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indy gal preps

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Posts posted by indy gal preps

  1. My Mother used to make us Bean Burgers-take leftover baked beans-put on one half of a hamburger bun on a sheet pan-turn the other half of bun upside down beside the one with the beans and cover the beans with a slice of cheese.Put this under the broiler for a few minutes until the cheese melts-watch carefully as you don't want it to burn.The other half of the bun will be nicely toasted.Beans out of a can or jar don't work as you want them nicely seasoned.its been a very long time since I was a child but I still love Bean Burgers to this day.

  2. Yesterday I saw a pattern somewhere on the net(10.99) for fleece socks that came up to just below the knee-I think patterns are very expensive,so if you sew at all you could probably draw around your foot and make it as far up the leg as you want-bet these would be very warm,most fleece things are.Maybe keep a pair in your car in case you get stuck somewhere.Fleece seems to always be on sale at the JoAnn fabric stores around here. You could also get the flat elastic for the top to keep them from sliding down.How do I put the bubble wrap on windows? Does it just go on the glass? Do you need to moisten it to get it to stick? We get a lot of wind here and our windows are bad and can't replace them this year as we've had a lot of unexpected expenses.

  3. I would have a hard time coping with the house that cold. I grew up in West Virginia and back then it was cold from Oct.thru April.My Mother had very heavy drapes that she put over the door ways,so that brought back memories,we would stand over the registers and get warm then run up to our beds,we had no heat upstairs,so you are right about getting in a warm bed. My grandson is getting married next summer and will be moving to Wisconsin.Is the weather really bad up there in the winter?

  4. A rice cooker! My daughter bought one and loves it. I wouldn't waste my money on one-all you do is put rice & water in a pan bring to a boil-cover,turn down to a simmer for 20 minutes and its done! For all you non bacon fryers have you tried doing it in the cven? Put the slices in a pan,separated,bake at 375 for 20 to 25 minutes and it turns out great.

  5. I am trying containers this year as my dh had surgery on his shoulder and can't use the rototiller. Those watering globes have been advertized on tv,but walgreens has been carrying a lot of those things and then you don't pay shipping! You can also use the soil moist crystals in your container,almost all garden centers have the jars of the crystals,I've used them in hanging baskets before.

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