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Slippery Elm Bark


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This is considered to be safe to use. Good for all kinds of

ailments. Also good as a food. I've read that it was once used as an anti-oxident to prevent rancidity of fat. Soaked in water & wrapped around meat, the bark retarted spoilage in the days before refrigeration.

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More about Slippery Elm


It can be made into a gruel. In times of famine, early American settlers used it as a survival food; It is said that George Washington and his troops survived for several days on slippery elm gruel during the bitter winter at Valley Forge.



General Description: The Slippery Elm is a medium tree found from South Canada to Central America. It has a broad crown and branches that are very rough, the leaves are dark green oblong, unequally toothed, rough upper surface, downy undersides. The inner bark has important medicinal value and is an official drug listed with the United States Pharmacopoeia.

Chemical Composition: The inner bark contains mucilage composed


Traditional/Historical Medicine: The Native Americans were the first to discover the healing and soothing benefits of Slippery Elm bark. It is used externally as a poultice for inflamed, damaged and chapped skin. It is used internally to treat inflammation of stomach, bowel and colon . Used as a specific for stomach and lung cancer lesions. Also used in the treatment of diverticulitis, gastritis, gastric acid, ulcers, diarrhea, colitis, intestinal complaints, herpes, is an effective throat and respiratory soother and cough suppressant. The Ojibway Indians used Slippery elm bark as a treatment for cleansing the body and spirit. Slippery Elm Bark is one of the primary ingredients in the popular alternative cancer treatment called Essiac.




Elm trees are native to the Appalachian Mountains of eastern North America. Skin washes and tea were created by drying elm leaves. Natives ate the inner bark because it is high in carbohydrates and can be easily digested. The inner bark was also used to waterproof canoes, baskets, and places of living. Elm was used by colonists to make pudding, to thicken jelly, to preserve grease, and as a survival food on long trips. It was used medicinally to treat toothaches, skin injuries, gout, arthritis, stomach aches, intestinal worms, and coughs.

Uses and Indications


Slippery elm is used to relieve gastrointestinal conditions, sore throats, ulcers, and respiratory irritations today. External uses include treatment of skin conditions, vaginitis, and hemorrhoids. It can be used as a cough medicine or as a skin smoother and softener.


Dosage and Administration


500 mg capsules can be takes three times daily by adults. A decoction can be ingested with 4 to 16 ml three times daily, 5 to 20 ml one part to ten parts water taken as needed, or one part slippery elm powder from bark to eight parts water. It can also be added to oatmeal or juice. An infusion is recommended for nutritional supplementation; add 4 g of powdered bark to 500 ml of boiling water and take three times daily. For a poultice, add coarse powdered bark to boiling water. Apply topically.


Find the correct dose for a child by using their weight. Herbal dosages are generally calculated for a 150 lb adult. If a child weighs 50 lb, the correct dose is 1/3 of the adult dosage.


Do not use herbal product on children before talking to their physician. The same is recommended for adult usage.


You can find some interesting info at this site.




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