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Good afternoon. I'm home for lunch.

The weather has been great here this week. Amazing for March.

This is my busy day and I just hang in there until it's over.

Snowmom, Glad the pills are helping you. I think my Mom had a bout with that. Not fun.

Becca Anne, Hope you get that help with Jake and also your other son's problems. Seems like stomach aches are often stress. School can be such a hard place to be depending on class/teacher.

Okay, I just have to say where I work (the department I'm in - it's a whole big campus but the place I'm at all day- has a real nasty little clique thing that rears it's head at times and now is one of those. Not fun to be there when this happens. I'm not the only one who gets the snub but that doesn't make it any more palatable. When my boss notices it she just goes and parks herself in the area they tend to congregate in.


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Snowmom I'm so happy to hear you're feeling somewhat better Hope things get better soon. I'm glad you're boss gets involved even if it's just by standing over their shoulders.


I probably wasn't clear in my post that Max is also being diagnosed with the same condition. I won't get the official word until next tuesday on him, but the psychologist made it pretty clear to me unofficially that her recommendation would be to give him services as well. Anxiety and depression are a huge issue with older children with Autism spectrum disorder.

I know in this case it's not the teacher. He's wonderful, and there are parents in there all the time volunteering including Max's Dr. She has a son in the same class. Based on her recommendation I am going to ask that Max have an aide that works one on one with him.

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Evening everyone


Well I got everyone healthy just in time to get it myself. And I have been soooooooooooo careful, but, when you're cleaning up messes, in the middle of the night, careful isn't exactly on your mind.


I feel tons better now, ate a bit.


Snowmom, I'm glad the meds are working.


BeccaAnne, it's good to know that your school is supportive and will be giving the boys some help. My stepson has been in and out of programs and hospitals and they just keep throwing more meds at his problems. I'm glad to see that there are some schools that make the effort to help! Gives me hope LOL.


I divided 25 pounds worth of flour into 5 lb bags yesterday before I realized I was actually sick, so I'll be throwing all of that in the freezer tonight to kill any "bugs" I may have put into it, LOL. Other than that, I'm just going to hang with the kiddoes, since I spent much of last night away from them.


Night everyone!

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