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Everything posted by Becca_Anne

  1. reci, does this mean you will continue with this forum and the wonderful service you provide? I hope..........I hope......I hope.......I hope...........I hope............I hope...........I hope............
  2. Well, I just finished the third one- The Mammoth Hunters. The remaining 2 are out on loan at our library. Dee, that would be seldiesgirl that made reference to the wheel invention. I like the idea that a woman changed the world-inventions, breaking the discrimination barrier,etc. Great story line! I'll be glad to get finally the last 2 in the series to read.
  3. I got "The Ladies of Covington Send Their Love" yesterday at our library. Can anyone write the titles and order of these books? Did I get the first one? I do like reading series books in order.........................
  4. Someone here had made a suggestion to me privately a while back to read this and I can't remember who it was-sorry! Anyway, I decided to try the first of the series. It did not look like my type of reading. I enjoy mysteries and now I'm enjoying those trashy romance novels again! hehehe Anyways, I LOVED this book. I can't quite pinpoint what is so appealing about this story except that it is written in such a manner as to keep you entralled at all times. I'm now on the third book of this series and I'm still enjoying myself! Thanks to whoever suggested this series.
  5. We have numerous friends graduating from high school in about 3 weeks. Some of these kids we've known since they were tots. I can't afford to hand each of them a $20 bill as a gift. Do any of you have any ideas for something special but inexpensive? Some years ago, I gave our nephew a special teddy bear decorated as a gift. For the life of me, I can't remember the details. Anyway, I woulds appreciate any ideas this week. If we come up with a craft idea, I can spend all next weekend working on the gifts. I'm talking approximately 20 items. Whew!!
  6. Mary, I've read 2 this past week by Julie Garwood (For the Roses and Prince Charming). I am saving my last one- The Clayborne Brides- for Monday and Tuesday when I have to wait for my 11 yo ds while he's testing (achievement tests). The Clayborne Brides is a combination of 3 novels. They are One Pink Rose, One White Rose, and One Red Rose. Our library had each of these books but I found the combined paperback of the 3 and got it. It is much easier to tote around. I'm sure you'll notice that she uses some of the same words/phrases in all of her books. They'll stand out when you read them.
  7. Well, spit, Ladies! (snicker, snicker, snicker) Lisa
  8. Hey Mary...........Aren't we funny? heheheheh
  9. I returned my book to the library today. The poor thing was worn out before I got it and I had to bring it to the Assistant's attention that it was falling apart. I plan to look for this book at our local used book store and then expand to going out of town if necessary. I definitely want my own copy. This book makes me smile and I like to keep books like that handy. I don't remember when I've ever read a book twice within 2 weeks. This was definitely a good read. Can you tell I really enjoyed this book? I'm glad I didn't have to wait for it like you other poor souls!
  10. I am close to finishing this wild book AGAIN!!!! What a hoot!!
  11. I'm having a terrible time getting interested in the Mrs.Murphy book I've checked out from our library. "I Wish You Were Here" is the first in this series so I decided to start with it. I've finally finished the first chapter. There are WAY TO MANY CHARACTERS for me. Maybe it's just my current frame of mine but I'm having trouble keeping the humans and animals apart. Help me guys. Today is my library day and I'm thinking of turning it back in and getting more romance novels by Julie Garwood! I'm not usually this dense. Really. Honest engine.
  12. Okay Ladies. I'll admit it. I broke down and read the book last night!! LOL I was going to wait on everyone! Honest I was! Really! I will also admit that I enjoyed it. Yep. I felt the same enthusasm for the romance novels that I did as a teenager. I have been fighting depression for days and decided that might help. It definitely did! hehe It got my mind off of troubles and just "swept me off my feet"! Isn't it interesting how something like a great book can work as well as a change of scenery on a persons outlook? Enjoy the read guys! Lisa
  13. Thank you reci for the invite. I don't mean to be snobby. My lovely computer is very persnickety and loves to eat hard drives. It was/is a lemon. My time is short since this is the family computer and I have to (gulp) SHARE it with my boys! I don't get here a lot any more, in other words. Okay ladies. I picked up The Bride from the library this evening. It's old and raggedy and it's Large Type. I don't need the large type so I hope I don't get a headache from reading it. I also picked up 2 of the Mrs.Murphy mysteries by Rita Mae Brown. I'm going to read them first and wait until may 1 for everyone else. ooooooooh, this sounds fun! Has anyone else started early?
  14. I've not heard of the Jean person but I will definitely check it out. I started a new library book by Sarah Graves. I've not read any of her work until now.The book is "Wreck the Halls". So far it is really good. The book is written in first person and the character has a sense of humor. It is a mystery. Since it's late, I think I'll go to bed and read forever! hehehe
  15. I enjoy the James Herriott books immensely. I adore any mysteries-Hamish McBeth stories, Elisabeth Peters books, Sharon McCrumb books, etc. I stopped reading romance years ago. My own marriage is wonderful and I've often thought that was why I stopped. I have become very interested in history and I thought I'd give this a try. Isn't it interesting how our tastes change as we get older? My 11yo DS and I read the Harry Potter books aloud and we really enjoy them. I have always liked Stephen King novels because I enjoy a good "booger" book. I did not like his novel "Dreamcatcher". It was too dark. I was depressed after reading it. I'm very active with our local library. I help with the summer reading program and teach library classes in our homeschool coop. I want to share the joy of reading with everybody!
  16. Hi guys. Long time no type, huh? I think I'd like to participate. What do we do? Other than getting the book, I mean. hehehe Do we start reading it now or will we read a segment at a time and discuss it? Whew. That may take some restraint on my part. I consume books like chocolate........all at once! LOL (I really hope my stoopid computer doesn't act up AGAIN!)
  17. Hi again folks! Thanks for the wonderful welcomes. The teenager is home today so I didn't get to use the computer much. Becca Anne- Yes, our school year is going well. Nice and quiet with no major problems. We are members in the local Christian Home Educators Enrichment group. We meet for 10 consecutive weeks on Weds. We have a Fall semester and a Winter semster. I help by teaching a "Learning the Library" class. I am very passionate about reading and this is my way to reach out to share with others. We've homeschooled for 3 years now.................... The crafts I dabble in include cross stitch, very basic sewing, scrapbooking, painting, dollhouses and miniatures, knitting, drawing,etc. Alas, I am a master of none. I suppose cross stitch is my best effort. I sure would like to learn to quilt. There just doesn't seem to be enough time to spend on anything. It is very cold here,too. We've seen our coldest weather in 13 (?) years today. We are blessed with a wood stove insert so we're toasty warm. Brrrrrrr............................
  18. Hillbillee, you are absolutely right! You did not know me. I meant that I am familiar with y'all but y'all aren't familiar with me. See there? I gotta start double checking what I post so it doesn't get misunderstood from my original intentions. Bear with me guys and gals!
  19. Thanks for the welcome! Frannie, I was born in Indiana but my parents and their families are from here. I "returned" when I was 8 yrs old. After 30 years, I feel like a native. And yes, I definitely have the southern drawl/dialect! Gee, could you tell that from the post? hehehe I love TN, too!!!!!!!!!
  20. I have been one of the lurkers here for years. Y'all aren't new to me but I'm new to you. I have read mrssurvival since 1998 or 1999. I've seen some major transformations. This site keeps getting better and better! I have been married for over 19 years. I homeschool our younger son, 11 yrs old. Our older son will turn 16 at the end of Feb. He attends our local high school. My husband is a local Deputy with the county Sherrif's dept. I love to read and "attempt" to craft. I enjoy any money saving/frugal tips that get posted. That's been the theme at our house for around a year now! Any questions just start asking away! I rarely post to any boards so if I mess up in any way, just let me know. This new makeover is "shore purdy"!
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