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About Igarden2

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    40 miles south of Chicago

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  1. I am happy for you to have obtained an acceptable stove in a reasonable time. In the last year we have had to replace two appliances. We purchased through a locally owned business that we have used before. The microwave was easy. They had it in stock and delivered in our time frame. The refrigerator was promised (by the manufacturer) to be at their warehouse within 3 weeks. It didn't happen that way. They kept us up to date but it took a few months to get the one we really wanted. Lessons learned. IF it isn't in stock, don't expect it to be on time. Supply issues are more serious than we ever expected. Note: this all happened before the current problems. Yes, Covid shutdowns were the main driver, but now I expect it to be even slower. Side story: Last summer I had a Deere go belly up for want of a gear assembly. Not one was to be had inside the USA. Deere had one in a warehouse in Germany. That took over 3 weeks to get to my dealer. My machine was down for over 5 weeks. I was rather frustrated and had to rely on other machines to do the work. Just last week I was at the same dealer. I overheard a member of staff on the telephone tell a customer " Unless someone has that part in hand no body is going to give you a firm delivery date. " Again, I am glad you got a new stove.
  2. We planted 3 varieties of pole beans this spring. It rained and rained. The Trionfo Violetto have grown and produced abundantly as usual. The other varieties did not do well at all in the same soil and same row. Next year my wife wants to skip the other varieties and only plant these beans. They are well formed and not spotted by fungus ( a rarity in my area). However, the Japanese Beetles prefer these beans' leaves over the others. They must know a good thing when they see one.
  3. Does anyone else find it remarkable that a pressure canner costing $72.99 from North Carlolina will cost an extra $50.76 for shipping and $20.11 for import charges? That's $70.87 just for shipping and import on a $72.99 canner. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-PRESTO-01755-PRESSURE-CANNER-COOKER-16-QUART-WITH-GUAGE-NEW-IN-BOX-SALE/110443186087?_trksid=p2047675.c100009.m1982&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20140328180637%26meid%3D2ecd6ce0f43547f7982a0c237f6a8bb0%26pid%3D100009%26rk%3D4%26rkt%3D8%26mehot%3Dag%26sd%3D261815323946
  4. We have been slicing and drying apples on and off for days. Helps warm the house, too.
  5. I have jerky in a canning jar, lid screwed on, in my freezer. The low moisture in it keeps it from getting 'freezer burn' or off flavors. Every time I take out a slice it seems to be pretty much the same as when I froze it months ago. Note: it is pretty dry jerky.
  6. "A-cow-in-a-jar" Ummm.... just how big is that jar?
  7. Quarts of tomatoes in the canner. Woohoo!! OK, tomatoes sound soooo prosaic. However, with the cool summer we've had, just seeing a ripe tomato is cause for celebration.
  8. I'm still confused. But that's OK. Seems to be my nature lately.
  9. Thank you for posting this information. I learnt sumthin'.
  10. This kindle book is free today. I found it to be quite informative. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E6EGS0M/?tag=fkb1-20
  11. Igarden2

    Boiling brine

    "Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and caldron bubble"
  12. Igarden2


    mainly canning
  13. My wife and I almost always work together on canning. We are such a pair of goofballs that it doesn't seem like work, usually.
  14. Can anyone comment (based on personal experience) concerning the quality of product using Clear gel for jams and jellies? I would definitely try it if others have had good results.
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