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Sunday and the sun is shining

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I guess it's a little chilly out for you to sun bathe today Snowie.. maybe just put your face up to the window... and catch a few rays... sunny and beautiful is the forecast for here today.. It's about time since we had rain all week......finished the bathroom on to the baseboards... batheroom is a beautiful light shade of green, with one accent wall a little darker...

Enjoy the day everyone.. back to the grind tomorrow.



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Good morning.

It's a beautiful morning here. Fifty three degrees right now. I just took my walk around the back yard in my bathrobe and garden clogs. We have a fir tree in the back corner that "planted itself" and was too big to remove when we got back here (without a lot of expense). The plus is the birds love it and there was a robin sitting on the very top singing it's heart out. I saw a lone raccoon earlier. I have six daylillies a coworker gave me last year that are looking healthy. Some I didn't get to see bloom last year so this year it will be a treat seeing what they are like. I saw things that really need to be moved - getting too big for their location. I love this quiet time of morning.

Yesterday was unplanned and a lot of fun. I talked DH into taking me over to the quilt show across the river. Bought raffle tickets so at 3:30 today is the drawing. It's a beauty and I sure wouldn't mind it ending up at my house! Our original plan was to come right back home but we changed our mind and drove down the peninsula. We drove on the beach and parked to watch the waves. The tide was high so we didn't go far. Had a good talk about this and that. Sometimes we just have to get blasted out of our routines to do that. Then we looked in a couple of little shops and DH found a picture of a place further down the coast that he just loved and we ended up getting it for him for his birthday next month. Then lunch or "linner" (almost dinner) and home. He did get the lawn mowed.

Snowmom: You have a lot of fun with your family history. Wow! 200 names! DH's cousin recently gave him some family photos. We had only 2 of his grandmother and 1 of his grandfather and now we've seen quite a few. His grandmother looked like a wonderful, warm, happy woman.

Isn't it funny how our weather varies across the country? This is unseasonably warm here.


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Afternoon everyone!


200 names, Snowmom! Wow! My maiden name is page, so searching genealogy is a trick-when I search for my name I get "Welcome to the Wilson genealogy page!" LOL. I've kind of put it on hold for awhile-till the kids get older. It's one of those things that you can't really work at for a few minutes at a time, I think. At least, I can't. I get lost in it!


Today I put up some more of the russets, should have them finished today. It will be so nice to pull them out of the freezer and put the finishing touches on them. Also made some of the cream soup mixes from the Fat Free Cream Soup recipe in this old wood stove. I use them a lot in the crock pot, and DD LOVES cream of chicken soup.


Have 2 loaves of bread rising, and will do two more this afternoon. Think that's about it!


Stayed up late last night playing Monopoly. But at least I won, LOL.


Mommy of 5

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snow all last night and this morning so once again our yard looked just as clean as everyone elses. Then this afternoon the sun shined. haven't done a thing today just sat and relaxed and visit with DH. And talked to DD.

you all have a good evening

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