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Need some prayers

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Hi everyone.. could really use some prayers right about now. My ex is still in Intensive care. The damage done to his heart with the heart attack was massive. They say that he may only have a year with his heart the way it is. They also think that he may have dimentia which would leave him uneligible for a heart transplant. I may have had a rocky road with him the last two years but he is still dear to my heart and important to his kids. Please send up some prayers for him..


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I know he is dear to you! My mom and my father remained friends after their divorce; you cannot completely stop caring for someone close to you! The boundaries change but the love does not! Your ex-husband and family are in my prayers!

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Brigid.... You got it. May the Lord bless you all with the streght to go and get through this, May He bring the comfort of His spirit to you and your children and your Ex. May you all feel and know of His care and His love for you all.

Love thyra

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Guest Guest

Brigid, your ex and your family are in my prayers...

Have you thought that the rocky road was caused by his dementia (sp) .... I know personality changes can be caused by it... The people closest to the sick person usually gets dumped on by the sick person more than anyone else...

Social behaviers also take a back seat when they get upset... (((hugs)))

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Thank you all for your prayers... we are taking this one day at a time.. Bruce, my ex, is out of the intensive care ward now. His memory seems to grow worse daily. No confirmation on the dementia yet. Yes May we have read that his behaviors over the years may have been caused by the trouble he has been experiencing in his brain.

Thanks to all of you...

I will take a break now for a day, we are off to see my brother, he is going on a sailing trip. He is the one with liver cancer. This has been his dream to sail to Mexico, he is on methadone now for the pain, but is doing well and determined to make this trip.

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Thanks guys, Bruce, my ex. is now out of the hospital and is being taken care of by his sister. His heart is stable right now. The dimentia is worse. His mind seems to slip a little more each day. It's very sad for his kids to watching him go through this. Thanks for your prayers.


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