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Watching the miners coming up Wednesday


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Morning everyone! :wave:


I went to bed last night after they got the 3rd miner out and they've just now gotten the 12th out. It's exciting watching them come to the surface. I can't imagine the thrill of it all for the miners and their families. My prayer this morning is for all of them to get out safe and sound.


It sounds like our warmer weather is coming to an end before long so today i'm hoping to turn the TV off and get outside and really get moving. I've just kind of poked along enjoying the days but I won't enjoy it once it's time for coats.


Little DGD is 2 today, so happy birthday my adorable little Ella.


How are things going in your little corner of the world? Here's wishing you all a great day! :grouphug:




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Good evening Dee and everyone else,


It's been a crazy few days. DD's field trip was exhausting and when we arrived home I finished canning pears and starting cleaning. My sister (youngest) called to see if I could watch DN yesterday afternoon as DN (middle sister's) was sick and she didn't want to expose her to it. So, I cleaned all of the floor on the living level of the house and did multiple loads of laundry before she arrived. She and DS napped at the same time so DD helped me clean windows. I feed all 3 by myself as DH was working late, bathed all 3, and got them ready for bed. Took DN to her mommy's work and came home and got my 2 to sleep. Turned around this morning, finished almost all of the living level cleaning before DS-I-L and Dneice #3 arrived so we could do the needed errands to make the favors for D B-I-L and fiance's wedding shower this weekend. We also ran to bed bath and beyond and picked up a container of cookie cutters as a gift from the 3 toddlers. Thought it was a great idea for the kids to get their future aunt. B-I-L and fiance should be in, anytime know, from ND her mom, sisters, and neice will be in Friday.


DD has school tomorrow and I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to get out of bed.


We had ran part of the day but it did clear up so I could take the kids for a long walk in the stroller this afternoon. There was a car accident at the main intersection by our subdivision so the kids were able to see the police cars, fire trucks, and ambulance. It didn't look like anything serious but I'm still glad when the kids can see emergency responders responding to non-serious emergencies just so they understand that they are there to help. But Dee it has cooled off and I had to put jackets on the kids so we could go for our walk.


Hope the combine is fixed and DH was able to finish the fields today!

Have a great night!

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