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Posts posted by psarnes1

  1. Ok looks like I need to go to store. I have tried soy formula, and all it did was make her get sick for 12 hours. So I need fennel and chamomile. Got it... Cant do the washing machine thing it is in a small house outside, and I dont knwo if any of you kept up with the weather but here I am in the midst of 6 inches of snow.... YUCK!!!! We just got our electricity back thank goodness. The car was getting cramped..lol. Thanks for the advice everyone. Please if any of you need anyone to talk to or help from please let me know.


    Smooches to All!!!!!

  2. Not trying to scare you but does she have problems with mosquitoes? If so have her checked for wes nile. I know that this is far fetched but what you are describing is what was going on with a very dear friend of mine and we found out in the knick of time this is what she had. Hope this helps and she will be in my prayers.



  3. I was breastfeeding untill my milk went bad and this was a devistation to me. She is now on formula and almost 8 weeks old. she is eating 5 oz every three hours. I do use a pacifier, but even after that she still screams constantly. I am so exhausted that I am not sure if I am doing something wrong or what. She does take a tsp. of cereal which is what the good ole dr. here suggested but it is like she wants more. I just dont know what to do. Dont worry about questions . I love to answer them. It actually helps me figure out solutions... when I sleep...lol..



  4. AHHHHH!!!! Introductions to so many interesting people. Well I dont know if I have such an interesting life but here it goes:


    Hello all I am Audra. I am today 28. My husband and I have been married for I guess 9 years this past August 5th. We have 3 children. Christopher who just turned 10 Jeremy who turned 8 and our newest daughter Jasmyn who is 7 weeks. I am a stay at home mom not by choice, but husband insists.

    We live in a small town in Texas. There is like 2000 people here but I am convinced that includes all the cows, horses, and chickens...lol. No I love living in a small town everyone here knows one another and my kids cant get away with anything..lol.


    I have never been self sufficient when it comes to gardening, canning, or dehydrating. I would love someone to take me under their wing and teach me. I have a huge backyard that I would love to turn into somewhere I can go and work since I cant go out and get a job.


    My husband and I are going through a real rough time due to our income right now so I am trying to learn what I can to help out. My husbands job deducted him $2.00 per hour due to him having to take me to the hospital to have my emergency C-Section with out daughter. UMMMMM.....


    I love to read, learn, crosstitch, do bible studies on anything I can get my hands on, help at my kids school, and play with our animals.


    At this time we have Cassie Mae who is a Pitt Terrior who thinks she is Queen of the house ( trying to convince her that I am but I am loosing), We have Tommie who is our cat who just doesnt care about anything but the birds in the yard, and a few fish. At this time we are looking into get chickens again, but not sure if it is feasible.


    I love to put the little one in the stroller and just go on a walk. I really dont get to do that very often due to the fact that she has collic now , and doesnt sleep at night, but to keep up with my weight lose goal of 40 lbs I do pilates. I am a published poet, and go through phases of just writing.


    Well I am not sure what else to write about myself so I guess I will end it here.


    Smooches to all!!!!

  5. You guys are so wonderfull, and you dont know how bad I needed that! I am sitting here like I just watched a really emotional movie crying my head off. There is so much going on in my life right now I am so blessed that I found this group of lovely, wonderfull, resourcefull, and completely loving group of individuals. Thanks again..



    Smooches to All!!!!

  6. Thanks everyone. I do have to warn you though that sometimes I am a very opinionated person. No I am sorry AL does not stand for alabama. It is my first two initials. I enjoy writing to actual people. I love to listen. Although until I get to know more of you I think I will keep my opinions to myself. It does seem I might have offended someone in another thread, and for that I am sorry.


    Smooches to all


  7. That would be so appreciated.... Lets see I am a halloween baby. I am a country girl. Live in Texas. I love to listen to people, crosstitch, do things at kids school before my daughter got here. I absolutly love to collect frogs. They are all over my house. I hope some of this helps.... Smooches

  8. I am a new member and have visited here before but as anonymous. I love how everyone here has joined together to help one another and support one another through various discussions. I would like some help with a siggy, and pray that everyone is well.

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