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Discrimination in the workplace.......................


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Focus on the Family Action Letter


Though the nation is focused on the health care debate, we must also keep our eyes on the growing threat of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA).


Shortly after Focus on the Family Action’s federal policy analyst, Ashley Horne, presented petitions opposing the pro-gay Hate Crimes and ENDA bills to Senator Jim DeMint (R-S.C.), the House Education and Labor Committee announced that it will consider ENDA next Wednesday, September 23.


Despite its innocent-sounding name, ENDA would, in fact, require faith-based employers to choose between granting special workplace protections on the basis of sexual orientation and their deeply held religious beliefs. That means a Christian employer could be forced to make hiring and other employment decisions that violate their consciences -- or risk liability!


The ability of private businesses to choose employees who agree with the organization’s mission would be stripped away -- possibly forcing groups like Focus Action to hire homosexuals or those who are hostile to our deeply held moral and religious beliefs.


Efforts by homosexual activists working to build support in both the House and the Senate appear to be paying off as Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) proclaimed the House may have the necessary votes to pass ENDA, but later admitted it would be a tougher battle for passage in the Senate.


This is a very real and very critical threat against our religious liberties, and one that cannot go unanswered; therefore, we are asking you to do two very important things right now:

  1. First, forward this message to your friends and family members and ask them to add their name to our growing national petition.
  2. Second, please visit our ENDA resource page so you can access additional information as well as our Action Center to find contact details for your legislators. Then please call your U.S. senators and representative, and urge them to oppose ENDA (S. 1584).


As always, please be polite, but firm when calling. It’s important that our lawmakers understand such legislation would discriminate against people of faith.


Thank you for standing with Focus Action and for your efforts to protect our families, our faith and our nation!


Tom Minnery

Senior Vice President, Government & Public Policy


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Got this off of the Open Congress website. This bill was introduced on August 4 and referred to Committee.



This Act shall not apply to a corporation, association, educational institution or institution of learning, or society that is exempt from the religious discrimination provisions of title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 pursuant (42 U.S.C. 2000e et seq.) to section 702(a) or 703(e)(2) of such Act (42 U.S.C. 2000e-1(a), 2000e-2(e)(2)).CommentsClose CommentsPermalink


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how soon before facial tattoos and spikes through the nose become protected "alternate lifestyle."


I believe that discriminating against people can in some circumstances be unethical and is usually economically stupid, but I believe also it is the right of any worker or employer to associate as they wish - to hire who they want, to fire who they want, and serve who they want. And to not do so for any reason or no reason. And the market, not government, will show them the cost of their decisions. We should repeal all laws dictating to people who they must associate with.



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