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Posts posted by Gunplumber

  1. saw some pics of soup can shingles from the depression.


    But now for a little bit of reality-check.


    Take 1000 aluminum cans. Bring them to the recycling center. Get paid. Go to agricultural supply center. Buy 4x8' sheets of galvanized roofing. Install in 20 minutes.


    Take your change and buy some beer.


    Take beer to you neighbor's house - who has been working 10 hours straight and finally has a few square feet of shingles made.


    Mock him from your lawn chair while drinking beer. Offer him your empty cans, just as a good neighbor should.

  2. While I can see boiling coffee for stretching grounds in a crisis, it really trashes the flavor - the acids come out which = bitter.


    While drip is often wasteful, boiling or percolator (boiling) is like cooking a nice steak in the microwave. Yeah, you can do it, but it turns a nice steak into "just a piece of meat".


    My compromise is a French Press, where I can use water that is hot, but not boiling, and let it soak. It's annoying to clean.


    First 40 seconds. Bad words at 40 seconds.



  3. I hate the "quote" feature here.


    It doesn't let me parse a quoted message into individual sections


    this is the only board I've ever been on with this "feature".


    After quoting myself in the above post, I CANNOT edit the quote down to the one line I wanted to work with, nor can I delete the quote entirely, nor can I parse it down to one line, nor can I delete the entire post

  4. depends how fancy you want to get.


    simply copying the link location as mentioned above and making sure it is within link location here [/url works, and it may truncate automatically if it is a long address. But that doesn't allow you to rename it. For that you have to make a reference to it. Anarchy's way must work 'cause she knows what she's doing, but I've always done it as a hyperlink reference.


    <a href="whereyouwantthelinktogo"> your name for the link </a>


    it can also be an image, so that clicking on the image is what hyperlinks to the new place. Usually, an image that is a link will have a border that is different from an image that does not have a link.


    It is complicated by different websites supporting different codes. Ubb code uses [ ] and [/ ] to delineate the commands, while html uses <> and </>


    The strikeout command for example, doesn't work here in ubb code but does in html


    Now I have mine set up in two columns, as a "table" so you'll see the tr (table row) and then td (first cell of the row) the /td (end first cell) then td again (begin second cell) then /td again (end second cell), The h2 is the font size. Then /tr for ending the table row.



    <td><a href="http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums" target="_blank"><h2>Mrs. Survival</h2></a></td>

    <td>Darlene's survival discussion board.</td>



    and to see what it looks like, go here http://www.arizonaresponsesystems.com/links/pagelinks.shtml


    Or (naming the link, using anarchy's method go here


    btw, Anarchy, I tried it just like you wrote it and it wouldn't work unless I put the url in " ".

  5. depends how fancy you want to get.


    simply copying the link location as mentioned above and making sure it is within link location here [/url works, and it may truncate automatically if it is a long address. But that doesn't allow you to rename it. For that you have to make a reference to it. Anarchy's way must work 'cause she knows what she's doing, but I've always done it as a hyperlink reference.


    <a href="whereyouwantthelinktogo"> your name for the link </a>


    it can also be an image, so that clicking on the image is what hyperlinks to the new place. Usually, an image that is a link will have a border that is different from an image that does not have a link.


    It is complicated by different websites supporting different codes. Ubb code uses [ ] and [/ ] to delineate the commands, while html uses <> and </>


    The strikeout command for example, doesn't work here in ubb code but does in html


    Now I have mine set up in two columns, as a "table" so you'll see the tr (table row) and then td (first cell of the row) the /td (end first cell) then td again (begin second cell) then /td again (end second cell), The h2 is the font size. Then /tr for ending the table row.



    <td><a href="http://www.mrssurvival.com/forums" target="_blank"><h2>Mrs. Survival</h2></a></td>
    <td>Darlene's survival discussion board.</td>



    and to see what it looks like, go here http://www.arizonaresponsesystems.com/links/pagelinks.shtml


    Or (naming the link, using anarchy's method go here


    btw, Anarchy, I tried it just like you wrote it and it wouldn't work unless I put the url in " ".

  6. I guess I'm the ultimate heretic because I stuck my garage sale acquisitions in the sand-blaster, took them down to bare metal, and then polished them a bit (they were a bit rough) with auto-body type sanding pads. Finished with scotchbrite - drilled the hole out in the handle for my 1/4" hooks, and then washed it really well, coated with grease and stuck in the BBQ. Really - it's a piece of metal. I use bamboo scrapes and a regular kitchen sponge for cleaning and just stick on the stove for a minute or two to make sure it is dry. Some people have their strange rituals, but its never made any sense to me. It's a hunk of iron. Just like the grate on my grill. Nobody complains about scrubbing off the grill with a wire brush, do they?

  7. So I've been sandblasting for the last 8 hours, which gives me time to solve all the world's problems and ponder various and sundry things. I'm wearing a t-shirt my brother sent me advertising "Harry's Hunny" and as I wiped my nose it, I thought, maybe Darlene should make some t-shirts.


    Ok, you have to follow the ADD mind here . . . it jumps all over the place but there is a common, albeit subtle theme.


    For some reason, that morphed in my mind an image of a pioneer woman at a spinning wheel with an AK slung on her back (which then morphed to the same milking a cow).


    Thought it might be a nice T-shirt idea.



  8. See if you can get him to take a Dave Ramsey class.






    This. You have serious problems here. If you do not get it fixed, it will destroy your family.


    ETA,Nevermind, I just read that you'd already tried that.


    I have customers who tell me "don't leave a message on my machine, I don't want my spouse finding out". I am dismayed. What kind of relationship has a spouse concealing such significant financial issues from the other?


    I wish I had had some kind and supportive words for you, but it looks really bleak. This is a major issue, but it is just a symptom of an even bigger problem. Looks like you'll need to start covering your bases for the inevitable.


    When I got home from Desert Storm, I was homeless, (living out of my car or with friends), unemployed, and $50,000 in debt. I went to Consumer Credit Counseling and they told me they couldn't help. They did give me a chart for logging every single penny of expenditure. I used it for a month and was dismayed to find out how much I was spending a dollar at a time on crap. But then I WANTED to get myself "clean". I traded down on my car, made some lifestyle changes (pack a lunch), got employed, worked a 2nd job in the evenings and weekends, found a crappy 1 bedroom in crackville, and now 20 years later my (2nd and nicer than my first) house is almost paid off and I'm otherwise debt free. I discovered Dave Ramsey on the radio 5 years later than would have been optimal, but I really like him and have turned others on to his strategy.


    Bottom line - your husband has no will to change. There may be a number of reasons for this, but at some point, the reasons don't matter, only your exposure. I'm all for working things out, but when the ship is sinking, you have to decide when it's time to swim.

  9. really? Just curious, because all my air compressors have safety valves that are spring loaded and screw into the tank., When the pressure in the tank exceeds the spring rating, the spring activates and releases pressure, but snaps back when it is done. Seems silly to me to have any pressure tank that has a valve that only works once.

  10. I'm trying to figure out how junk food and frugal go together. Don't see much value in eating it even if it were free. And yes, I enjoy my occasional Hershy's Special Dark candy bar as much as the next person, but I don't see spending one cent for it if I'm in financial hardship.


    I hate bags of Halloween candy. I end up eating it. That's not a good thing.

  11. Clip ain't the right term for that thing that holds the bullets. It's a "magazine". But everyone knows what is meant. And actually, the bullet is only the part the comes out, the magazine holds the entire cartridge which contains case, powder, primer, and bullet. I don't threaten to up and leave and stomp my foot and hold my breath till my face turns blue every time someone gets the terminology wrong and calls a magazine a clip or a cartridge a bullet.


    Bottom line is, there's something wrong in the head - whether it is structural damage as the teratogen/carcinogen evidence suggests, electrochemical, enzyme based or simply a lack of something as the genetic evidence suggest, the person with AS is not "normal". 'Else we wouldn't be having this discussion.


    The adult male (not a child) murdered his mom and a bunch of kids and he is claimed to have been diagnosed with AS. One of the major characteristics of the AS spectrum is a lack of empathy and social reciprocity. These are characteristics one would expect in a person committing mass murder. So it is reasonable for intelligent and rational adults to associate one with the other.


    So you can CHOOSE to get all dramatic and drama-queen like, or maybe you can see a great teachable moment to educate people on the difference between AS and ASD and what the effects are on social interaction. Seems like you are being handed a silver platter of opportunity here to share your knowledge. Guess I just don't see the point of stormin' off and slamming the door.

  12. The DSM V is now out, in which just about every human emotion is categorized as a disorder - except Asbergers has now been removed . .. . .



    So if you don't trust the government, or question "authority", or stockpile food ("hoarding is now differentiated from OCD as a separate "disorder") - then you have a mental disorder. Binge eating - mental disorder. But if you have a mental disorder like Asbergers, then you don't anymore. I'm not opposed to this, as anything now can be called "pre-autistic" and it is a billion dollar industry. Jut like anyone who has ever had a bad experience (or knows anyone who had a bad experience - vicarious PTSD) can now have every emotion as "PTSD". Being a drunk is still a disease - the only one I know of you have to go to the market to buy.

  13. Seriously? . . . .Are you implying that everyone with autism needs to be locked up in a mental hospital? That is one seriously screwed up statement. I



    Absolutely! If we'd just lock up everyone with Autism - or get rid of them them completely - this tragedy could have been avoided. You need to put your personal feelings aside. This is a CRISIS and WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING. There is no time for rational thought we must DO SOMETHING NOW (because it is a CRISIS). Those Autistic people are dangerous and must be stopped. It's for the children.

  14. What I think you are missing is that my spell check works just fine on every other website. Just not this one.


    What word is mispelled in this sentence?


    Hmm. That's weird, I went and clicked on language = English again and now the red line appears. That's weird.


    Well, I gess it werks four now.

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