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A gorgeous morning

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It's to get up to 70 today with sunshine and no wind. Beautiful!! What does everyone have planned. I'm hoping to work outside and get peas and green beans in the ground. It was just too rainy and cold on Good Friday to plant peas.


The grass is so green and luscious and growing like wild fire. I'll be on that riding mower before you know it. Between our yard and my mil it's about a 4 hour a week job. Sure get a nice tan though!


Cat and Becca I hope things are going better for you today. Mary, it's nice seeing you again, it's been awhile. Momo, our DD was home for the weekend with her boyfriend who's from close to Huntsville. Is that close to you at all? Snowmom, we better decide on a date for our reunion. Mary was asking about it one day.


Have a good one!

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Beautiful here too! It's supposed to rain tomorrow which is good news for all the new gardens. Dee, I lived in Huntsville for 20 years until we built " DH'S retirement farmette" out here at the lake. DS still lives in Huntsville. It only takes us about 35-40 minutes to get to his place.


DH has been hinting around about getting a riding mower for the yard instead of using the tractor and bush hog. I know what that leads to so I am not encouraging him. Momo's big fat a** does not need to be bouncing around our acreage on a riding mower! ( I cannot get up on the tractor so I can't cut grass)


Snow sounds like you're healing up some. Who knows you might be posting high miles again soon.


I'm gonna be a temporary waitress on Friday. My friend owns a B&B. All of her help and backup help have other important things to do. Rather than seeing her close on one of her best days DH and I volunteered. It could be very amusing! Who knows we might make so much money in tips that we can take a trip or something! LOL!



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Hi Ladies

Have fun on friday.....don't spill on anybody!


Deeeeeee........i wish i could come and help you with your mowin.....do i hafta have a license to drive one of those things?.......I'm safer with that pushin kind.


Ooooo Snowmommie......i'm gonna get a pressure canner this year if my name isn't debbie...heaven know's i've bugged my hunny enough.......will you guy's teach me how to can green beans and meats and stuffffffffff when i do?


Hi Mary.....ladies..

BTW. your weather sounds lovely....ours is like Snows.....it's 35 right now.....grass is just turning from brown to green and the leaf buds are starting on the trees.

Won't be long!


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Morning -

It's sort of a dreary day here, but that's okay with me. I have a huge pile of laundry to get done, so I won't mind being inside today. Maybe I'll get another chapter or two read in THE BRIDE - are any of you reading it? It's a good book, and I'm glad I joined in the book reading this time.

I got our yard mowed Tuesday. The grass is so thick and green right now. I love to mow - there's nobody talking to you, no phone ringing, you can see where you've been, and nobody's messing it up behind you!!!!

DD is home for the week and just got a call about doing some job shadowing this summer. There's a tiny chance it could lead to a part-time paying job this summer, too. She'll find out this afternoon.

Hey, Debbielee....we can have Snow and Dee be our online home ec teachers! I don't know a thing about canning.

Have a great day, gals!

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It's not very nice here either Mary. Windy with rain in the forecast and only 50 degrees as I write. Sure like those sunny warm days better!


Have a good one!

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Hi ya'll


Snow and Dee if I make enough in tips I will be up there for the meeting. Don't save my seat yet though since the regular waitress usually makes about 50$ tips for Friday breakfast. Of course, I will have to split the proceeds with DH assuming there are any. He's gonna be the food bringer and busboy. I'm gonna take the orders and do all the money stuff. Fortunately her dishwasher will be there to do the dishes. I forgot that she opens at 5 am. I normally wake up about 8 am now so I will have to go to bed a bit early tonight.


Mary why did you remind me that I should have done my laundry? I got so busy today that I forgot about it.


DebbieLee I have a beautiful canner that's on display in my basement. It's in it's original lovely box, unopened! Nearby I have some lovely vintage bicentennial canning jars in their original box too. Guess I've been meaning to get around to it for quite a while!


Have a great evening and think of me hard at work slinging hash in the am.

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