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The WE2's

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Posts posted by The WE2's

  1. There's some pretty good books out there on dreams. If nothing else, very entertaining! God gives dreams (like He did in the Bible) to direct us, warn us, or perhaps to provide us the key to somebody else's situation. Just my thoughts.

  2. goodmorninghummingbird.gif


    Yes, tomorrow will be our 50th Anniversary. The kids are having a party in town for us. Wish you were all here to help us celebrate. :)


    You know, when a person is young, you think that 50 years is a long time, but, it really doesn't feel that way. :) You also thing that someone who has been married that long has to be 'OLD', but, you are only as old as you feel. :)


    The day we got married was cloudy and I am thinking we had a bit of rain, not a lot, just a little. According to the weather site, it is suppose to be cool, partly cloudy and windy in the afternoon.


    I'll see about posting pictures next week sometime. :)






  3. Still find loads of stuff on this website! Woohoo! I dehydrate and store lemons, limes & oranges. I also store large liquid lemon juice...I find it at Sam's Club and stock the biggie bottles. Love the dehydrated fruit for my citrus jug in my frig, and the liquid lemon juice for spraying on my apples etc. Mix it 1 to 4 in a spray bottle...saves tons of money!



  4. Great find, I was just telling my husband this morning that I was going to find a book or computer info on dehydrating im not scared of it like I am canning lol I have tons of veggies in the frezzer that have been on great clearance at Aldis hate to loose them if we are without power.



    I think you're exercising some magnificent wisdom! I'm fearful of cannng myself, that's why I don't! We had our Vita-Mixer going and hubby forgot to put top on...had hot soup all over him, me, the ceiling, the stove, the frig...you name it...major clean up! It cured me of canning. If it had been a presser canning we both would probably have gotten burnt severly...it was hot enough anyway! And losing power is one of my biggies of freezing. Again, I LOVE MY DEHYDRATORS!!! oops...forgot something! Go online and find youtube's dehydrate2store lady. She is magnifico! She's the one that convinced me of dehydrating...then, katzcradul is another lady I enjoy! Have fun!!!



  5. It would be interesting to know if rinsing the nose as muslims do before prayer, would help against the flu as well. The ritual washing involves snorting water in and out as if blowing a nose. Done 5 times a day, would this flush a virus or make a person more vulnerable?

    Let's see later on today if I can find if any studies have been done on this.


    I believe that this does work. My husband learned to do this because he works in an environment with lots of industrial-type dust He doesn't do it 5 times a day, but he does do it at least twice. He is able to remove a lot of dirt from his nose and I would think that the removal of dirt & germs would promote good health. He gets sick about once every 4 or 5 years.

    Several years ago I ran onto Jordon Rubin's books. One of the things he mentioned was "if you wash EVERY opening of your body two times a day, you won't catch "what's going around". I've practiced his recommendation for several years and I truly believe it. Have only had one cold in all that time.

  6. I have 3, but the newest one is a "gamesaver" and it comes with the hose attachment. My older 2 have the port, but the hose was lost. I also have the cannisters. I LOVE MY FOOD SAVER!!! I don't can. I dehydrate and then vacume seal in jars or bags. But...I will pass on a caution I've head...on vacume sealing flour. It can be combustible just like grains in a grain bin. So, I don't. I keep flour in buckets with oxygen absorbers. Have fun!!!

  7. This might be an older post, but thought I'd share anyway. When my first husband passed on, my hair started falling out in chunks. I had one bald spot on the back side of my head the size of a silver dollar. Hairdresser said "alopecia". I went to our local health food store and bought some pine tar shampoo. Hair grew back in, but white as snow! Wouldn't even take color for a long, long time. Finally started growing back in with natural brunette and white. Periodically I wash my hair with the pine tar shampoo. About 3 months ago I had hair dresser take out all the "false brunette" and now I'm a blondish, silver, brown mix. Don't have to do nuttin' now...'cept let it grow in natural if I want. Great way to gradually leave the bottled brunette! (LOL)

  8. We got broke into also! They chewed and P'd on everything...even though the house has been vacant with not much in it! They've met their match though...D-Kon (?) They can eat all they want! They even chewed a hole in a hanging cloth shelf to get to trash bags! I left them a treat there also! Nasty buggers! Only thing worse was when a racoon "broke in" and came up from the crawl space. NOW THAT WAS A MESS! We used a live trap and transported her to a new home in a state park...then with gloves & masks began the terrible cleanup. Removed all carpet. And this is the house we've been taking our time remodeling so we could move into it until we're ready to move to our "homestead". Grrrrr. Would a shotgun be "overkill"?


  9. One of our local pantry's was giving away...bags of apples, potatoes, onions and oranges. Guess what! I'm slicing and fireing up the dehydrators. Seems like they hardly ever stop! But these were freebies! They even had canteloupe but they were so near rotty that I just couldn't take even one (frown). The jalepenos went fast, which is okay, since we don't eat them. I don't preserve what we won't eat. People swarming...me too! LOL

  10. Pictures speak louder than words! Got lemons and limes on sale & stocked up. I expect we'll see a price hike this spring on all fruits and we love "citrus" water. So put all the odd & end pieces into my Berkey filled glass frig container for a refreshing drink. Put the rest of the pieces in a vacume sealed bag and they're in the freezer for more citrus water. Yum, yum!

  11. Found lemons and limes on sale at our local Aldi's and bought a bag of 12 of each. Got my dehydrator going, a vacume sealed bag of all the odds and ends in the freezer, and a Berkey filled glass decanter with lemon & lime bits in the frig for a nice refreshing drink. I fully expect lemons and limes (and most fruit) to see a price spike this spring. I'll be glad I've got them!

  12. I can hear your broken heart, I can see you bleeding. But know this..."this too shall pass". It's a true tragedy when a soulmate relationship comes to an end...death or divorce. I was widowed after 42 years and faced a world I suddenly realized was very different. Married at 19...and suddenly at 60+ thrust into a world that seemed to consist of singles, marrieds, divorced or widowed. Most of whom I didn't know. I did know that as a Christian, they weren't going to find me on a bar stool! One of the most important things I did learn...if it makes my life more difficult, then it has no place in my life!!!! And that includes people! Some may think it's a calloused world view, but I served the church realm for 30+ years and gave 10% of everything I could get my hands on...but when my first husband passed...2 preacher friends "showed up". My daughter said "Mom, where's all you and Dad's church friends?" How do you answer that? So...I did like you're going to have to do...CLEAN HOUSE. And that's going to include people and things that make your life harder than it already is. Surround yourself with people that love and adore you...you need it. And don't be concerned with what people might think of you being "calloused" ... or "that's not the woman we used to know". You're NOT the woman you were a short time ago. My first husband was abusive...first 8 years by meanness, the last 3 by dimensia. I didn't have a happy marriage with him...even though I loved him...figure? Anyway, about a year after his death I found myself standing by his grave in the rain, sobbing...because I missed him? NO!!! Because I realized I had slipped from being a loving wife to a loving "caregiver". It set me free. Shortly after that I met my current husband on a ballroom dance floor where there was no alcohol or smoking...a true gentleman! Happy? You bet your sweet tootie! I wouldn't go back to the former way of life for nothing, and I thank our Lord every day for His grace in leading me through that mess I called my life to what is now my life. Hang in there girlfriend! There is something better ahead of you...take the right hand lane (off ramp) away from the highway of destruction you were on.

  13. Ughhhhhh...it is that season isn't it!? Oh well, we were pleasantly surprised when we were nosing about in our local Dollar Tree (everything is $1.00) and found ZiCam of all things. We've used this stuff at the first hint of a cold or ??? and it works wonders. Bought ourselves a generous supply, not just for this year! We'll go ahead and take the flu shot (we're over 60) and have ZiCam on hand for if we can't get vaccinations. Also found mentholatum rub...$1 a jar (WM is 3x that!) so stocked up on that also. EVERYBODY'S RICH AT THE DOLLAR TREE STORE!!!

  14. Hey everyone! I'm so glad to find a lady-centered site for preppers. My husband and I have done a little prepping back in the days before Y2k, in fact, I still have a few buckets of wheat in the basement that I still use now and then. It's a good thing for us that Y2k didn't amount to anything, as we were nowhere near ready. We were in better shape then in some ways though, our chicken house is now a storage shed, and we haven't had a garden for several years. On the bright side, I still have my electric grain mill and my dusty Country Living Grain Mill, my Carla Emery's Encyclopedia of Country Living, and the stuff to make our water pump solarized. My job now is to draw my husband back into the preparation mindset. He's never totally left, but he'd rather ride his bicycle than deal with a garden or animals. We have friends who want to get together and plan how to help eachother prep for whatever's down the road; I'm trying to talk dh into joining that little group. Prepping today is more complicated than it was 12 years ago when all the kids were home. We have a large family, ten kids. Three are married or cohabitating, and we have 2.2 grandchildren and an elderly mom inlaw to plan for. I counted 20 people this morning, not counting one son's gf who lives with her parents. One dd and son inlaw live about 100 miles away, some events would make it tough for them to get to us. How do you know how many to prep for?!? And how do you prep for so many you don't feed on a regular/daily basis? Anyway, I'm enjoying settling in and look forward to getting to know you!


    :welcome4: Sorry for being so tardy in greeting you! I'm not sure we can ever really "prep" for the people who will end up coming to us...and what we'll do (or have to do) if they do come empty handed. The Bible was pretty specific on what happened between the parable of the foolish virgins. We're empty nesters (except our lab/aussie...Abby) and have 2 grown children and 2 young adult grandchildren. Also have both of my elderly parents. My husband was an only child and both of his parents have left for the kingdom of God. My daughter assures us that she and her family (and in-laws) are well prepared. My son is another story. Divorced, not in good health and out of a job at this time. Either way, maybe I'm being cold, but I think we prepare for our current household, and try to make sure we have "buckets of mercy" to give away so they won't starve. I'm amazed at some of the "preppers" that expect to continue to eat in their current live style. In my humble opinion, if they're not willing to cut back on their diets, they're the ones we need to fear, not the ones who are truly hungry and will take a bucket of food with much thanksgiving!

  15. We're savages...we put out mice poison! We're still recovering from a racoon attack that occured in this same house (because it's been vacant?) 2 years ago. Used a live trap and gave her a new home in a state park. But...let me tell you...what they don't eat or tear up they'll poop on...BIG TIME! It's a nice little house and we've just neglected to get the remodeling done promptly! Sure glad we weren't storing any of our current prep items there! But micies can leave almost as a big a mess if you're not there to keep things current! We're there almost on a daily basis now, even though it's a 30 minute drive, to get it finished so we can move into it! Then we'll sell the one we're in. When our "homestead" is ready, then we'll move again because that's where we've built our 3-bay metal pole-garage, a 12x26 metal pole shed, plus 2 other sheds. The house is currently occupied by our "renter"...my mom. She pays $1 a year for the rest of her life...:thumbs:

  16. Good stuff Darlene. Crime & Insecurity/CAR is one personally need to think about in very near future. DH has been pushing this frugal squirrel to trade cars. Dislike idea of spending money for another vehicle, but it's time I suppose. (This post reminded me – again - the last thing I'd want is to be stranded along some highway or even worse gravel road with car trouble.) Plus I really need a small SUV type for carrying things in the back. A truck would be good but need the people space too.


    He mentions one of the things if could do over is 4x4 vehicle. Are all SUV 4x4's? I'm curious on peoples thoughts about that as wouldn't 4x4 get less mpg and be a lot more expensive to drive? Course if the SHTF would be driving a lot less than do now (extra travel for work training etc) Assuming could get or afford gas at all would probably be restricted to office. Since a public agency thinking it would still be operating if at all possible?? But the less mpg would not be a good thing right now. Am part of the "country" group so just the drive into "urban" category every day uses quite a bit fuel.


    If it ever got to the point I had to drive up on the sidewalk to go around a riot or be concerned about using bumper for battering ram… thinking I would have to consider staying home and pray had prepared well enough ahead for loss of income … until then…


    Anybody drive a SUV and have recommendation of what model to buy? PM me. TIA.




    Who's next? What ideas did this post bring out for you on prep weaknesses or needs?


    We don't own an SUV. Drive a van and a truck with a cap on back. Just can't go into debt at our ages.

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