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Silly Sunday


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i though it was saturday all day today, and then i looked at teh calender halfway through the day and said to myself "oh, its sunday" then for the rest of the day forsome reason my saturday went from sunday to monday and i panicked because a lady is coming to see this suite at 1:00 and i started cleaning like crazy! then i remembered while i was taking out the trash that it was sunday! arrgh!! i hate days like that. 3 in one is not always better. lol remember, one day at a time!!! well, i have a clean(er) house and so i can organize and pack more tomorrow and maybe get my laundry put away. heck its 3:00 and i have not had lunch! i am gonna have to sit down for a bit have some tea and peak freans and just clear my head. hopefully baby morrigan will stay asleep for an hour or so longer. she has not napped well today and misssed her morning nap.




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Well, at least you're ahead of the game and have things all cleaned up, Pixie.

It has been a downright annoying day for us. DH decided to call the VA to see if they had an idea when his brother would be released. A couple of days ago they said he was doing well and it would be "sooner than later". This made one week so we thought maybe they'd be calling us saying he could be released today. The nurse told DH he was having "problems with his plumbing" and it would be more like Wednesday or Thursday. So we decided we'd drive up (2-1/2 hours one way) to see him since he would be in longer. We visited and he looked to be doing well but he told us he had been arguing with the staff. Something about having to keep puncturing him because they weren't hitting a vein .

I've kicked off my shoes, splurged on some Diet Coke and going to watch Mystery tonight.


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