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Kudos to Bulkfoods.com

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And a big thanks to Campy for recommending them.


A while ago I received a huge order of spices from Bulk Foods and was very pleased with what I received. Later, however, I realized there were a few items I still needed to order---the most important being COCOA!!! So I placed my second order, for about half-a-dozen items, including my precious cocoa. They sent a confirmation email, which I didn't read until the next day and, to my horror, discovered I had ordered carob instead of cocoa. I immediately called Bulk Foods to see if they could fix my error for me.


I waited on hold for about five minutes and then the person I spoke with returned to say that the order had been packed and placed on the UPS truck, but the truck was still there, so they would search through the truck, find the package, and replace the carob with cocoa. He said he would call me back to let me know if they were successful. About an hour later, he called back to say that they had made the substitution and, since the carob was more expensive than the cocoa, they had reduced the total I was billed. I had previously told him they could keep the extra cost (less than $3.00), as a small thank you for their trouble in fixing MY mistake---but they insisted on charging the correct amount.


So I have two reasons to compliment Bulk Foods: (1) they shipped less than 24 hours after receiving my order; and (2) they graciously corrected MY mistake and didnt even penalize me for it.


I will happily recommend bulkfoods.com to any who ask.



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