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Thursday again!

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Mornin' ya'll! Today looks to be a regular ol' day with nothing exciting planned. We've had glorious sunshine the past couple of days but today is supposed to be cloudy. I sure 'nuff like that sunshine!


I haven't been able to do any extra work outside because other things keep getting in the way. Pooh. I am still working on the details of the homeschool co-op registrationa and class schedule. My son and I are staying busy with his homeschool studies.


Good news! My older son came home yesterday and said that Maryville College is interested in him playing football for them. They do not have a winning football program but we are looking at all avenues of paying for college. A football scholarship would be great. He has a very high IQ and is very level headed. No sense in wasting that brain! He needs a degree.


Poor hubby is dead meat. He's supposed to be off today but has 5 court cases this afternoon. So much for time off. He is taking vacation days on Saturday and Sunday so he can take the boys on a juvenile deer hunt. This will be the last juvenile hunt the older son will participate in since he'll turn 17 in Feb.


The younger ds has basketball practice again tonight.




Hope everyone has a great day!





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Wow you lucky.... 4 here too but cloudy. Wind chill is horrid. Want to go to the cabin tomarrow Hope the cabin gets plowed out before I get up there. Lots of times our snow plow club has to not only plow out my driveway but the road too. Guess thats worth the $70 a year to join the plow club.

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Beautiful day here. A little cool (about 50 degrees) but clear and no wind. DH was gonna work outside but he's taking Prednisone and it makes him so sleepy and hungry that he didn't get much done. I 'll be glad when he's 100% better. He has spent so much time indoors this winter. I tend to get more done when he's outside working on his projects.


I need to get psyched up for beginning my diet again. I also need to get my crafts completed and my office organized. It seems the older I get, the better I am at procrastinating! LOL

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it's a whole 5 degrees here and cloudy. and we have lots of snow.

Our dogs where out having a gay ole time in the snow; plowing away.

DH isn't been feeling too good lately; we think it is due to the fact that he is cutting out some of his meds(dr is helping) and will be changing over to something else; that will work just as good but cheaper. we hope anyways.

hope everyone has/had a good thursday

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