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Posts posted by Lois

  1. Oh Reci, I remember when DD#2 had her tonsills out at age 15, ewwwww.. She lived on ice cream, poached eggs, cream of wheat and jello for 2 months. As an adult she will eat none of those things now! Hope you're feeling better soon, and I have a BIG NJ Texas Weiner for ya when ya can eat it, right down to the chili and onions! twi

  2. Merry Christmas everyone! The little guys grandpa just came and picked him up and will bring him home tomorrow... they wanted him for Christmas dinner , but with the sleet and all that we are getting right now I told them to keep him overnight.. stay inside where it is safe.

    Snow is due to start heavy around noon or so here and we are expecting upwards to a foot.. TheGiant will be out plowing if that is the case so I will enjoy a quiet Christmas day or two by myself.

    The Hams' baking in the oven right now and I will be making scalloped cheesy potatoes to go with it, baked beans and a green salad. Just took my homemade bread outta the oven and it will be a nice addition to the meal.

    Propane tank to the grill is filled incase we lose power here... I can cook on the side burner. Have plenty of blankets and a down comforter to keep warm with.

    Have a safe and happy holiday... luv twi

    [This message has been edited by twilap (edited December 25, 2002).]

  3. Oh where did they hide it???? Where is it?? Ah hah, Found it! Dragging out the party machine and dusting it off... where is the plug? There it is!

    Twila plugs in the infamous party switch and flips the switch.... clang, boom, chuga, chuga, chuga, woooohoooooo out Pops a table full of food.... we have baked ham, roast goose, a turkey, cranberry sauce, and stuffing, cookies, brownies, blueberry pies and apple cobblers...

    Chuga, chuga, boom! Out pop's a large Pinion Pine tree with the most beautiful golden star at the top. Now how did that machine know I've been missing my pinion opine trees from back home for Christmas?

    hmmmm no ornaments! Twila digs out some crochet lace snowflakes from the shelf in the closet and pretty glass bulbs... sure hope the others bring something to put on the tree.

    Oh and Look! Outside the window is a wreath decorated with sea shells and gifts from the sea!

  4. Good Morning One and All. A most safe and Happy Holiday to Everyone here! House work is nearly done.. Will mop kitchen floor this afternoon and I am done except for baking bread for tomorrows dinner and and brownies for dessert. The munchkin is going to his grandparents house for Christmas dinner so it will just be a quiet dinner for me and TheGiant. luv ya's twi

  5. I LUVVVVVVVVV DUMPSTER DIVING! Just ask anyone around here. grin.gifgrin.gif I have brought home antique steamer trunks, first edition victorian childrens books that are ove 100 years old, and mark twain limited special editions that are in beautiful condition. Just recently I dragged home a new and i mean new dresser and night stand that someone tossed out when he moved.

    I've been a dumpster diver for years, and years, years!

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