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Sunny Sunday


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It's just a perfect day.

Went to church this morning.

We had lunch and have been reading.

DH doesn't work tomorrow so it might be a paint day.

Yesterday after our cleaning job we stopped by a garage sale near the church and they had the cutest and nicest things. I am regretting that I didn't ask about the George Foreman grill that was only marked $4. I got two large ceramic cannisters or cookie jars called Cabin In The Snow. There are evergreen trees and snow coming down. She offered to give me one if I bought the other because there was a tiny, tiny hairline crack that I had to look forever to find so I got both for $3.50.

Hope everyone is having a pleasant day.

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Peacefulhome what a great deal


This weekend I'm just taking some time to work on an afghan for ME LOL. I have made so many and given them away that I thought now would be a great time to make one for myself before my christmas crafting rush gets going. Kids have only two more weeks of summer! Amazing how fast this vacation went.

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Goatherder: Sorry you haven't been feeling well. Hope the painting went well. That's a good friend, indeed, who helped you out.

Becca Anne: I remember the photos of afghans you made was it last year or the year before? Such pretty colors! So what will yours look like? You would have loved this yard sale - she had so many cute things.

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Good morning . After that it's either paint the laundry room or steam clean the carpets.

Looking forward to the next chapter of Joy's Legacy today.

Snow: When the doctor says "don't do ..(this, that or the other)" then it seems like you can't do one blamed thing without needing to do just that. Glad your finger is on the mend. Take care.

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Peaceful I think it was last year I posted the pics. The one I'm making for me is a peachy-beige chennile yarn, very soft and cozy


I will be having my own yard sale next weekend to clear out all the stuff that won't work in this house and hopefully make me some $ This house is still way too cluttered with stuff and I am going to have to get creative with my storage and be tougher on myself for getting rid of things esp clothes and books.

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It's afternoon now.

That's okay, Snowmom, I'm doing enough for me and you today . DH is working and I'm painting the laundry room. Almost done with one side but needed a break. I'm to the point I need the step stool to do the high parts. I sure hope I don't spill on my step stool.

I decided to do what Darlene does and bought a seven bone roast on sale. Two pounds are in the crockpot making stew. The bones are simmering on the stove top for broth. Another pound or so is in the fridge to grind but that will have to wait until tomorrow. I had a hand grinder years ago and got rid of it. My sister gave me her grinder before her last move so need to haul it out (sure hope all the parts are there) to see how it works.

It sure looks like it could rain. But then the sun comes out and you'd never know those clouds were there.

Our pastor called awhile ago to see if DH & I could go out to lunch with him. Maybe another day.

Have a great Tuesday everyone.

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Good Wednesday afternoon . The manager at the care facility told me he insists to her that he's just sweating. She asked him then how poop got in his pull-up and he was very unhappy with her.

As we crossed the bridge into Washington there were a lot of brown pelicans. DH and I will have to drive out to the spit to see if they are there - it's so fun to watch them fly by close to you.

I stopped at a bookstore in Ilwaco because I started reading a series by a Washington author and realized I had book 1, 3 & 4. The minute I finished book 1 I wanted to read the next book. We don't seem to have a second hand bookstore in town anymore. Anyway, because it was a Washington author I thought there was a good chance they'd have it but they didn't but she's ordering it for me. Meantime I'm cheating and reading book 3. She said they have had the author, Debbie Macomber, for book signings and she is the nicest person.

Well, half the day is done and I'm not sure I feel like starting painting now. I think I'll mop the floor where the freezer was and do a couple of loads of laundry.

Need to look up & print out a medication the doctor wants to change BIL to. Who knows? Maybe he'll remember how to use the bathroom with a new med!

Snowie: I am so sorry about Queen. That on top of all else. They are just beautiful dogs. I don't know if there is much a person can do without bending or twisting, etc.

What's everyone else up to today?

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