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The Great Influenza


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Awww, Becca Anne, don't be too hard on him...


In that time, a lot of people were still so ignorant about basic cleanliness, germs, and the ways illnesses were spread. Much of what was "known" by the general public was superstition and old wives' tales.


We had a huge influx of immigrants who not only had the challenge of a new land, but of customs, language, and standards.


The "muckrakers" of the time (Upton Sinclair, Ida Tarbell, Jacob Riis, and others) were trying to expose the horrible living conditions of many people, but things had not changed much by the time World War 1 had started.


I suspect that the "Great Influenza" of 1918 began a great wave of new concerns and better education about health and cleanliness on the part of the average citizen. So many people died! It affected everyone.


While I haven't read the book yet, it's on my list of "wants" and I'll read it eventually.


But I suspect President Wilson did what he needed to do with the population he had.


Today... *you* (everyone, not just Becca Anne) are preparing at least for a short term disruption or economic downturn. You are educating yourself in *some* way, preparing for *some* reason, for *some* possible disaster.


Should you have your protections and your supplies taken by some government or UN agency? I say no.


But what about the people who are not prepared and have only hunger and possibly a gun... should they be confined to a facility where the government can distribute supplies and give medical attention? (I'm not talking about race by ANY stretch of the imagination. Need knows no race.)


What would happen? Would it be "fair"? Who says who goes and who stays?


We can't even force people to leave the Florida Keys when a hurricane is coming. But if their staying threatened the lives of others (as in a pandemic)...?


Hard questions... few answers.



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Cat I'm actually referring to the stripping of the freedom of speech, association and constitutional rights he did prior to the Influenza outbreak, and the war machine he set in motion that refused to listen to the Dr's who repeatedly begged him to stop sending new people into the camps that were infected. If the newspapers could have printed the truth instead of propaganda I really believe more lives would have been saved. Maybe I am being too harsh, but I feel he was worse than incompetant, but actually deliberately insensitive to the plight of the people of our country who were dropping like flies because he refused to listen.

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I understand why people won't leave their businesses and homes during natural disasters. They understand full well that some of those who stay will destroy or steal anything that nature doesn't destroy.


The authorities will not let them return, until they are ready.

Both situations are a "hold harmless" by state and Fed authorities.

At the same time that you give up your right to take care of your property, you also are giving them access to property, that they don't want you to have.

I am constantly amazed that the reporters haven't or don't want to make the conection.

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