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Steal of a deal


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I was in our local diner this morning having breakfast with the kids, when a guy started a conversation with me about the area I live in. He lives at the other side of the city, probably 25 miles away. As we were talking, he let me know he was recently widowed. He was in our part of the city to get a break from packing his late wifes things to be donated. Asking what items he had, he mentioned he didn't know what to do with her canning items. I was all over that one. After inviting him to eat with us, I followed him back to his house. I got a large pressure canner( so please take me off the list), a small pressure cooker, 2 waterbath canners, 2 big boxes of widemouth jars, and misc things. He told me his wife canned once, and never touched it again. He was just going to give it to me, but I didn't feel right doing that, so I got all that for $25.00. Now I need to figure out how to use this stuff.

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OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




I'm SO excited for you! That is so awesome!


My heart is sad for his loss but how beautiful it is that those things will be put to good use by you.


Ok, start asking your questions, we're excited to share all the things we've learned along the way!

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Thank you for everybody's concern, but I am a true inner-city child. I don't go anywhere without my stun gun ready for use. And besides he was in his eighty's ,I think I could have taken him.I also had my 12yr old and my 10yr old with me, also inner-city children, and holding the cell phone ready to go.

Now for my questions:

The pressure canner is a Presto. It didn't come with any instructions, is there a difference between canners? Would it make a difference if I found instructions for another brand, or is there different ways for different brands?

Next question is:

I have a Blue Ball book, and it shows a picture of a pressure canner that has a dial gauge and or a weighted gauge. Mine doesn't have one, should I be looking for this, or does it matter?

I have a huge garden( okay huge for living in the city ) and can't wait to get started. I may have to go to the farmers market this weekend and pick some things up just to try it out.

Will keep you posted.


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Yes, the gauge matters! Do not attempt to pressure cook without one. Look up Presto's customer care number and call them to order the correct gauge. I've only used the weighted gauge, but I'll bet Darlene knows about both. Good luck.

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patches, westie had posted a little while a go, links for several manuals and the presto downloadable manual is in that thread:




See if this helps any, and let us know more details about your canner...so far, you've said it's a Presto and a dial gauge? Am I understanding correctly?


I'm SO excited for you...I wish I could come over and help you unpack everything!





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Come on girls!






*darlene pulls out the pink MrsS limo bus and drives around the to pick everyone up to head to patches house...*





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I need to make more tea. Who want's lemon?

Hope you don't mind a messy house, it's in constant state of" kids home for the summer".


Thanks for the manual link, I now have it in my hot little hands. I did some checking around the presto site, and discovered I have a 13qt. canner. I found what guage goes with it, so the farmers market will have to wait untill I get the guage in the mail. So I will be sitting here going till I can use it.



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