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Judy Moist

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It has been a really rough week, all around. DH is getting worse, the diflucan the docs put him on for the candidias does not seem to be working. He has fallen 5 times this week. And is just getting weaker and weaker,, still not eating. I talked to a counselor today,who said if the doctors do not hurry up and get him on the aids therapy medications and get his T-cell counts to come up some,, then we could expect him to last no more than one to two months... IF that long... We are having wait on his Viral load count and his CD4+ cell counts to come back.. Which we will be getting on the 14th of this month..

I am terrified, and am absolutely about out of my mind... I have really been having to deal with the anger alot this week...and then one of our new managers at work is being a real pain in the a** and is constantly trying to get me in trouble, so that I get fired... but no one is paying any attention to him,, instead he has gotten in trouble twice this week,,, the stores manager actually told my manager to make sure he gives me all the extra hours he can give me right now.... I had a meeting with our overall store manager last week, and explained to him what all was going on,,, and that should I not show up to work without calling or If I should have to leave work early without explanation,, that they would know that, I was not being irresponsible, but that it is a life emergency.. He actually sat and talked with me for over 35 minutes about this, and explained to me that even though I have not worked for the company any longer than I have , that I would be granted personal leave... and that my position at walmart would be secure.....and now the department manager is totally ticked off, because the manager told him to give me all the available hours I could handle....OH well, he is fixing to sink his own little ship there if he ain't careful..


I have Thursday, Friday and Saturday off from work, so am getting caught up on some cleaning, and trying to get some more packing done... I had a meeting at the housing authority Wednesday,,My name is finally at the top of the waiting list, but now because of the hurricane victims being brought to our area,, they are knocking those of us at the top down and making the victims top priority...

I believe with all my soul, in helping people, especially those who are in dire need and homeless.. But, I don't think it is right, for a town, to throw their own people who are facing being homeless out on the street, to help another city.. take care of your most dire cases and then place those. I don't know It may sound selfish.. But I just don't see, letting your own suffer, especially after this town has already donated several million dollars and is still donating.....

But I guess we will be alright,,, something will come up soon...


Hope everyone is doing alright, and should ophelia come into the gulf or into Florida,, everyone please pay close attention and take care and please, for God's sake, take heed to all precautions and warnings.....

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I really do have a hard time with the attitude that the Katrina survivors are more important than the folks communities already have that need help. Personally, I haven't donated anything to the relief effort. I try to help people I know who wouldn't otherwise receive much help. It seems that the evacuees are more media worthy and therefore more worthy of immediate help.


I certainly hope you get your housing soon. Here in Phoenix they are trying to put the evacuees into Section 8 housing when we don't even begin to have it for our own people in need.


I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. And I hope your mean supervisor gets enough rope to hang himself. Just keep doing your job to the best of your abilities and your manager should be in your corner.

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(((((Unike))))) I hope this week goes a little better for you (or a whole lot better).

Why some people think being a supervisor means being a jerk is beyond me. Just their take on the position (lording it over other people) shows they are incompetent in that position.

I also heartily agree that people being transplanted from Louisiana should not take presedence over someone else's needs. We shouldn't do that in a family and it should be no different in a town/city, county or state or country.


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