Moderna vaccine. We were all shocked. The lady that was in front of her in line when she got her vaccine works in my department and her arm was not magnetized. I know there are two of my coworkers that have magnetized injection sites. One works in administration and then the one I am told you about, she is the director of materials. Our chief of staff and CEO are trying to figure out what to do. They thought about doing a MRI but quickly decided against it, since it could cause what ever is there to pull out of her arm. The last I heard they were talking doing an ultrasound. 


    One theory flying around work is each bottle has a tracing device so that they can see how many vaccinated people are in the area. Each bottle holds 10 vaccines so if you 50 tracers out there you can tell how many of the town's populations has been vaccinated. 


    I am not pro or con the vaccine. I am a "you do you and I will do me" person. Here is an article that a good conspiracy theorist could have a field day with...



    I will leave this right here and let you read the article and draw your own conclusions....you know "you do you and I will do me"

    • Thanks 4
  11. Tomoatoes that are totally green will not ripen when they are picked. If they have a tint of yellow put wrap in newspaper or tissue paper and set in a dark place for a couple of days check them daily and they should start ripening. Tomates actually ripen in the dark not the sunlight. If they are totally green have yourself some friend green tomatoes. :feedme:


    If nothing else put them in a paper bag with a greenish banana. As the banana releases gas the gas will force the tomatoes to ripen.



    https://morningchores.com/how-to-ripen-tomatoes/  check out this link it has some good ideas. 


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  12. 14 minutes ago, Mother said:

    MT3B.   I'm going to put up an alternative livestock for Apartments post.  Perhaps you will find something you might want to try. 

    I was thinking quail or dove in cages like parrots. I was also thinking rabbits.  Then you always have fish in tanks, I read an article about raising shrimp in tanks. I will have to find it again.


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