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Swimmer's Ear

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My hubby has it. He finally went to the doctor and got some antibiotics for it, and even some kind of drops.


Any idea how to prevent it? Dh doesn't swim (well at least not in November!). And he is in a lot of pain....poor guy!


Thanks all for your help......

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It is usually caused by hard wax in the ear. A drop or two of warm water or olive oil, body temperature, in the ear softens the wax so it runs out. Dr. said, " The soft wax that drains out of the ear is usually as sign of healthy ears." It is noticed more after swimming because the water is usually cooler and it hurts. Used to have that problem myself.


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If it results in an infection, use the CS, other wise just the warm oil or water is all that is necessary.

If you have perforated ear drums, always consult you Dr. before putting anything in your ear.

By the way this condition is often made worse by compacting the ear wax with Q-tips.

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As to infection, do you usually get infection with it?

If you have had it for very long you may have an infection.


If it has just started hurting because your ears got cold or you have been swimming in cool water, it has usually not started an infection and can be treated with oil or water.

Making a habit of putting 2 or 3 drops of either oil or water in your ear a couple times a week will prevent it.

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Hubby's ear has stopped hurting, but he still can't hear anything out of it. Poor guy...


So a preventative would be to put olive oil in the ears a couple times a week? I was thinking that this would be an issue since if it happenes when we have no access to a doctor (or they have more important things to do), then I will want to know what to do!

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