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Everything posted by Igarden2

  1. I may have found a solution to the metallic taste in the grape juice. I opened a quart yesterday to see if the flavor was a bad as I remembered. I noted a layer of grayish sediment in the bottom and I carefully decanted the juice to eliminate the sediment. Voila ! The metallic flavor was all but gone ! I have had tartrate crystals in my juice before and never had the metallic flavor of this batch. I do not 'think' that the metallic flavor was caused by tartrate crystals because I didn't see any crystals yesterday. I remember letting the juice settle in the refrigerator for at least a day to eliminate the crystals before canning. I'm no chemist so I can't be sure of what was in that sediment. I will be carefully observing the remaining jars when I open them. I am, however, very happy to have good, sweet grape juice. NB: I used my new stainless steel steam juice extractor yesterday on the remainder of my apples. It worked slicker than sliced bread. Very little effort and good quality juice.
  2. We processed a dozen quarts of home grown grape juice. It has a very metallic taste that we don't particularly like. I realize now that we should have not used metal equipment in the extraction, but it's too late to change that. Lesson learned for next year. Does anyone have any ideas to get rid of the metallic taste?
  3. From the album: Garden

    One of our apricots in bloom. This was a very good year with no late freezes to kill the buds.
  4. From the album: Garden

    Apricot blossoms
  5. Igarden2

    100 6380

    From the album: Garden

    While this is only an ornamental weeping cherry (no fruit) it really put on a show.
  6. Igarden2

    100 7637

    From the album: Garden

    Some of the jelly.
  7. Igarden2

    X 001

    From the album: Garden

    Grapes on their way to the juicer.
  8. From the album: Garden

    Critters kept eating the lettuce so we resorted to stern measures. The chicken wire worked well.
  9. From the album: Garden

    These are some of this year's grapes, destined to be made into jelly.
  10. From the album: Garden

    A close up of one branch of an apple tree. We have 8 apple trees. Did we get lots of fruit this year! We gave most to a local food pantry.
  11. Igarden2

    In The garden

    From the album: Garden

    Me in the garden
  12. This last October I had the pleasure of visiting Wisconsin's cranberry capital, Warrens. I had a tour of working bogs and learned a few things. The two preceeding years prices were high and lesser in quality, mostly due to weather. This year the crop was excellent in quantity and quality. Of course, wholesale prices were low for the producers. Let's hope the available berries are better than the last few years.
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