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Posts posted by Motherhen

  1. We are currently looking into a solar generator to be able to pump water out of our well. Have a friend that is very knowledgeable on this. Life would be very different if the electricity went off and would not be easy but we'd manage here other than water, if it was out for any length of time. Its one thing if vehicles were running and then we could get water elsewhere but imagine if it was an EMP. The Amish in our area would have to run a taxi service! Maybe to the lake for water which is a mile behind us....but then where are people going to go if stores were closed, etc and nothing is able to be bought?

     I have heard conflicting reports that vehicles won't run vs. that they will run but certain aspects such as windshield wipers, power door locks, etc. wouldn't run. I heard this on Goshen Prepping on Youtube. [I hope its ok to say a specific site by name bcz if it is, you all should watch Canadian Prepper who keeps up to date daily on the latest 'gloom and doom' as he calls it] We have a woodstove but it does not do the entire house and it gets very cold where we live in the winter. We do use woodstove as primary heat but also have oil furnace.

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  2. I don't know much about it either but I have 9 grandchildren...Even though they don't live near me at all, my husband and now wear masks in the stores [only public setting we go to]. We do this for ourselves but moreso for any children that we may come across while shopping-- and the elderly [though i dont know if we count as 'elderly' too at 63 yrs.old] But I'm noticing more and more people are wearing masks in the stores where we live. My mother who is 85 told me this a.m. that RSV is also hitting the elderly too--not just children. I have continued to use disinfectant wipes in the stores and wipe down my buggy in all areas that i know I touch it--not just the handle. I use the disinfectant wipe when cashing out too for debit and keep it in my hand frequently wiping down my hands while shopping. So far, we've not got covid at all. In the summer, we stopped wearing masks sometime after it was not law to do so anymore but we've started up again. I think these are good precautions to take. If you take these precautions while out and about, I hope that we can alleviate our loved children getting ill. I can see you're a homeschooling mom--and I was too--I think schools are nothing more than germ factories so you're one step ahead with kids at home and pretty safe--just take precautions while out.

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  3. Not as cheap as your solution but I wanted privacy and sun protection-also from western exposure. I bought a privacy window film so I can see out but no one can see in. It also blocks the sun so the room doesn't heat up which was very important for me. The only thing I wasn't aware of is that at night, anyone can see in. It only works in the daytime or as long as its brighter outside than inside. So if its a dark dull day and you have a light on, then someone would be able to see in to some extent. Mine is peel and stick and goes on the outside of my windows so if someone wanted to, they could peel it off and look in. I'm in the boonies though and its not like someone is even around unless they're at my back door.  I'm usually home anyway.

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    • Thanks 1
  4. I'm Canadian but don't live in S.Ontario where numbers are high...ESP this region of Toronto which is very high with covid cases. I live in Northern Ontario-6 hours north of Toronto. I'd not heard of this until reading this now- and I do watch the news regularly on tv- but it seems it means just to isolate in your home which is natural anyway. Sounds like someone took it out of context and the error is being corrected. The Toronto Sun is a large newspaper [as well as the Toronto Star].  Ontario has different zones --red zone, orange, grey, green etc...To be honest, I don't pay much attention to what is allowed and what isn't...can't keep up bcz they change the 'rules' so often depending on caseloads in that region. I live in the north where currently in my own region, there are 11 cases--where we had zero to one recently. I understand it is in a local mine so amounts are currently high due to that. ALL people over a certain age...[I don't have kids so maybe its 4?]  in Ontario MUST wear a mask when out in public buildings and all stores/businesses are very good about hand sanitizer and cleaning of cart handles or areas within their business or store. Depending on your colour zone, [which depends on how severe the covid level is] has different regulations...for ex...hairdressers, gyms, dine in restaurants may or may not be open though take-out is. Churches may be closed or at 30% capacity as an example. Schools are open or your child can learn at home--your choice. We were in a lock down stay at home order a while ago but that has lifted. It meant that if you could possibly stay at home, don't go out except for groceries, prescriptions, medical appts, [many medical appts. are by telephone now if possible] really just to go out for necessities and your employment. We're not busy with socializing anyway  so not sure of exact 'rules'...but we can associate in small groups or within our own social bubble--for us, our daughter/son in law who lives 4 miles from us, our son who lives not much further. A lot of the rules makes no sense at all so I just don't bother with keeping up...bcz it doesn't affect me anyway....and like I said, it changes so fast, that I just don't care. My life is the same no matter what the rules are. But I think someone didn't think out carefully what was said or it was misconstrued about solitary confinement for kids if someone in their school came down with it...and some schools have cases. Ontario is consistent with taking as much precautions as they can to try to curb the covid rates. They don't want to overwhelm our health care system.

    • Thanks 1
  5. Its -24F, feeling like -42F here this a.m. and not getting better until Tues. Its been this way for several days already. Our water line is frozen but we've not had time to work on it and this way, we didn't have to worry about it. Getting water from our daughter's and making do til then. This is a regular occurrence in this house with such bitter cold temps. I don't have any particular author that I like, but I read a LOT---I get my books for .25 at the local thrift store which ALL profits go for the rescue of animals in our area. Or I get them at the little free library....or also we have a 24 hour auction on fb that sometimes people offer up...usually get a few books for a dollar or two.

    • Sad 4
  6. No, where I live in N.Ontario, Canada, there has been a handful of cases since it started last winter. However it has spiked to about 30 cases in our large area which includes 2 cities, and several smaller towns just in the past week. Ontario is in a lockdown and it is law to wear a mask in any public building since August. Our stores all have cart cleaning and lots of sanitation stations throughout the stores.


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  7. I know what you mean....do not use any cream with steroids in it bcz it makes it worse. I regularly --daily--use GoldBond Powder equivalent---(Walmart equivalent at half the price is the same so buy that instead) to keep myself dry. Sometimes its heat esp. summer, that makes it worse but I find being stressed gives me a flareup. I only get this under my breasts so not sure about the other areas. For the groin area, I'd be tempted to use a zinc baby diaper rash cream. Could use it on the abdomen too and like babies, have some "air time". Again I use Walmart brand diaper rash cream --sometimes I get a heat rash and use it. Hope these suggestions help---might keep things at bay in the future though I don't know if they'd help now. But I am thinking in dogs now. and not humans---...for hot spots, use Gold Bond powder on the hot spot so maybe it'd work for your rash....or another thing is vinegar and water for any fungal problems. Diluted--maybe it wouldn't burn or irritate. I'd try the Gold Bond --its menthol so you can expect a mild burning but I've found it does work for me for preventative and while I've got it bothering me too.

  8. I'd just put on an antibacterial ointment--generic is fine, Polysporin costs a lot more but doesn't work any better. I find Ozonol to be inexpensive and works the BEST. For me, I have antibiotics that I bought from KV Vet Supply (kvvvetsupply.com) under the Fish section--fishmox or amox. IF I felt that my cat was getting worse, I'd give him abx as well.

  9. Since I started this topic, we never did buy that property. However we did end up in a similar situation except on 73 acres in N.Ont and in a mobile home. Our daughter also came up a year later after us and is in a house of her own in the village. We've not had any problems with the mobile home--it does have a normal house roof on it--and is insulated underneath covered with plastic. We did not have our water pipes freeze up this year even when it passed -50F. We did have our septic tank pipe freeze up instead! But we managed.

    We've not had any mice at all but we have cats on duty. I've not seen a snake up here yet. The neighbour who has a cat and a normal house with basement has had some mice issues--as well as the other neighbour who has a "stack house" built just above the ground. She only has dogs--no cats due to the dogs who would kill it.

    Otherwise we've not had any issues in this house--which also has an addition of a large living room put on. We have oil heat and a cook woodstove too...mainly using wood to heat. For my many dogs, I have an additional mobile home for them to live in, steps away from my back door---with a woodstove to keep warm. I thought it would shift around a lot when the frost came out of the ground but no issues there or any mice--but again I have 2 cats in it as well.

    My only issue with the house is that the kitchen is not large enough for me esp. as its an eat in kitchen and crowded when the 4 of us sit down to eat daily. If we have company, we have to set up tables in the living room and its not close to the kitchen...but I am content with what I have. Its mine and its fully paid for---and I love it here on 73 secluded bush and field acres.

  10. I agree on the guaifenesin syrup. bcz it helps expel phlem. Here's another idea: Twenty five years ago, I was very ill with double pneumonia. My dh was working nights and I had a year old baby that I wasn't able to care for or for myself being so ill so my dh took me to my mother's overnight. She made me a honey and garlic sandwich---similar to pb and jam. Within half an hour I was hacking up phlem. The next a.m my father took me to the ER where the dr. told me that the honey and garlic sandwich saved my life. I would suggest this for you now. I would also suggest lots of chicken soup with lots of onions and garlic in it.

    I have a Homemedic massager which I also recommend bcz it does help also in breaking up the phlem. Any massager will do but they do work.

    You may have an allergy to something. I often get asthma after a cold virus but it lingers on. I've been told by a dr. that it could be an allergy. As fast as I get this illness, it leaves. Almost the same time each year--end of Dec into the entire month of Jan.

  11. I'm in N.Ontario and not sure how much of the storm we'll get up here. We had some snow this a.m and moderately high winds/gusts right now. Rain tomorrow. Toronto,Ontario has already had its first storm victim earlier this evening when a sign got loose in the wind striking a lady dead. My family in the Niagara Peninsula (S.Ontario) are getting lots of rain and high winds tonight.

  12. I have arthritis in my knee badly--no cartilege left. I must take Aleve at night and that I feel is the key for me. During the day, I also take Tylenol but moreso I use Wm brand but not for arthritis but muscle aches and pains. This works better for me. I have taken prescription Celebrex which works for me but Arthrotec did not. I try not to take anything more than I have to. However I feel for natural use, eat cherries...they are anti-inflammatory and I always feel better after cherry season.

  13. I have a washer like this that is put away for a 'rainy day'--different brand and I used it upstairs in my ensuite bath for my own clothes (moved and no longer have the ensuite)-- and also before that as a wash machine when mine went on the fritz, til we got it fixed. My mother in law also only used one like this for the two of them. Its a bit of a pain bcz its not automatic so takes up your time but it uses less water and came in very handy when my large one conked out and I used it for my entire family. It is too small though for blankets and comforters if you want to wash them. I think you'll be glad to have this though and enjoy using it.

  14. We have a fire burning about a half hour away from us--it is burning away from us but the wind could change things at any time. Today we had a bad storm with high winds (its been terribly windy all weekend) but it brought heavy rain and large marble sized hail. Its not been dry here this winter or spring but still we are in a high fire hazard at this time. The next few days are supposed to be dry and warm so the moisture we had, will be gone soon. It was extremely hot and humid here yest...with some cooling relief overnight til this storm hit this aftn (knocking out our power for a few hours) and now its comfortably cool-cold. I'm in N.Ont.

  15. Just read this on Thriftyfun.com.....what do you think of this cold preventative?

    I have not had a cold for 8 years, except for once when I neglected to do this preventive method. I take 1 Tbsp. of honey mixed with 1 Tbsp. of cider vinegar, each day. No, it doesn't taste good, but it is tolerable, and best of all, I don't get colds! Only once in 8 years have I had a cold. It was the two months I stayed with my daughter and neglected to continue with my home remedy.


    I learned about this from a friend, who was a teacher of third grade children, and she never missed work from colds. As you know, teachers are targets for those pesky germs abundant in the classroom. Also years later, this teacher, who always had HER children take this home remedy, had a son that graduated from High School winning an award for never missing ONE day of school from Kindergarten to High School Graduation.


    P.S. This teacher's father was a Pediatric Doctor!


    By snooks from Lincoln, NE



  16. I don't like snakes!! Fortunately any that may be there are not rattlers and moccasins! Here is the dealership we are looking at when we're ready to buy....by then, there will be a number of different ones to choose from but we're not looking at the REAL expensive ones...the lower end of the scale. I hope they don't have the problems that maybe an old model from years ago may have. http://clarksmobilehomes.com/models.html I hope they're not too cold in the winter! Its been hotter than blazes here with high humidity the past month---where we're looking, it won't get hot and humid--at least not to the extent or number of days that we have here in the south of Ontario.Its not the heat, I'm worried about--its the cold but I can take cold better than heat.

    Thanks for the experiences. Keep them coming if anyone else has more to share.


  17. To answer some questions, we're looking at a 15 acre lot with cabin that is mainly surrounded by bush (would be our own property plus for miles and miles around--front, back and both sides except for the road and immediately around the cabin)...a few acres is cleared behind the cabin with several outbuildings which we'd use for our livestock. We'd have to fence some of this cleared land for the livestock. There is a cabin there already with a septic and woodstove only that would have 2 family members living in it...and we'd be getting two more used mobile homes...one for us; one for our oldest daughter and her family. Its in unorganized township which means you don't need building permits, etc. We do have to follow the Ministry's rules for septic only. We were thinking possibly of composting toilets and/or solar/woodstove. Not sure of any of it yet. Hoping to go see the property this week but its a days drive one way.

    As for length of time that we'd be there....that depends on a lot of of other variables that are out of our control--one being that we want to buy the 400 acres next to it but the sellers are very wishy washy about when (and I believe IF) they will ever sell.. It may be permanent or may be more of a temporary year long basis if they ever sell or if we could afford it, keep both properties. There are no rules such as your 2 yr.rule that you had to follow.

    Mice, I don't worry about. I have a brick home now and the mice think its their playground despite all the cats around. Even now I only see the odd snake--about one per year--and its just a little Garter Snake. We do have the livestock, dogs, cats etc and KIDS!--my own and 2 grandsons at this point. Husband is from this area originally and snakes are not an issue--again just little Garter Snakes. I'm more afraid of BEARS bcz we don't have them 'here'!!

  18. We are contemplating moving to a much more remote location and considering putting a mobile home on the property. The only time I've ever been in one is my aunt and uncle's when I was a little girl. Anyone with experience living in one? I'm especially interested in what its like living in one in a very cold northern climate. Did you find it damp, esp. with no basement?

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