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Posts posted by Linda


    hello.... i don't know a whole lot about computers and am very new to them; have been on this now for three months and still finding i don't know a whole lot about it.

    So if you all don't mind i have two questions. what are those x's i tried to click on them and nothing and what is a UBBCode and a HTM thing

  1. my daughter is in Tenn. they have been having trouble with keeping their pipes thraw. I had to laugh at our son in law; he kept telling me it doesn't snow on his mt. it not only snowed on his Mt. but the grandbabies built snow men. he he he. teach him to pick on his mother in law. I plan on rubbing this in as deep as one can giggle [/ cute about the cat; got a grin about that.color]

  2. madoooohhhh!!!! people like MS Williams!!!!! mad just get...get... get...


    But Thank God for people like those who serve this country so we may have that kind of freedom to belittle those that are willing to give that privilege (even die for) for us to enjoy.

    May the Lord look upon our service boys and gals. For I for one am truly thankful to have them and to be here. And belivie they are worthy of the pay for them and their family.

    I hopw this ...this ... person has the decenty to kneel down and give thanks for her freedom to talk that ..... shocked enough said from mouth here

  3. cheese cake? did any one say sheese cake? I agree with you all. it is getting really bad, for a lot of us. it has become shameful that we have come to this. I can really get going on this subject and am so glad that you all are like mind. now before i get myself into trouble shut my mouth is there any cheese cake left.

  4. This is kind of fun... never been to a party like this... I feel a little shy...but really wanted to come and join in.

    I didn't know quite what to bring ... but did bring something for all of you.

    my friendship.

    Thanks Hillbillie for having this party.

  5. homesteading to me is clothes out on the line...the smell of home baked bread... the warmth of a home on a cold morning...the joy of knowing you can do it...sewing up a quilt for a love one to stay warm... sitting down to the table with family and freinds and there be plenty to eat..seeing that most of it was put there by your own hands. not store bought. taking a momemt to watch the sunraise... up earily enough to see it. learning a new skill teaching an old skill. homesteading is learning to to... knowing you can. and much more.

    What is homesteading to you???

  6. Good luck ... My daughter did that, she moved to tenn, about 3 yrs ago and with them they took about a years supply of food and stuff like what was suggested in the above post. Also a gentorator. they are off the grid. neither one had a job, he works part time she home schools they have four children. And they do just fine. Nothing fancy; but those grand children are going to grow up with some great family menories and good ole horse smarts and smart also. The best advice is to prepare and gather all you can before the move. My daughters family lived off the food storage for the first year.

  7. thank you for replying ... we are cutting the carb's well he is i can't live w/o them smile.gif he does good with the high protein. or use to. but ever sence what ever this is that has hit him he sure has a hard time with the weight. We are looking into a de tox. Also looking to fine another doctor; thinking that maybe fresh eyes might help.

    I agree surgery ???? well???? but thank you for all the information

  8. the more post i read about you all and expecsially at a time like this. The things i see is something very special....

    Ed must of been a very special man.

    I see a lot of streaght, love and carring for one another. I see a lot of strong people that have the ablitie to raise up under their own gief and deliver the much need love and words of encouragement. You all are a very special group.

    "Bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ" Galatians 6:2

    and in many of the post you all have been fulfilling the law of Christ. God bless

  9. thank you for the warm welcome ... just came in from feeding and watering the critters. boy it is cooold out side and the wind is howling. A good hot cup of cocoa sure sounds great. Thank-you. hummmm. I don't know how to tell about myself, but i have been refer to as weried, strange, is she for real, opionatated, . As for what i like there's a lot of things i do enjoy, mostly all that is good and lovely. I belivie in God. That is firm. ??????????????lets see????????? i am married to a wonderful man. have grandchildren that we truly enjoy, a great daughter and very lucky to have a good son in law. we have a 'saint' dog. my mother lives with us she has a funny little dog, two cats that are the best mouser's. A sweetheart of a sheep, call her sugar baby, she gives up a lot of wonderful wool. thre of the dumbest geese; that brings us many hours of entertanment. and two young pigs one meaner then mean the other is shy. Well I quess I did fine a lot to say. oh yea I have been called monthy too smile.gif

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