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MrsSurvival Discussion Forums

Friday, 2nd..

Judy Moist

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Good morning

I went to bed early and got up early - was surprised it was still dark out.

Yesterday the computer got a virus so computer withdrawal most of the day. DH was able to remove it but is still working on restoring things. I do hope we didn't lose our photos. Everything else I can deal with.

We're getting a new washing machine today and I will be washing about everything we have. Let's just hope I don't have to agitate it by hand in the future.

I've been stocking up but decided I need more bleach, tp, salt-canned goods. We used to have case goods sales in Sept but I doubt if that will happen this year.


((((Unike)))): From what I've heard any caregiver can get really exasperated at times. You are a strong person just as our grandmothers/greatgrandmothers had to be strong. I think denial is often a person's initial reaction to bad news. I remember my Dad when hospice made their first visit. When they left he said (seriously) "You'd think I was going to die or something". Take care of yourself, too.

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I hope someone is able to give you some respite. That kind of 24/7 care is very tough to do especially for family. I wish I was nearby to help


I am going to be very busy this weekend getting supplies, getting the kids ready for school and planting my garden. I am also going to be canning until I can't afford to buy any more jars!

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