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Cowboy and the yellow horse


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Cowboy rode into town one hot day and tied his horse to the hitching rail outside the town saloon. He was hot and thirsty from a hard day on the prairie.


He had a cold beer and that tasted like a second one and that tasted like a third one. After the third beer he decided that he’d had enough.


He stepped out to get on his horse and saw that somebody had painted his horse’s rear end a bright yellow.


Now you don’t mess with a cowboy’s horse so he strode back into the saloon and demanded to know in a rather loud voice ..”Who painted my horse’s rear end yellow!”


Well nobody spoke up and the cowboy got madder.


Raising his voice he asked again, “WHO painted my horse’s rear end yellow!”


Again, nobody spoke up, so he pulled himself up straighter and in a very loud voice yelled, “I WANT TO KNOW AND I WANT TO KNOW NOW! WHO PAINTED MY HORSE’S REAR END YELLOW!”


From way back in the corner a man stood up. He was dressed all in black, had a low slung two gun fast draw rig, pencil thin moustache, scar down his left eye, an obvious gunfighter, He looked at the cowboy and slowly said, “I did it, what about it!”


Now the cowboy was not stupid and he quickly assessed the situation and answered the gunfighter with…


”Oh just wanted to let you know that the first coat was dry.”

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